Chapter 831 Your Blood, So Sweet 33
Just now, the old nanny had a light figure, and she jumped over the wall and went out.

Xia Yichu followed closely behind.

But when she climbed over the wall and came out, not only did she see the old mama who had been tied into rice dumplings, but she also saw the two people standing beside the old mama.

Those two people were a man and a woman, the man was tall and tall, the woman was exquisite, one was as warm as jade, and the other was as indifferent as ice.

It turned out to be the pope and the priest.

A look of surprise flashed across Xia Yichu's eyes, and he quickly stepped forward: "Pope, priest, why are you here?"

"Sorry, Holy Maiden, we actually came three days earlier." The Pope raised his hand, touched Xia Yichu's head gently, and said, "Since receiving your letter, our spies from the Holy See have also come here." I came back with some superstitions. I guessed that this matter might not be too simple, so I sneaked here with the priest, in order to scare the snake, so we have been paying attention to you secretly. Holy lady, you are more than I imagined. Not bad!"

Faced with the pope's unabashed praise, Xia Yichu, who has traveled through so many worlds, blushed once in a while.

"It's okay, this is what I should do as a saint." Xia Yichu said to the Pope.

Inside the high wall, another person emerged, who seemed to be Luan Qi who had already dealt with those monsters.

Luan Qi didn't expect to encounter such a scene when he came out. He narrowed his eyes slightly, and after feeling the light divine power on the Pope and the priest, he vaguely guessed the two in his heart. identity of.

Luan Qi leaned against the wall with her arms folded, she had no intention of coming forward to say hello at all.

He still remembered his identity as a vampire, even if he liked Xia Yichu, Xia Yichu was the only one who could accept it.

Since Luan Qi was able to recognize the identities of the pope and the priest, the pope and the priest actually knew his identity as a vampire the first time Luan Qi appeared.

However, the Pope, who had always hated vampires very much, did not attack vampires this time for the first time.

Even when he saw Luan Qi, the warm smile on his face didn't change at all.

And Xia Yichu felt a lump in his heart, since the Pope and the others had been here for several days, wouldn't they already know about the matter between him and Luan Qi?

Xia Yichu clenched her hands into fists, and she had already decided in her heart that if the Pope made a move, even if she couldn't beat the Pope and the priest, she would try her best to escape here with Luan Qi.

But the facts proved that Xia Yichu was simply overthinking.

Regardless of whether it was the pope or the priest, although they knew Luan Qi's identity, they did nothing.

Even when the pope dragged the old nanny away, he said to Xia Yichu: "Saint, the friend you picked is very good, don't worry, we won't interfere with your personal affairs, the scope of your friendship is free." Yes. As for the Holy Son, you don’t have to worry. He was rescued by me and the god priest an hour ago, and the false Holy Son has also been taken into custody by our people. You can rest assured to stay in the palace and have fun. "

After the pope finished speaking to Xia Yichu, he and the priest dragged the old lady away.

It wasn't until their figures disappeared that Luan Qi came forward slowly.

He touched Xia Yichu, and casually asked in a suit: "Adai, what did the old man say just now?"

"It's so close, you didn't hear what he said?" Xia Yichu gave him a weird look, "Also, that's our Pope, not some old man, in terms of age, you are more than 1000 years older than him ..."

The corners of Luan Qi's mouth were originally raised, but after hearing Xia Yichu's words, his expression froze slightly, then he squinted his eyes, and moved closer to Xia Yichu: "Actually, you said that on purpose, right? Look, the two of us Standing together is so good. Also, what he said just now means that he agrees with us to be together?"

"Whether he agrees or not, aren't we all together now?" Xia Yichu took advantage of the situation and put his head on his neck, rubbing it with nostalgia.

Luan Qi stretched out her hand to hug her, like a wolf cub being shunned, her mouth was always vicious, but at this time her tone became gentle and soft: "That's different, if they are because of me If you object because of your identity, you will feel sad to death."

His words seemed to be just casual, but they directly fell into Xia Yichu's heart.

In fact, Xia Yichu knows better than anyone else that he is such a paranoid and stubborn person.

He does whatever he wants, and never cares about other people's opinions.

But after going through so many worlds, even though he has no memory of the past between the two of them every time, Xia Yichu still keenly discovers that he has changed a bit.

This change is for her.

He will not force her to do something he wants because of his own desire and liking.

He began to respect her, and he also began to understand empathy.

Xia Yichu's heart was so soft that she reached out and hugged him back, as if she had exhausted all her strength, this was the first time she wanted to embed her whole body into his body.

Xia Yichu raised his head and took the initiative to kiss him on the cheek, as if he was answering his words, but it seemed to be swearing to someone: "No, even if I don't want to be a saint, I will not give up on you."

Luan Qi keenly felt Xia Yichu's emotional outburst at that moment just now. Although he didn't know what was going on, he knew that her change was due to him.

As long as she opens her mouth to say a word, she can easily make him feel the sweetness that he has never experienced before.

Luan Qi didn't speak, but just lowered her head, kissed her soft lips, and then slowly deepened the kiss.

(End of this chapter)

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