Chapter 823 Your Blood, So Sweet 25
This mission is different from the previous ones.

Besides Luan Qi, beside Xia Yichu, there was no one else he could trust.

When Xia Yichu came to Huacheng, she was not familiar with it.And now the Holy See is also controlled by that false Holy Son, without evidence, Xia Yichu can't expose him.

What's even more troublesome is that, behind the false Son of God, there is a behind-the-scenes murderer who advises him and controls the direction of all these things.

This time, Xia Yichu felt a little helpless.

The false holy son and the person behind the scene wanted to get rid of her very much, so after returning from Prince An's mansion, there was nothing else to do, so Xia Yichu never left the inn.

Although the inn is not an iron wall and has no security guarantee, it is better than the large number of people.

Xia Yichu made up his mind that after the fake saint son and the others did such a thing as replacing the civet cat with the prince, they definitely didn't want this matter to be widely publicized, so even if they wanted to kill her, they would only solve it secretly.

Otherwise, if there is no 100% chance that they will attack Xia Yichu, it is hard to guarantee whether Qi Xia Yichu will die and tell their secret directly.

Fortunately, Xia Yichu made the right bet.

She and Luan Qi stayed in the inn for a few days, and no one bothered them, but occasionally there would be some undetectable poison in the food or tea given to them by the waiter in the inn.

These poisons may be difficult for ordinary people to detect, but in front of Xia Yichu, they are not enough to see.

A few days later, a post came up from Prince An's Mansion.

After the last banquet, Xia Yichu didn't contact King An again.

However, what Xia Yichu said before he left was remembered by An Wang in his heart.

In the past few days, King An has been looking for clues of monsters and vampires.

In his perseverance, now finally there are some traces.

The last time Xia Yichu was assassinated seemed to be related to the people in the palace.

But after all, they are monsters and vampires. It is already very good that An Wang can find out this place.

After all, he is only a person and cannot sense the breath of monsters, so Xia Yichu needs to do it himself for the next search.

And the palace just happened to hold a banquet recently, so King An sent someone to send a post to Xia Yichu.

With this post, Xia Yichu can also go to the banquet.

For the post sent by Wang An, Xia Yichu knew that he needed it now, so he didn't refuse.

Instead, Xia Yichu returned a gift to King An, which was a jade slip containing the power of light. If King An was attacked by monsters, at critical moments, this jade slip could save King An three times.

Through this time of you coming and going, the alliance front between Xia Yichu and An Wang has finally been determined.

On the day when the palace held a banquet, Xia Yichu took Luan Qi, and the two went to the palace together in a carriage.

Xia Yichu has done so many missions, past, present, and future, in all kinds of worlds.

Similarly, the number of times she has been to the palace is not to mention.

However, Xia Yichu was the first time to see such a glamorous palace.

The same red bricks and green tiles, the same carved railings and painted buildings, water pavilions and terraces.

But the palace gives people the feeling that apart from the grandeur, there is another kind of majestic momentum hidden in it.

Xia Yichu went a little late.

As soon as she entered, the party began.

The emperor and the empress came hand in hand. Both of them were dressed in bright yellow formal attire, and they were meticulous in their attire.

Everyone knelt down and saluted the two of them.

The emperor laughed and told everyone to be flat.

When passing by Xia Yichu, the emperor suddenly noticed her.

The emperor stood still in front of Xia Yichu, his eyes fell on Xia Yichu's delicate and holy face, his brows were slightly frowned, just when he was about to speak, King An popped up from some corner, stood between the emperor and Xia Yichu, and spoke Said: "Father, you may not have seen her, she is the saint of the Holy See - Adele Kellogg, I invited her to come to the palace banquet."

"It turned out to be a saint, no wonder it gives people a different feeling." After King An said this, the confused look on the emperor's face disappeared instantly.

"Adai has met the emperor and the queen." Xia Yichu insisted on Adai.Kellogg's character design saluted the emperor and queen in the way of the Holy See.

The emperor kept smiling and raised his hand to support her.

Xia Yichu's episode did not affect the progress of the palace banquet. After a short greeting, the emperor and empress sat on the high chairs.

The palace banquet started, and Xia Yichu sat alone on a long table.

Originally, she was supposed to be sitting with a fake saint son. That day, King An not only gave her an invitation card, but also gave an invitation card to the fake saint son, but the fake saint son refused An Wang's post.

The sound of silk and bamboo came up leisurely, and after three rounds of drinking, everyone gradually relaxed from the previous restraint, and then became more casual.

Xia Yichu slowly savored the delicacies on the table, while Luan Qi, who had been following her every step of the way, disappeared from behind Xia Yichu at some point.

This time Luan Qi entered the palace as Xia Yichu's bodyguard.

A little guard with a very low sense of existence and very inconspicuous, no one paid attention to his traces at all.

After three rounds of drinking, Luan Qi appeared behind Xia Yichu.

"How is it?" Xia Yichu turned his head to look at him and asked silently.

"Southeast, Promise Palace." Luan Qi's thin lips parted slightly, and she didn't speak, but Xia Yichu understood the language of his lips.

I didn't expect it to be the Promise Palace.

Xia Yichu turned his head, looked at the delicious food on the table in front of him, but his thoughts were a little wandering, and Luan Qi also stood behind Xia Yichu loyally.

The main purpose of King An giving Xia Yichu this opportunity to enter the palace is to let Xia Yichu find out who is manipulating those monsters.

But in order not to startle the snake, Xia Yichu and Luan Qi discussed it, and decided to let Luan Qi investigate secretly.

Luan Qi is a thousand-year-old vampire herself, and she is very sensitive to the breath of other vampires.

And the sub-personality Luan Jiu in his body possesses pure power of light, and is very sensitive to the dark aura of monsters.

So, leave this matter to Luan Qi.

Xia Yichu was particularly relieved.

But now, after Luan Qi went out to investigate, she found some unusual auras in Wuji Palace.

Even though these auras were faint, Luan Qi still found out.

King An's seat was opposite to Xia Yichu's. Perhaps, he was the only one in the banquet who noticed Luan Qi's departure.

His gaze flicked across Xia Yichu's body from time to time, seemingly inadvertently, but there were traces to follow.

Until, Xia Yichu nodded to him.

(End of this chapter)

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