Chapter 832 Your Blood, So Sweet 34
The next day, Xia Yichu got up early.

Although the mastermind behind all this has been caught, the gangsters and underlings under the old mother have not been completely eliminated.

What happened last night was simply extraordinary progress for Xia Yichu's mission.

Since the True Son has been rescued by the Pope and the others, it means that more than half of her mission has been completed.

Xia Yichu did not go out of the palace immediately to see the Son of God, but stayed in the palace and searched the palace diligently.

Now that you have agreed to the emperor, you must do your best.

After Xia Yichu's rigorous search, she really caught some monsters in the huge palace.

These monsters are the undercover agents arranged by the old mother in the palace. After Xia Yichu catches them, if you can save them, then save their lives. Eliminate directly.

It was not until more than a week later that Xia Yichu left the palace with a lot of rewards from the emperor.

The pope and priests have not left yet.

During Xia Yichu's stay in the palace for more than a week, the Pope and the others did not sit idle, using their confidantes to investigate the Holy See.

Fortunately, because every Holy See will have a statue of the Goddess of Light, and the Holy See is full of light, which the monsters cannot bear, so there are not many people in the Holy See who have their bodies occupied by monsters.

As for the maid who betrayed Xia Yichu back then, it was an exception.

Because she was raised by the old mother since she was a child, even if her body was not occupied by monsters, she still surrendered to the old mother and worked for the old mother secretly.

That maidservant, the Pope and the others have already locked her up alone, and they are waiting for Xia Yichu to solve it himself after returning.

There was also the matter of the false holy son. That day the pope and priests came to Huacheng and sneaked into the Holy See. After seeing the false holy son for the first time, they found that he was a fake.

And now this counterfeit was imprisoned in the dungeon by the pope early on.

Although this counterfeit has been deliberately imitating the words and deeds of the real Holy Son, his state of mind will never be comparable to that of the real Holy Son.

The Pope and the others hadn't started to interrogate him yet. The imposter seemed to know that his situation was over, and he took the initiative to entertain the Pope and others with the ins and outs of this matter.

It turned out that he was actually the first son of the current emperor, that is, the former prince who was abandoned a few years ago.

Speaking of which, there was actually a reason why he was abolished back then.

Before the first prince, he was actually one of the many believers in the Holy See. As long as he had time, he would go out of the palace to worship the Buddha in the Holy See and receive the baptism of the divine power of light.

Until, the old nanny found out that his appearance was very similar to that of the Holy Son, to the point of confusing the real one.

The old nun found him and told him that she wanted to occupy the Holy See.

At that time, the former prince only felt that it was too deviant, so he immediately rejected the invitation of the old nanny.

It's just that this old nanny has her eyes on his... appearance.

Since the ex-prince would not eat fine wine when toasting, she took advantage of one of the ex-prince's weaknesses to threaten him.

The prince has been in the hands of the old mother ever since.

Even, in order to have more time to imitate the words and deeds of the real son, the former prince was forced by the old mother to take the initiative to resign from the position of the prince with the emperor.

After all, the former prince was actually a victim.

But he is also a villain.

Although the True Son was rescued, he was kept in a dark prison for too long after all, and was forcibly withdrawn from the power of light several times.

The body is not as good as before, and the divine power of light that has been drawn out cannot be absorbed back.

The old nanny used the forbidden technique for the former prince, so he was able to forcibly extract the divine power of light from the real son.

The Pope was very worried about the Son's health, but on the contrary, the Son himself didn't care much about his physical condition.

Obviously the one who endured all the pain was the Holy Son, but in the end, it turned out that the Pope was sad, and the Holy Son came to comfort the Pope.

The old nanny and the other monsters and vampires that were searched out were all dealt with in private by the pope and the priest.

As for the false holy son, after considering his identity, the pope personally handed him over to the emperor, and did not hide the truth from the emperor, directly telling the whole story about what he and the old mother had done.

As for the emperor's preparations to deal with the former prince, that is their royal family's business.

After everything was settled, the pope and priest set off to return to the headquarters of the Holy See.

Xia Yichu also wanted to go back, Luan Qi followed her and went back with her.

Knowing Luan Qi's help to Xia Yichu and Luan Qi in Huacheng before, even though Luan Qi was a vampire, the pope and priests did not expel him, and even treated him as a guest of honor.

Although Luan Qi was not afraid of the divine power of light, vampires were born with a very contradictory aversion to the divine power of light.

After Xia Yichu went back, he moved out of the Holy See and lived with Luan Qi.

After the 233 system, which had disappeared for a long time, knew what she had done, it was still whispering in her ear: "Master, you can't do this, have you forgotten that you can't destroy people? Have you forgotten the original owner's plan?" Is the wish to assist the True Son for the rest of his life?"

Xia Yichu ignored it.

Whatever it said, Xia Yichu didn't make a sound.

Xia Yichu certainly did not forget these things.

However, she also can't forget the pain when she lost the bug.

She also thought that the task was important before, but it wasn't until she lost him that she realized that the reason why she valued the task so much was that she could keep doing it.

Because as long as she keeps doing tasks, she can always see him.

If you can't be with him even if you are doing the mission, then why is she still doing the mission so diligently?
Xia Yichu held these words in his heart, and didn't say a word to the system.

She found the pope and told the pope that she had been thinking about it for a while. She wanted to resign as a saint.

Listening to her request, the Pope looked surprised: "Saint, haven't you been doing well all these years? Why are you leaving all of a sudden?"

As he said that, before Xia Yichu could reply, he seemed to have thought of something, chuckled lightly, and said gently to Xia Yichu: "It must be because of Luan Qi."

"Well, yes. His identity is destined to have nothing to do with the divine power of light. I don't want him to force himself so much." Xia Yichu nodded and expressed his thoughts frankly.

Of course, the most important thing is that in her love with Bug, Bug pays more every time.

She also always wanted to pay something for Bug.

(End of this chapter)

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