Chapter 817 Your Blood, So Sweet 18
Luan Qi was happy, and the speed of doing things was also very fast.

After the two packed up, Luan Qi led Xia Yichu towards the dark prison.

He didn't take Xia Yichu in from where the two escaped before, but took Xia Yichu to the backyard of a big family.

In the rockery in the backyard, there is a secret passage leading directly to the dark prison.

The ancestor of the owner of the backyard was Luan Qi's friend in the human world.

This friend knew that Luan Qi was a vampire, and after Luan Qi decided to sleep, this friend often used this secret passage to see Luan Qi sleeping in the coffin.

Until the death of this human being, his generations have been repairing this secret passage.

It is precisely because of this that this secret passage that should not have existed has been left behind.

Luan Qi lurks in with Xia Yichu.

When the two went in, they perfectly avoided the passing maids and servants in the backyard, without alarming anyone.

This secret passage was very long, and Luan Qi walked in with Xia Yichu.

After walking for about half an hour, the two finally walked out of the secret passage and came to a magnificent hall.

Luan Qi led Xia Yichu up the steps in the main hall.

This hall is the castle where Luan Qi once lived. Because of the enchantment, even after a thousand years, it still looks magnificent.

Luan Qi led Xia Yichu all the way to the top floor, and then walked into one of the rooms.

The room was dark in tone, and there was an empty coffin in the middle.

For some reason, when Xia Yichu saw this empty coffin, he felt that it must be the coffin that Luan Qi slept in. . .

Luan Qi's eyes did not fall on the coffin, he walked to the side, knocked on the wall, and then the two floor tiles in the corner of the ceiling of the room moved to the two sides, one left and one right, revealing a square Big mouth.

Luan Qi leaped up with Xia Yichu in her arms.

In this dark cell, Xia Yichu saw the man sitting against the wall at a glance.

This is the real Son.

He looks handsome, with gentle eyebrows and clear eyes.

Even though he was imprisoned here for so many days, even though the power of light from his body was forcibly withdrawn, even though his face was pale and his clothes were messy, even though he was forcibly locked in this dark prison for so many days, he still looked gentle and demeanor Pianpian, without the slightest hint of frustration and panic.

After noticing that the floor tiles in the corner moved to both sides, Shengzi raised his eyes to look there.

As soon as Xia Yichu came up, he met Shengzi's clear and warm eyes.

Xia Yichu's heart instantly calmed down.

"Saint? You can't stay here for long, you'd better leave quickly." The Holy Son spoke to Xia Yichu first.

"Holy Son, aren't you with us?" Xia Yichu looked at him.

"It's too much to scare the snake, I'd better stay here."

The words of the Son are true.

Xia Yichu also thought about it before, but the most important thing now is to follow the vine and find out who is behind the fake son.

Originally, her and Luan Qi's escape from prison had already alarmed the person behind the scenes.Now if the Holy Son is also taken away, it is inevitable that the person behind the scenes will directly rebel, which will be detrimental to the Holy See and cause panic among the people.

But the Holy Son is Xia Yichu's mission target this time, Xia Yichu really doesn't want anything to happen to him.

Xia Yichu stepped forward, trying to persuade the Son of God.

Luan Qi stood on one side, crossed her arms, and leaned against the wall, her eyes fell on Xia Yichu's body, she looked lazy, but she was always secretly paying attention to the movement around her.

Shengzi looked stubborn, even Xia Yichu couldn't persuade him to decide.

After Xia Yichu reluctantly compromised, he asked him some other questions, such as how he was arrested here and so on.

The Holy Son recalled what happened that day, but he didn't hide it, and said to Xia Yichu: "I passed by Yuecheng that day, and found the dark aura here, so I stayed in the Holy See and began to investigate the dark aura. A letter was sent back to the Pope.

Then that night we encountered an ambush in a certain alley, and the other party came aggressively, and there was an ambush long ago. I was seriously injured, and then I was kidnapped here by the other party.

They also absorbed the power of light from me, but I moved some hands and feet, causing the other party to be seriously injured. "

Hearing this, Xia Yichu raised his eyes and looked at him with a little surprise.

He didn't expect that the injury on the false holy son was intentionally caused by the real holy son in front of him.

She thought it was the false holy son who was too impatient.

Xia Yichu also opened his mouth to tell Zhen Shengzi about the outside affairs, and Zhen Shengzi didn't feel any surprise when he heard Xia Yichu mention that there was a person pretending to be him outside, obviously he had already thought of it.

At this moment, Luan Qi who was standing against the wall suddenly straightened up, and said to Xia Yichu, "We should go."

"Is there a monster coming?" Xia Yichu looked back at Luan Qi.

"En." Luan Qi nodded.

Xia Yichu turned his head back and looked at Zhen Shengzi: "Are you really not going with us?"

Zhen Shengzi: "No, the outside things are all up to you."

Since he said so, then Xia Yichu no longer insisted.

Xia Yichu got up and walked to Luan Qi's side, Luan Qi hugged her by the waist, and jumped directly from the opening where the two of them just came up.

Luan Qi raised her hand and knocked on the wall, and the two stone slabs moved back to their original places.

Xia Yichu and Luan Qi returned along the secret path they had just come to.

When returning, the speed was faster than when they first came, and then the two came out of the rockery when there was no one in the backyard, and directly climbed over the wall and left.

Although Shengzi did not agree to come out with her this time, Xia Yichu's trip was not in vain.

At least, she saw the current situation of the Holy Son, which was much better than she imagined.

Xia Yichu and Luan Qi were walking on the street. At the beginning, their expressions were natural.

But later, Xia Yichu clearly felt that someone was following them behind.

Xia Yichu glanced at Luan Qi, their eyes met, and they both understood the meaning in each other's eyes.

Neither Xia Yichu nor Luan Qi cared about the tails behind them. At this time, the only person who could send someone to follow them was the person behind the scenes who hadn't shown up.

Xia Yichu and Luan Qi went back to the inn. At the gate of the inn, a person was waiting there early.

He is the number one close-knit Stoudemire next to the false Son of Heaven.

As soon as Mo Qing saw Xia Yichu's figure, he immediately greeted him, handed over the post in his hands, and said to Xia Yichu with a respectful expression: "Mr. Accepted, I will send a carriage to pick you up tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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