Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 834 The Ancient Farm Family Gets Rich 1

Chapter 834 The Ancient Farm Family Gets Rich 1
Xia Yichu went back to the three thousand planes.

Her personal information is displayed on the screen:

[Host information:
Name: Xia Yichu
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Appearance: 79
Intelligence: 76
Sounds: 74
Temperament: 78
Stamina: 77
Lucky: 55
Skills: "Yi Jin Jing", western medicine, medicine and poison, the way of doing business, the guardian of the dragon, the bone of the resentful spirit, the death of blood relatives.

Reward: A lot, already placed in the system backpack, for details, click [View]
Number of tasks completed: 24
Available credits: 30000
Amount of merit: 54000
Assignable points: 5]

Xia Yichu had been pulled away from her emotions just now, her gaze paused for a few seconds on the last skill, and then she opened her mouth and said to the system: "This mission is considered completed?" After all, she was already prepared for the mission to fail. up.

"Hmm!" The system responded arrogantly. In fact, she was very disapproving of Xia Yichu's resignation as a saint, and now thinking about it, she feels angry.

The system said to Xia Yichu: "The client last time, her wish is to punish the traitor, follow the Son, and then become a god priest, and assist the Son for the rest of her life.

After you went, you changed the fate of Adai's tragic death, exposed the conspiracy of those bad guys to the sun, and let them get the retribution they deserved.

Although the Holy Son you assisted in the end was not the previous Holy Son, there was a reason for that.And more importantly, the original owner wanted to reflect his own value and repay the Holy See for his kindness in nurturing him.

As for who the Son of God is, she doesn't really mind. "

"Yeah." Xia Yichu nodded, she glanced at the screen again, and then walked towards the teleportation array: "The five-point distribution points help me focus on my physical strength."


The last one who responded to Xia Yichu was the system's accent with a strong native dialect.

The night was quiet, and there was no starlight in the entire small village.

In order to save kerosene, every household in the village hastily cleaned up before dark, and went to bed early when it was dark.

Xia Yichu got out of bed in the dark. She moved carefully, without making a sound, and also without disturbing her sleeping siblings. She found her shoes and put them on, then opened the door and walked out.

The night was bleak, and the bright moonlight poured down. Xia Yichu saw the few things in the small courtyard behind his eyes, and when he walked along the eaves to Liu Xia's room, he saw the faint light inside as expected.

Faintly, Xia Yichu could still see a thin woman sitting in front of the oil lamp through the gap of the papered window, lowering her head and carefully sewing the embroidered handkerchief in her hand.

After Xia Yichu reached out and rubbed his slightly sore eyes, he raised his hand and patted the door.

Liu Xia suppressed her sleepiness and lowered her head to embroider the embroidered handkerchief in her hand.

When she heard the slight knock on the door, Liu Xia raised her head and looked towards the door, thinking that it must be her illusion.

It's late at night, who doesn't sleep and knocks on the door?
However, when she heard the soft "mother", Liu Xia's expression changed, and she immediately put down the things in her hands, got up and walked quickly to the back of the door, and took off the latch.

The door was opened by Liu Xia from the inside, and through the crack, Liu Xia saw the ten-year-old girl standing outside at a glance.

Liu Xia's expression changed, she quickly opened the door and pulled the person in from the outside.

"It's so late at night, what are you doing here without sleep?" Although Liu Xia's tone was stern, she couldn't hide the concern in her eyes.

Liu Xia reprimanded Xia Yichu in a low voice, while grabbing her hand, warming her two cold little hands, looking down, seeing that Xia Yichu came out after putting on his shoes, Liu Xia's expression was also different. It was so ugly just now.

Since Xia Yichu was caught by her, he has been silent.

Xia Yichu didn't raise her head until Liu Xia finished her rebuke in a soft voice. On her thin and small face, there was fear and panic at her age.

Xia Yichu grabbed Liu Xia's clothes and said in a trembling voice, "Mother, I'm scared, I want to sleep with you. I dreamed that those people came to arrest us."

The toughness on Liu Xia's face softened instantly when she saw the tears in Xia Yichu's eyes.

Liu Xia bent down and hugged Xia Yichu in her arms, and led her to the bed: "There is nothing to be afraid of, mother still has some things to do, you sleep with sister first, mother is here to watch over you."

"No, no, I want you to sleep with me."

Seeing that Liu Xia was about to put her on the bed, Xia Yichu didn't care about face, he directly grabbed Liu Xia's clothes, like a child playing tricks, constantly twisting his body, but refused to go down.

"Keep your voice down, don't wake up your eldest sister." Liu Xia glanced at Su Mei who was sleeping on the other side of the bed, and quickly hugged Xia Yichu back into her arms.

Xia Yichu was tearful and stopped talking, but the hand holding Liu Xia's clothes did not relax at all.

Seeing her like this, Liu Xia hesitated.

On the one hand, she loves her daughter.But on the other hand, her embroidered handkerchief is not finished yet.

Liu Xia hugged Xia Yichu, looked back at the semi-finished products on the table, and finally compromised: "Okay, okay, don't cry, I'll sleep with you."

As Liu Xia said, she put Xia Yichu on the bed, then blew out the oil lamp on the table, and lay down on Xia Yichu's body in the dark.

Liu Xia had to do farm work during the day and embroider at night. She was already exhausted. As soon as she lay on the bed, she fell into a deep sleep within a few breaths.

On the contrary, Xia Yichu, who was sleeping next to her, slowly opened those bright black eyes after realizing that Liu Xia was asleep.

This time, Xia Yichu traveled to the ancient rural plane.

Su Zhenghe and Liu Xia were married by a matchmaker. After marriage, they gave birth to three daughters and a son.

The eldest daughter is named Su Mei, and she is currently sleeping on Xia Yichu's other side.

The second daughter is named Su Tao, who is now Xia Yichu.

The third daughter is named Su Zhaodi, and there is also a youngest son, Su Jiabao.

The age gap between Su Zhaodi and Su Jiabao is only more than one year. Now one is six years old and the other is five years old.Both of them slept in the room where Xia Yichu just came out.

In ancient rural areas, the living conditions were generally poor, and Su Zhenghe's family was no exception.

The family of five depended entirely on Su Zhenghe's hunting in the mountains.

Liu Xia takes care of everyone's basic necessities at home, and also goes to the fields to do farm work during the day.

It's just that, being so busy, throughout the year, after paying the tax, the remaining food is simply not enough for five mouths.

Especially a few days ago, when Su Zhenghe was hunting, he accidentally slipped down the cliff and seriously injured his legs.

In order to see a doctor for Su Zhenghe, Liu Xia not only took out the little money left in the family to see Su Zhenghe's legs, but even sold a hosta that she had hidden in the bottom box for many years.

 [The next chapter is slightly longer, with [-] more characters. . 】

(End of this chapter)

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