Chapter 811 Your Blood, So Sweet 7
He hugged Xia Yichu in his arms and jumped out of the window.

When the two broke through the window, Xia Yichu felt that Luan Qi had thrown something inside, but was soon blinded by the air flowing outside the window.

Xia Yichu cast a small spell on the two of them to isolate the violent airflow outside.

A pair of black wings spread out from behind Luan Qi, he hugged Xia Yichu and soared high in the air.

Below the two, people were coming and going, and various aboriginal houses were uneven. It turned out to be a densely populated city.

What surprised Xia Yichu even more was that when she looked back at the place where she had been locked up for several days, there were different buildings behind her, but none of them fit her imagination, not even a single house with a small tower and two broken houses Window out of the skylight.

This feeling was as if she and Luan Qi had come to a different time and space.

Luan Qi said to her: "Don't look at it, there is a barrier, what you see outside is different from what you see inside."

She didn't expect this to happen, but Luan Qi was quite familiar with everything in that dark prison.

Xia Yichu let out an oh, and then withdrew his thoughts.

The wings behind Luan Qi fluttered, and she flew to a deserted alley in the city with Xia Yichu in her arms.

Luan Qi put Xia Yichu on the ground, and took back the wings behind her.

"Here, where is it?" Xia Yichu looked left and right.


Luan Qi's answer surprised Xia Yichu, who didn't expect those monsters to tie her directly to Huacheng.

Could it be that the masters of these monsters are the users of the black magic discovered by the Son?
Xia Yichu came back from his thoughts, only to find that Luan Qi had been staring at her with a blank stare, and there was a sense of familiarity in Xia Yichu's deja vu.

"I'm hungry." Luan Qi said to Xia Yichu.

"Didn't you eat it just now?" Xia Yichu looked a little embarrassed, took his hand and shook it, and his eyes fell on his red eyes: "You never know when someone will pass by here, your eyes Can you change the color?"

Luan Qi was very pleased with Xia Yichu's flattering expression, the corners of his lips curled up reservedly, and his eyes changed, turning into the same black as ordinary people.

Xia Yichu didn't know how advanced Luan Qi's cultivation was, but if he didn't judge by the color of his eyes, even Xia Yichu wouldn't be able to feel the vampire aura on him.

Xia Yichu led Luan Qi out of the alley. Huacheng is indeed a first-tier city that can be compared with the capital of God. Needless to say, it is bustling and bustling. People are coming and going on the street.

Xia Yichu took Luan Qi and asked for a superior room in the nearby inn.

When Xia Yichu was doing these things, Luan Qi stood beside her silently, silent, until seeing that Xia Yichu was about to go out with the shop waiter, Luan Qi stretched out her hand and pulled Xia Yichu who was about to step out of the door. Turning around, he closed the door directly, pushing Xia Yichu behind the door.

"Ah, what are you doing?" Xia Yichu exclaimed, and wrapped his hands weakly around his muscular waist.

"Where are you going?" Luan Qi asked a little unhappy
(End of this chapter)

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