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Chapter 801 Interstellar Era: General, Bed Wars 18

Chapter 801 Interstellar Era: General, Bed Wars 18
After Xia Yichu walked around, he asked the mantis soldiers to take her back.

After returning, Xia Yichu saw Biaofeng who hadn't seen him for a few days in the room where she and Lu Jiyan lived.

When Xia Yichu saw Biaofeng, his expression was calm, he walked into the room unhurriedly, and even joked to Biaofeng: "Ah, Biaofeng, I haven't seen you for a few days, why are you tanned again?"

Compared with Xia Yichu's calm expression, Biaofeng is much more irritable, and what happened in the past few days also made him lose Xia Yichu's relaxed and good mood.

In the past few days, the human army on the Alliance side launched two attacks against the Zerg. Although Fengfeng took the lead each time, he cheered up the Zerg and boosted everyone's morale.However, everyone played extremely hard at each stop.

Even if there were countless casualties on the Zerg side, they could not escape the result of disastrous defeat.

Just like Xia Yichu has been waiting for Biaofeng to bow his head and compromise these days, the reason why Biaofeng didn't come to Xia Yichu these few days is also waiting for Xia Yichu to bow his head and compromise.

Before Biaofeng, he thought that Xia Yichu would definitely make a move.

But after these few days, Biaofeng realized that he was wrong.

She is the Zerg queen, but the only ones who can help her are her own people.

Since he didn't want to recognize her as the Zerg Queen, how could Xia Yichu help him?
Biaofeng couldn't afford it, and he also didn't dare to waste the life of these mantis soldiers with Xia Yichu.

Watching Xia Yichu come in, Biaofeng lowered his head to Xia Yichu, bent down, and even knelt in front of Xia Yichu.

Biaofeng's expression is from the so-called seriousness and respect. He said to Xia Yichu: "Your Majesty! Please save us who are in dire straits. As long as you defeat the alliance people and return us to peace, Biaofeng swears that you will always be in peace." Follow you! You are the only king of our Zerg!"

When talking, Biaofeng even used honorifics to Xia Yichu.

"Get up, don't just kneel down and talk in front of your subordinates, it's too embarrassing." Xia Yichu said to Biaofeng, bypassed Biaofeng, and walked into the room.

Biaofeng was not angry at all because of Xia Yichu's words, even when he heard Xia Yichu's words, a trace of surprise flashed in Biaofeng's eyes.

Her Majesty, she agreed!

Xia Yichu called Biaofeng in, and Lu Jiyan was also among them, and the three of them began to discuss the future battle.

As for how to deploy troops, Xia Yichu actually didn't know much about it.

She has traveled through so many planes before, but she has never experienced this.

But, fortunately, in Lu Jiyan's study, besides Zerg and medical books, most of them are books on the art of war.

Although Xia Yichu only read a few books, her photographic memory allowed her to engrave the formations and insights in the books in her heart.

Based on these, Xia Yichu simply said a few words in front of Biaofeng who didn't understand anything, and got Biaofeng's adoring eyes with starry eyes.

Biaofeng thought to himself, as expected, he is indeed a child born of the former Queen, with such profound knowledge, no matter what time he looks calm and calm, he has the figure of the former Queen!

Xia Yichu didn't know that with his simple words, he bluffed the [-]-meter-tall Biaofeng.

Xia Yichu is very serious, talking about this matter very seriously, and also working hard to think of a way to defeat the alliance.

But luckily, Xia Yichu had a young and experienced general by his side.

What Xia Yichu said, in case there are any omissions and shortcomings, Lu Jiyan will correct them one by one.

Lu Jiyan would not directly tell Xia Yichu which formation is better, but he would point out what Xia Yichu said one by one, and let Xia Yichu slowly improve the plan she came up with, and then it would become better.

During the discussion between the three, Xia Yichu was talking almost the whole time, while Lu Jiyan slowly added that Biaofeng was the most silent one, and only occasionally when something Xia Yichu said hit his fancy, he would Follow up with a few words.

The three of them discussed in the room for more than two hours, and finally Biaofeng left satisfied.

In the evening, Xia Yichu and Lu Jiyan had dinner together.

When Xia Yichu received this invitation, the scene of Feng Si eating in the spaceship instantly came to mind. Xia Yichu found a random reason and refused without hesitation.

On the second day, Biaofeng was ready to go. Xia Yichu held a huge flag, stood on the high eaves, waved the flag in his hand, and cheered for everyone.

These praying mantis soldiers saw Xia Yichu's movements and the flag in her hand.

Not only these mid-level and low-level praying mantis soldiers, but even Biaofeng didn't understand what Xia Yichu was doing, so please refuel, but she was floating around on the roof with a piece of red cloth, what's going on?
Although I don't understand Xia Yichu's way of cheering, these Zergs undoubtedly have a stronger desire to win a battle because of Xia Yichu's existence.

Biaofeng raised his head and glanced at Xia Yichu, then transformed into an insect shape, and led everyone out majestically.

This can be said to be the first time in the past half a month that the Zerg has taken the initiative to attack people from the alliance.

After the people on the Alliance side noticed the Zerg's attack, they also quickly took precautions and sent troops out to fight.

Soldiers who can go to the battlefield have undergone rigorous training and cooperated with each other tacitly.

And Xia Yichu yesterday, although he told Biaofeng several changes in the formation of the mantis soldiers on the field, but for the mantis soldiers who have been doing whatever they want, waving their two front claws like sickles to cut off the waist of the enemy, they were suddenly affected. Jurisdiction made them not only unaccustomed, but also their movements were not as smooth as before.

This time, the mantis soldiers and the alliance army were gradually at a disadvantage in this battle.

Just when Biaofeng thought they were going to lose again this time,
"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

One after another rhythmic drumming sounds suddenly reached everyone's ears.

The sound of drumming is heavy, and each drum is more powerful than the other.

Every praying mantis soldier couldn't help but paused his movements, looked up and saw a petite figure sitting on the roof of the house, beating the drum she got from who knows where.

Xia Yichu added his own spiritual power to every drumbeat.

Those mantis soldiers just suddenly felt that their bodies were filled with endless strength, and the blood in their bodies was boiling and clamoring, longing for war!Eager to win!

Use their sharp claws to cut through the enemy's body!
Drive the enemies out of their territory!

Swear to defend their homeland!
 [There is a treasure in the comments who likes this Junbao recently, but I feel that what she said is too right. Junbao has been in Kawen for a while, and the more he writes, the worse he writes. satisfy.I will adjust my status. Regarding the relationship between the hero and the heroine, I will definitely not be so procrastinated in the future, and I will not always emphasize the trust between them, because this is a fact that everyone knows!Touch your little boobs~]

(End of this chapter)

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