Chapter 813 Your Blood, So Sweet 10
"Mo Qing has met the Holy Maiden." Mo Qing walked up to Xia Yichu and bowed to her.

"Well, where is the Holy Son? Still retreating?" Xia Yichu turned to look at him.

"No, the Holy Son has just left the customs, and I am taking the Holy Maiden to meet him now." Mo Qing said to Xia Yichu.

Now that Mo Qing said so, Xia Yichu naturally followed behind him, passed through the Holy See, and came to the backyard of the Holy See.

Unlike the front hall of the Holy See where people come and go and are enshrined by outsiders, the backyard of the Holy See is quiet and quiet, and there is not a single unnecessary figure in sight.

Mo Qing said to Xia Yichu: "My lord, in fact, the reason why my holy son is retreating this time is because some time ago my holy son was surrounded by high-level monsters. The retreat is just for outsiders. In fact, he has been recovering from illness."

Xia Yichu frowned, he didn't expect the truth to be like this.

"Is the Holy Son seriously injured?" Xia Yichu asked Mo Qing.

"It's not too serious, but all of them were internal injuries. However, the masters of those high-level monsters were also seriously injured by the Holy Son." Mo Qing replied.

The two asked and answered, and soon arrived at the place where the Son lived.

Mo Qing stood in front of the door, stretched out his hand to indicate the inside, and said, "The Holy Son is inside."

"Thank you." Xia Yichu nodded to him, then walked in.

This is obviously a study room, and a crescent-colored figure is sitting in front of the desk, seemingly practicing calligraphy.

When he noticed footsteps, he looked up at Xia Yichu.

Xia Yichu had already seen the face of the Holy Son in Adele Kellogg's room.

Adele Kellogg regards serving the Son as her goal in this life, not only the room where she lives, but even the study room has a portrait of the Son.

The Holy Son has been traveling for two and a half years, but his appearance is very different from the portrait in Adele Kellogg's room.

Son of God is now 21 years old. Both his body and appearance have been fully developed. He has changed from the boy in Adele Kellogg's impression to a handsome young man.

Perhaps the only constant is the way the Holy Son looks at people, gentle and tolerant.When I looked at him, no matter how irritable I was, I could calm down quickly.

Xia Yichu knew that this was partly because of the power of light in him, and partly because of his nature.

In Adele Kellogg's memory, the Son of God at the age of five or six was already very different from children of the same age. He was always wearing a crescent-colored robe, with a smile on his mouth and gentle eyes, neither floating nor floating. Irritable, the whole temperament is soothing, holy but not cold, very friendly.

It is easy to make people feel good at a glance.

Seeing that it was Xia Yichu who came in, Shengzi stood up from the desk and said to Xia Yichu, "Holy Maiden, you are here."

Not only the smile and eyes of this holy son are magical, but even the voice is magical, so gentle that it is ridiculous. Even Xia Yichu has never heard such a beautiful voice. Pregnant sounds.

The Holy Son entertained Xia Yichu and sat down on the side couch, poured a cup of tea himself and put it on the small square table next to her.

Xia Yichu thanked him in a low voice, and then said, "Master Shengzi's injury is better?"

"Mo Qing told you?" Sitting opposite Xia Yichu, Shengzi let out a laugh, and said, "It's just some internal injuries, it's nothing serious."

(End of this chapter)

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