Chapter 812 Your Blood, So Sweet 9
"Well, I still have something to do." Xia Yichu opened his eyes and looked at her, although she didn't resist, but her peach blossom face and spring eyes were more attractive than usual.

Luan Qi's heart became hot, and she almost wanted to take off her pants and execute her on the spot.

"What is more important than being with me? Leaving me alone in the inn? I'm so shameless? Huh?" Luan Qi pressed Xia Yichu, still unwilling to let go.

He didn't realize it himself. Although he asked the question with confidence, it was more like jealousy, and he repeatedly questioned the little daughter-in-law who was about to leave her husband to go out.

"How could it be? If I dislike anyone, I won't dislike you. My identity is the saint of the Holy See. This time I came out to look for the Holy Son. And I was taken away by monsters on the way. I don't know who came with me at that time." Where did you go? Although I can't see your identity as a vampire, it doesn't mean that the Holy Son with a higher cultivation level than me can't see it. I'm worried about you." Xia Yichu said slowly, every word, like It was a stream of clear and pure streams, which washed away the jealousy and jealousy in Luan Qi's heart.

The invisible tail behind Luan Qi was obviously so happy that it was about to go up to the sky, but he said reluctantly: "It's just a holy son, so why not even if he knows my existence?"

When Luan Qi said this, a smug look flashed across her eyes, but Xia Yichu didn't notice it.

But since Xia Yichu still cares about other people, then the joy/love this time must be unfinished.

Even though she didn't resist what he did, Luan Qi herself was unwilling.

However, making love doesn't have to be the last step, even if Luan Qi decides not to want Xia Yichu's body for the time being, he will be punished less for Xia Yichu.

After waiting for an hour and a half, Xia Yichu came out of the room, not only his eyes were slightly red, his lips were slightly swollen, even his legs were so weak that he had no strength.

Xia Yichu floated out of the inn and went to the place where Shengzi and the others lived.

The branches of the Holy See spread all over the continent, and places like Hwaseong also established the Holy See.

Xia Yichu hired a carriage and went directly to the Holy See.

On Xia Yichu's body was a jade that represented her status as a saint. When the believers who guarded the gate saw the jade that she was wearing, they knelt down to salute her with expressions of respect.

Xia Yichu raised his hand to tell the two to get up, seeing the haggard faces of the two believers, he casually cast a light spell on them.

A clear and gentle feeling washed over the two of them, and the haggard looking two suddenly felt that they were completely new, and the discomfort on their bodies disappeared immediately.

The two were overjoyed, and wanted to continue to kneel down to Xia Yichu, but Xia Yichu stopped him: "It's just a trivial matter. I heard that the Holy Son is here, so I wonder if you can take me in to introduce him now?"

"This..." The two of them looked a little embarrassed when they heard Xia Yichu's intention. They looked at each other, and then the believer on the left said to Xia Yichu: "Don't tell me, my lord, my lord has been in seclusion for many days. Recently, many nobles came to visit, but all of them were rejected by the Mo Qing committee next to Lord Shengzi."

The Pope said that the Holy Son discovered that someone was using black magic here, so why did he retreat at this time?

A trace of doubt flashed across Xia Yichu's eyes.

But at this moment, Mo Qing who was beside the Holy Son strode towards Xia Yichu.

 Empty car, hahahaha

(End of this chapter)

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