Chapter 822 Your Blood, So Sweet 24
Luan Jiu is different from Luan Qi.

Although two people share one body and one soul, their personalities and actions are completely different.

Luan Qi, as the main personality, was a bit joking and disrespectful. When she laughed, her eyebrows and eyes were raised, showing an evil look.

Luan Jiu, on the other hand, should be more silent and stern.

When Luan Qi was on the bed, she always liked to deliberately torture Xia Yichu, intentionally made Xia Yichu's heart itch, and after her body couldn't bear it anymore, she lured Xia Yichu to say some outrageous words.

But not Luan Jiu, Luan Jiu would only carry Xia Yichu onto the bed, quickly take off their clothes, and then do it in silence!

He didn't have as many tricks as Luan Qi, but he bluntly expressed his possessiveness and domineering towards Xia Yichu.

Every time Xia Yichu would be made to doubt his life by him, in the end he couldn't bear to be fainted by him.

However, although Luan Jiu worked hard when doing it, after finishing, he would not only wash Xia Yichu's body, but even use the power of light on his body to heal Xia Yichu's tiredness and soreness after the exercise. .

When the two were in the inn, the false holy son in the Holy See also received the news that Xia Yichu had safely left Prince An's Mansion.

The false holy son was sitting on the couch with the doors and windows closed. In front of the false holy son, a guard with a respectful expression was half kneeling.

But this guard was not Mo Qing, the personal servant next to the false saint, but another stranger, whom Xia Yichu had never met before.

He had no expression on his face, and in a low voice, he reported to the false Son one by one, all of which were actually what happened to Xia Yichu and Luan Qi in Prince An's Mansion.

"You actually escaped..." After listening to his subordinate's report, the false holy son had a pensive look across his gentle brows.

The number of monsters sent out this time is quite large, and the strength of the two vampires is not weak. If they face the previous saint, they should not be able to win, but this time the saint has been locked in a dark prison for so long. The power of light should not have recovered so quickly. The two vampires should be more than able to deal with the current saintess. How could the saintess come out of Prince An's mansion unharmed.

The false Holy Son's eyes darkened, and he asked the subordinate who was kneeling in front of him, "Can you see clearly the scene of the Holy Maiden and the others fighting?"

"This... this subordinate never did." The guard shook his head, and said without any concealment: "At that time, this subordinate also wanted to follow up closely, but found that the person who accompanied the saint to the Prince An's mansion had a certain aura on his body. It's strange. The subordinate was almost discovered by him, so he followed him from a distance and didn't follow him at close range." So, he didn't see that it wasn't the two vampires that Xia Yichu defeated, but Luan Qi defeated.

"There's another thing." The fake saint son murmured, and suddenly remembered, it seemed that when Mo Qing replied yesterday, he also said that beside the saint, there was a slender and handsome man.

Could it be that the saint was able to escape today because of that man who helped her?
The false holy son narrowed his eyes slightly, with a dangerous expression on his face, he said, "Go and find out the identity of that man, and notify me as soon as you find out."

"Yes, this subordinate obeys." The subordinate responded, and quickly disappeared into the room in a flash.

The false holy son sat alone in the room, and he didn't know what he was thinking of. There was a gloomy look in those eyes that should have been gentle, and he said, "Saint, Holy See, don't even think about it." escape!"


After half a month, the revision of the article was completed, and all the 15 words of meat were deleted.Start updating today.

But I estimate that few people may be watching.

I don’t know if the little fairies who are still watching remember the previous plot, anyway, let me write faster in this plane.

Well, thank you all for waiting.

(End of this chapter)

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