Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 802 Interstellar Era: General, Bed Wars 19

Chapter 802 Interstellar Era: General, Bed Wars 19
This battle was the most bloody battle the Mantis Soldiers had fought this month.

At this station, from dawn to dusk, the ground was stained red with blood, and the Zerg successfully pushed back the alliance army by 3000 meters.

In just one battle, Xia Yichu established prestige in the hearts of these Zerg.

The praying mantis soldiers are all huge, but they are willing to prostrate in front of that petite figure.

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.

This is what Xia Yichu read in the military book, and she thinks it makes sense.

The morale of the Mantis Soldiers is now high, and the situation is favorable to everyone, so Xia Yichu sent the Mantis Soldiers to attack the alliance army for three consecutive days.

Xia Yichu was still on the roof, beating the drums for three days.

Unknowingly, Xia Yichu has become the faith of these praying mantis soldiers.

They are fighting on the battlefield, as long as they look back, they can see the figure standing on the roof of the roof, then turn around and continue to fight the enemy bravely.

Three consecutive days of victories made Biaofeng and Mantis Soldiers feel good.

At the same time, although Xia Yichu's fighting methods mentioned in the past few days, and the calmness and wisdom she showed, although they were all on paper, they still convinced Biaofeng.

On the night of the third day, Xia Yichu and Lu Jiyan personally led a team of praying mantis soldiers to attack the alliance army's rear defense.

Xia Yichu set fire to their granary, forcing the alliance army to leave here overnight.

The departure of the alliance army officially declared the end of this war.

Biaofeng stood behind Xia Yichu, raised his head, and looked eagerly at the spaceship that was drifting away, with a regretful look on his face, Biaofeng said: "There is a lot of food, if we catch them all, everyone can eat a few of them freely. It's a month!"

Hearing his words, Xia Yichu frowned subconsciously.

Xia Yichu turned to look at Lu Jiyan. She, a Zerg race, felt displeased when she heard Biaofeng's words, and she didn't know what Lu Jiyan would look like.

What appeared now was Lu Jiyan with black eyes. When he noticed Xia Yichu's gaze, Lu Jiyan turned his head to face Xia Yichu with an evil smile.

Xia Yichu felt at ease.

Before Xia Yichu came, during the war between the Zerg and the alliance army, Fengfeng and the others were defeated by the alliance army. Whether it was Fengfeng or the alliance army, they all felt that the winning side this time was the alliance army.

Therefore, the alliance army also transported hundreds of cattle and sheep by air, and raised them behind the barracks, intending to eat them after the Zerg was wiped out, but they didn't expect that Xia Yichu killed halfway and directly reversed the whole battle situation.

Now, the alliance army left in a hurry, and the cattle and sheep that were transported but had no time to take away, instead made the Zerg cheaper.

Xia Yichu asked Biaofeng to send people to drive all these cattle and sheep back, and raise them together with the cattle and sheep raised by the Zerg.

Although no humans were caught, getting so many cattle and sheep made up for Biaofeng's regret.

After Xia Yichu's order, Biaofeng excitedly commanded those mantis soldiers to drive away the cattle and sheep, but Biaofeng didn't know that Xia Yichu actually did it on purpose to give the alliance army a chance to escape here.

When going back, Lu Jiyan asked Xia Yichu: "Those who deliberately let the alliance army go, do you have any other plans in mind?"

"Well, there is one, I don't know if it can be realized." Xia Yichu looked up at the sky, this is what she thought of when she saw the cattle and sheep a few days ago.

If it was an ordinary person, Xia Yichu would definitely not mention a word, but for Lu Jiyan, she didn't want to hide anything.

Xia Yichu told Lu Jiyan about his conjecture that day: "Humans left the earth and came to the Milky Way a hundred years ago. But before that, the Zergs have already lived in the Milky Way. Even without humans, the Zergs can survive. Although they like to eat meat, it doesn't have to be human flesh. Will there be a day when the alliance and the Zerg can reconcile and stop conquering each other?"

"If you think about it, you will." Lu Jiyan stared at the person beside him.

After Xia Yichu healed his legs, he often had intermittent dreams about strange people and things.

Although Lu Jiyan didn't know whose life it was or when it happened, the woman in the picture was very familiar to him.

Lu Jiyan reached out and grabbed Xia Yichu's hand, and couldn't help asking: "Mengmeng, have you ever dated many men?"

"What did you say!?" Xia Yichu's eyes widened, staring at Lu Jiyan in disbelief, his shocked expression was like that of a cat with fur.

Xia Yichu couldn't believe that Lu Jiyan would ask her such a question.

Before meeting the system, she had never liked anyone.

After encountering the system, she never thought about getting involved with other people during the mission. He was the one who kept flirting with her, making her feel like she had eaten poppies. I can't quit, I only see this person in my heart.

Now, how dare he doubt her?

Xia Yichu looked at Lu Jiyan who was speechless by his own question, lifted his skirt, raised his foot and stomped Lu Jiyan's foot fiercely, snorted heavily, then turned and left.

Ten fingers connected to the heart, ten feet connected to the heart, Xia Yichu's kick seemed to be heavy, but it didn't use too much force.

Lu Jiyan jumped twice on the spot, then hurried to catch up, and apologized to Xia Yichu: "Mengmeng, Mengmeng, I know I was wrong, I shouldn't ask you that, don't be angry."

"I'm not angry!" Xia Yichu continued to walk forward with a cold face.

This was the first time Lu Jiyan saw Xia Yichu like this, although she felt that she had lost her usual calmness and was a little childish and cute, but the consequences were tragic.

While Lu Jiyan felt happy that he had discovered another side of Xia Yichu, at the same time he felt anxious because Xia Yichu was angry with him, it was painful and happy.

Xia Yichu's anger this time lasted until the two of them slept at night.

Huge room, but only one bed.

It's not that Biaofeng and the others saw the relationship between Xia Yichu and Lu Jiyan with their piercing eyes, but they knew that Lu Jiyan exuded the Zerg aura, which was actually Xia Yichu's aura, and Lu Jiyan was just picked up by Xia Yichu on the road After becoming a human, Fengfeng and the others automatically regarded Lu Jiyan as Xia Yichu's food reserve.

A reserve food that Xia Yichu will eat when he is hungry, it would be strange for Biaofeng and the others to condescend to prepare a big bed for Lu Jiyan.

And because the big bed in the room can sleep ten Xia Yichu and Lu Jiyan, so neither Xia Yichu nor Lu Jiyan said they would move another bed in.

These few days, Lu Jiyan and Xia Yichu slept on the same bed.

When the two of them were sleeping, Lu Jiyan looked at Xia Yichu's calm face. Apart from Xia Yichu, he had never communicated with other girls, so he couldn't tell if Xia Yichu was still angry.

Lu Jiyan thought for a while, then moved his body towards Xia Yichu.

(End of this chapter)

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