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Chapter 835 The Ancient Farm Family Gets Rich 2

Chapter 835 The Ancient Farm Family Gets Rich 2
Su Zhenghe lay in bed all day.

It costs money to see a doctor, and it also costs money to get medicine.

Liu Xia borrowed money everywhere. Now that Su Zhenghe's leg is not healed, the Su family is already heavily in debt.

The daughters of the Su family were very sensible since they were young. After the accident at home, Su Mei was older and went to work with Liu Xia all day long.

And because Su Mei was only ten years old, she couldn't help with the farm work, so she took care of Su Zhenghe and her younger siblings at home, and occasionally went to the back mountain to pick wild vegetables with a basket.

The Chen family is the only ten thousand yuan household in this village, and the Chen family also has a daughter who is the aunt of the county master, which has caused the Chen family's status in the village to rise even higher.

The Chen family has always been unruly and domineering in the village. This time, after they knew that Su Zhenghe had injured his leg, they actually sent their servants to bring over ten taels of silver, saying that they would lend it to the Su family for emergency.

It was really strange for the Chen family to do this, but at that time Liu Xia was desperate and needed the money urgently, so she wrote an IOU and borrowed the money.

Unexpectedly, within three days, the Chen family sent someone to ask for money.

Moreover, they more than doubled the price of this silver coin, asking Liu Xia to pay them back 30 taels of silver!

He also said that if he didn't return it, he would pull Su Mei and Su Tao over to be concubines.

Only at this time did Liu Xia understand the intention of the Chen family in lending them money.

Liu Xia went to find the village head, but the Chen family was like a local emperor in the village. Even if everyone knew that this matter was a trick set by the Chen family for the Su family, even the village head would not dare to take care of it. matter.

Liu Xia worked desperately to prevent the Chen family from taking Su Mei and Su Tao away.

However, the Chen family insisted that Liu Xia return them 30 taels of silver within ten days, otherwise they would pull Su Mei and Su Tao and sell them to a brothel.

When Xia Yichu crossed over, it was already too late.

Liu Xia had already taken the money from the Chen family, and yesterday, people from the Chen family came to her door.

Xia Yichu lay on the bed and sighed.

Su Tao's wish this time is to let her help the Su family tide over the difficulties, and make a fortune so that the Su family can live a good life.

But, no.

"System, why didn't I see the final outcome of the Su family?" Xia Yichu only belatedly remembered at this time that the memory left by the original owner didn't include anything about what happened afterwards.

In those worlds in the past, didn't they all end in the tragic death of the original owner?

"Because Su Tao committed suicide. Just tonight, at the time you just traveled over, she drank pesticide. Then she directly contacted our company headquarters." The 233 system seemed to hesitate for a while before answering to Xia Yichu with.

Is there such an operation?

No wonder she didn't have any information about Su Tao's death. It turned out that she was hidden by the company where the system was located.

Knowing that the system will not let her know about the system company, Xia Yichu took the initiative to change the subject: "Then after Su Tao dies, what will happen to the Su family?"

"Wait, I'll dig it out for you." The system said, as if searching its cloud storage.

Then, after a long while, Xia Yichu had some more pictures in his head.

It was after Su Tao died of poison, and was discovered by Liu Xia the next day.

The Su family cried so much that they couldn't bear to live. For several days in a row, the Su family was covered with dark clouds.

Until the night before the Chen family's debt was repaid, a fire raged in the Su family, and the Su family was completely burned down.Not only was the house burned down, but none of the people inside even came out.

The next day, when people from the village came to see, they saw a pile of black skeletons from a bed.

The fire was set by Liu Xia, and the whole family lay on the same bed, leaving this world with despair and relief.

A deep sense of heaviness rose from the bottom of Xia Yichu's heart, and it took her a long time to suppress it.

Xia Yichu turned over on the bed and closed his eyes for a long time before falling asleep.

The next day, just as the genius turned white, Xia Yichu was awakened by the noise next to him.

Liu Xia who was sleeping next to her was gone, Xia Yichu stretched out her hand to the side in a daze, the bed was cold, and she didn't know when Liu Xia left.

Su Mei was putting on clothes on the other side of the bed. She moved quickly and finished dressing in two or three strokes. After noticing Xia Yichu's movement, Su Mei bent over to put on her shoes and said to Xia Yichu: "A Tao, what are you doing?" Come to sleep on our bed? But you can sleep a little longer, it's not yet dawn."

"No, I'll go and see my younger siblings." Xia Yichu suppressed his drowsiness, raised his hand and rubbed his eyes, looked at the white sky outside the window, thought about the current plight of the Su family, and sighed in his heart.

When Xia Yichu passed by, Su Zhaodi and Su Jiabao were both sound asleep, they didn't even realize that the second sister who slept in the same bed with them had left last night.

Xia Yichu didn't wake the two of them up, covered them with the quilt lightly, and then backed out.

Smoke rose from the kitchen, and it was Liu Xia who was cooking breakfast for everyone.

Su Mei, on the other hand, went to Su Zhenghe's room with a basin of water, waited for him to wash his face, and changed the medicine on his feet by the way.

The Su family's breakfast is very simple, a pot of gnocchi, without a trace of oily smell, only a little bit of salt foam and wild vegetables floating on the clear soup.

This is something that is difficult for a rich family to swallow, but the Su family eats it very well.

The portion of gnocchi is not much, only one bowl per person.

Su Zhaodi and Su Jiabao were probably hungry, they ate quickly with their bowls in hand, and then slowed down after watching the gnocchi in the bowls decrease rapidly.

Taking advantage of Liu Xia's going out, Xia Yichu poured some of the remaining gnocchi into the bowls of Su Zhaodi and Su Jiabao.

After breakfast, Liu Xia and Su Mei went to work in the next village.Now is the season for harvesting rice. If someone grows a lot of rice at home, they will pay for some people to help, six yuan a day, and take care of lunch.

After Xia Yichu washed the dishes, he took the bowl of warm medicine on the kang and went to Su Zhenghe's room.

It has been several days since Su Zhenghe was carried back, because his leg is still not healed, he stayed in the room and never went out.

There was a strong smell of herbs in the room, Xia Yichu walked in with the medicine.

"Father, I've taken the medicine." Xia Yichu said, brought the medicine in front of Su Zhenghe, and looked at the man carefully.

Su Zhenghe is only in his 30s now, but due to various pressures, he looks like a man in his 50s or [-]s.

Especially because of the fall on his leg, he was depressed, his face was yellow and thin, his eyes were full of vicissitudes, and he looked more like an old man.

"A Tao, good boy, it's your father who's useless and harmed you." Su Zhenghe didn't take the medicine, but raised his head and touched Xia Yichu's head, with pain and guilt that couldn't be concealed in his eyes.

Having experienced so many worlds, Xia Yichu can directly feel Su Zhenghe's guilt and self-blame towards her.

Although Su Zhenghe's emotions were towards the original owner, Su Tao, the moment Xia Yichu entered the original owner's body, she regarded herself as Su Tao.

A warm current passed through Xia Yichu's heart. She raised her head and looked at Su Zhenghe with bright eyes: "Father, what are you talking about? If there is no Daddy, there would be no us. Daddy, drink the medicine quickly, the medicine Drink it and your body will be fine."

The little girl stood upright, and the resolute light in the almond eyes on her thin face made Su Zhenghe slightly shocked.

It was obviously a child's talk, but Su Zhenghe couldn't help but believe her words at this moment.

"Okay, Daddy drinks the medicine."

Su Zhenghe responded, reached out and took the medicine over and drank it in one gulp.

I don't know if it was his illusion, Su Zhenghe seemed to feel that today's medicine had a faint sweetness, and after drinking it, there seemed to be a faint warm current passing through his legs.

(End of this chapter)

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