Chapter 816 Your Blood, So Sweet 13
this person……

Xia Yichu blushed watching him teasing him, and didn't know what to say.

But Luan Qi was still thinking about the fact that Xia Yichu didn't have dinner either, so he asked Xia Yichu to eat less pastries, and then went downstairs to bring up a meal himself.

After Luan Qi came up, she took out the meals on the tray one by one, and said to Xia Yichu: "I don't know what you like to eat, so I just ordered some."

"Well, it's okay." Xia Yichu looked at the dishes and said, "It's all what I like to eat."

"Oh? I ordered it, so you like it, right?" Luan Qi's eyes flashed a trace of teasing, and she changed into the indecent look just now.

Xia Yichu rolled his eyes and ignored him.

Vampires are not interested in human food, as long as there is fresh blood, they can maintain their lives, so Luan Qi didn't plan to eat, and only served Xia Yichu's meal alone.

Xia Yichu was a little curious, and asked while eating: "Why are you locked in that dark prison? Besides, I remember that every time that person brought me food, the food box that was sent to you was also food. ah."

It was also for this reason that Xia Yichu always thought that what was imprisoned there was a person, not a vampire.

"Who said that food box was sent to me?" Luan Qi sat on the stool, looking at Xia Yichu with a half-smile.

Xia Yichu was slightly taken aback.

But Luan Qi turned to other topics: "You went to see that holy son today, how do you feel?"

Luan Qi's question was too strange, Xia Yichu couldn't help but put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hand, frowned slightly, and his eyes fell on him, but there was no doubt or doubt in his eyes, but he asked: "You know Is the holy son in the Holy See a fake?"

"Yeah." Luan Qi nodded casually, "I originally wanted to deal with that fake son tonight, but I didn't expect you to recognize him after only seeing him once."

"What's going on here?" Xia Yichu felt that his thoughts were a little confused, how could Luan Qi know that the Holy Son was fake?
Moreover, since the person locked in the dark cell is not Luan Qi, who is it?
Also, Luan Qi was too familiar with the structure of that dungeon.

However, if Luan Qi is the owner of that dungeon, then why would those monsters chase after him?
Each question made Xia Yichu dizzy.

However, Luan Qi whetted Xia Yichu's appetite, he pushed the bowl and chopsticks into Xia Yichu's hands, and said softly: "Don't worry, eat first, and I'll tell you when I'm done."

If Xia Yichu doesn't eat first, Luan Qi is afraid that she won't be in the mood to eat later.

Although Xia Yichu wanted to know what was going on, but Luan Qi put on a look like I won't tell you until you finish the meal, Xia Yichu had no choice but to carry the meal and continue eating.

It's just that Xia Yichu ate a little tasteless, and quickly, it was as if he was stuffing something into his mouth bluntly.

Luan Qi knew that Xia Yichu was angry with him, but he just couldn't get angry. On the contrary, he looked at Xia Yichu's cheeks that were bulging because of the stuffed food, and he was still very interested. He stretched out his finger and poked Xia Yichu That puffy face.

Xia Yichu was almost laughed at by his childish behavior.

It wasn't until after the meal that Xia Yichu threw the bowl and chopsticks away, and said to Luan Qi: "I'm done eating, you can talk now."

"En." Luan Qi responded, and really began to slowly tell Xia Yichu what he knew.

The appearance of the blood race was a long time ago, and at that time, the Holy See was not prosperous.

The blood vampires are rampant and full of evil.

Later, the emergence of the Holy See suppressed the vampires.

Moreover, humans and blood races have also drawn up a peace treaty.

The lifespan of a purebred vampire is actually very long.

Many vampires have chosen to retreat after feeling the boring and boring years.

Luan Qi also chose to retreat at that time.

Of course, the reason for his retreat was simply because he didn't want to drink human blood.

It's not that he has a good heart, but that he feels that human blood is dirty.

But if he doesn't drink human blood, he will die.

That's why Luan Qi chose to retreat.

The prison where Xia Yichu was closed was actually Luan Qi's castle thousands of years ago.

He slept in a coffin, but over the past thousand years, due to the decline of the blood race and the prosperity of the human race, his castle has aged and there is no vampire to stay.

Moreover, the castle was buried underground, and was finally discovered and turned into a dark prison.

And the person who was really locked in the dark prison was actually the real Son of God.

The black magician behind the scenes used some unknown method to forcibly extract the power of light from the Holy Son and transfer it to the false Holy Son.

It's just that the people behind the scenes were too impatient, and the power of light was pumped too much for the first time, which caused the body of the false saint to be unable to bear it, and finally suffered serious internal injuries.

The real Holy Son was locked in the dungeon, his blood flowed down the cracks in the dungeon, and finally dripped onto Luan Qi's sleeping coffin by a strange coincidence.

People with the power of light in their bodies also have the power of light in their blood.

When these powers of light become spells, they are flawed for vampires.But when they are blood, they are a great tonic for vampires, which can enhance the cultivation of vampires.

The power of light in the Holy Son's body is said to be one of the best in the Holy See that can get close to the goddess of light.

In addition, the blood in the Son's body is also very pure and flawless.

This is something that countless vampires are scrambling to get.

Even the sleeping Luan Qi was awakened by the blood of the Holy Son.

But before Luan Qi fell asleep, she made an oath.

The person who can make him willingly drink the other party's blood must be his future woman.

No matter how pure and bright the blood in Shengzi's body was, it was nothing to Luan Qi.

But because the Holy Son woke him up, and the Holy Son was someone who Luan Qi seldom liked, so Luan Qi mercifully granted him a wish.

The Holy Son's wish was not for Luan Qi to rescue him, but for Luan Qi to kill the man behind everything.

"You didn't drink his blood afterwards? That's why you were so weak when I saw you?" Xia Yichu asked after listening.

"Of course, no matter how pure his blood is, I still don't like it." Luan Qi said with a look of disdain.

However, immediately, Luan Qi slipped into Xia Yichu's arms to please her, rubbed her bulging breasts, and said flatteringly: "The only thing that can attract me in this world is you, you are the only one, unique. "

 [On the opinion of this sentence (the person who can make me drink the blood of the other party must be my future woman):
  Luan Qi: You clearly said it will be in the future, but now, it seems that there is no "day" yet?
  Xia Yichu: Kick it away!
  Luan Qi: Bury your chest!
  Xia Yichu: Kick again!
  Stupid Jun: Hide in a corner. 】

(End of this chapter)

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