Chapter 824 Your Blood, So Sweet 26
At the banquet, there was a lot of wine and wine, and when everyone was done eating, the queen suggested, "Your Majesty, everyone is eating and drinking enough, and the concubines have even prepared fireworks, why don't you invite everyone to go to the star picking platform to enjoy it?"

Regarding the following fireworks link, in fact, even the emperor himself didn't know about it.

Originally, he thought that this banquet would be the same as the previous ones, eating and drinking, even boring.It turned out that the queen unexpectedly prepared such a big surprise for him.

Fireworks were still very rare at this time. Although the emperor had seen them, they were not common.

Immediately, after hearing the queen's proposal, the emperor laughed a few times: "The queen has a heart. If that's the case, then all the lovers, bring your family members to pick the stars and the moon to enjoy the fireworks."

The emperor spoke, and naturally no one dared not obey.

With the emperor and empress leading the way, everyone followed the emperor and empress to the platform for picking stars.

The Star Reaching Platform is not far from the place where the banquet is held, and it is only a few steps away.

The Star Reaching Platform is not small, but not everyone can stand on it.Except for the royal relatives and relatives, only officials who are above the third rank have the honor to lead their families to stand on the star picking platform, and the rest of the people all stand on the ground below to watch.

The fireworks exploded in full bloom, and exploded high in the air with a bang, and then exploded various colorful fireworks inside.

Although the fireworks were only short-lived, the beauty remained in everyone's hearts.

Fireworks are a rarity in this era, and I'm afraid you can't see them once a year.

Not only the emperor and queen, but even all the civil and military officials are looking up at the dazzled Fanghua at this moment.

For Xia Yichu, this firework is not a rare thing, after she took a look at it twice, she lost interest.

And Luan Jiu, who was next to her, kept her eyes on Xia Yichu's body, looking at her increasingly delicate face against the backdrop of the lights, her eyes were deep.

Everyone was looking up at the fireworks blooming in the sky, and there were exclamations from everyone's mouths from time to time.At this moment, Xia Yichu suddenly felt something was wrong.

There are many people who came to the banquet today, looking down from the star picking platform, the crowd below is densely packed.

However, Xia Yichu keenly noticed that some people were approaching the star picking platform with small steps.

At the beginning, Xia Yichu didn't react, until he saw the cold light flashing under the long sleeves of one of them, some superfluous things suddenly flashed in Xia Yichu's mind, and when she was about to speak loudly to remind everyone that there was As the assassin, Wang An's voice next to her called out one step ahead of her.

King An shouted: "There are assassins! Everyone be careful!"

When Wang An yelled, it not only alarmed everyone who was watching the fireworks, but also alarmed those assassins!
Those assassins didn't bother to hide when they saw that they were discovered. They directly showed their weapons and leaped in the air. Before the guards could react, they held up the long sword in their hands. Facing the emperor, he said, "Emperor Dog, your dog's life will be killed today!"

After all, they all attacked the emperor.

"Hurry up! Escort! Escort!"

Several eunuchs and ministers standing next to the emperor quickly protected the emperor behind him, while General Huwei standing next to the emperor directly drew out the long sword from the waist of the guard next to him, and got entangled with the assassins.

For a moment, there were continuous screams of panic, which were also accompanied by the sound of cold weapons colliding together.

After all, this is the palace, and the guards of the palace have always been strict. Soon, the imperial guards patrolling around noticed that something was wrong here, and came to support them one after another.

The ministers and family members who were under the Xingxing stage had already hid aside at this moment. With the joining of the imperial guards from all walks of life, the originally evenly matched assassins gradually gained the upper hand.

Seeing assassins die one after another under the hands of the imperial guards, the leader of the assassins who spoke harshly just now was obviously a little anxious.

The cultivation base on his body suddenly soared, and the strong fluctuating aura around him directly shook the General Huwei who was fighting him to the side.

The murderous leader's gaze focused on the emperor, and he roared angrily: "Emperor dog, even if I die here today, I will drag you into hell!"

Everyone was frightened by what he said, but what frightened everyone even more was the aura that bloomed from his body. It was too strong and terrifying, and the killing intent was too strong.

The imperial guards and guards tried to stop him one after another, but they were all blown away by him like a pebble hitting a stone.

The strong aura of the assassin leader almost made the eunuchs and ministers standing in front of the emperor kneel down. They wanted to run away, but they dared not.

Regardless of whether the emperor escaped this catastrophe today, if they left now, it would be a death penalty.

Everyone looked at the leader of the assassins in horror, and Wang An didn't know where he came from. He opened his arms to block the emperor, and shouted aggressively: "If you want to kill my father, you must first kill me!" Step over my dead body!"

"Out of control." The leader of the assassins sneered disdainfully, just when he was about to give Wang An a good time and let him see Hades earlier, a white light suddenly fell from the sky.

When this white light appeared, everyone felt the holy aura emanating from the white light.

Anyone who has been to the Holy See, or has been baptized by the Light Art of the Holy Son and the Holy Maiden will know that everything contained in this white light is holy power that is beneficial to the human body.

Then, under everyone's eyes, this white light landed on the leader of the assassins.

Being bestowed with the technique of light was originally a very comfortable and enjoyable thing for anyone.However, when the white light landed on the leader of the assassins, the leader of the assassins seemed to be burned. At first, he resisted for a while, and finally dropped the weapon in his hand, screaming in pain.

Xia Yichu, who released the light technique, stood in a corner.

She was wearing a white robe, holding a scepter in her hand, standing tall, with exquisite appearance, indifferent expression, and noble temperament, like a snow lotus blooming on a high mountain, even if she stood in a dark corner, she couldn't hide it. The peerless youth in her body.

Xia Yichu didn't bear the pain of the leader of the assassins screaming in pain. She didn't even frown. After screaming in pain on the ground a few times, his face was ferocious, his eyes were like a ghost, he gave Xia Yichu an unwilling look, and finally turned into a black mist.

And the white light released by Xia Yichu directly swallowed the black mist, and everything returned to the silence like water.

(End of this chapter)

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