Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 836 The Ancient Farm Family Gets Rich 3

Chapter 836 The Ancient Farm Family Gets Rich 3
Walking out of Su Zhenghe's room, Xia Yichu's dark and clear eyes faded away from the innocence tainted with Su Zhenghe all the time, and became calm and wise.

To improve the life of this family, as the head of the family, Su Zhenghe must not have any trouble with his legs.

The doctors in the village are not very skilled in medicine, but Liu Xia has no money to hire the doctors in the town.

Xia Yichu saw Su Zhenghe's legs when Su Mei changed his dressing this morning. Although he didn't observe deeply, Xia Yichu asked Su Zhenghe that his legs would hurt.

There will be pain, which means there is consciousness.

If there is consciousness, then it is not useless.

In everyone's eyes, Xia Yichu is just a ten-year-old girl.

Xia Yichu also didn't want to overturn his impression in everyone's mind in an instant, so after searching in the system mall, he exchanged his points for a bottle of elixir for Su Zhenghe's leg injury.

In the bowl of medicine that was brought to Su Zhenghe just now, there was a pill that Xia Yichu put in.

"Second Sister, are you going to pick wild vegetables today?" Su Zhaodi ran to Xia Yichu's side, looking at Xia Yichu with sparkling eyes.

Su Jiabao followed behind Su Zhaodi, also looking forward to it.

Because so many things happened at home, the two children were also ordered by Liu Xia to stay at home, and they were not allowed to go out to play by themselves, so as not to cause accidents.

Unless it was when Su Tao went out to pick wild vegetables, they could go together.

However, usually when Su Tao picks wild vegetables, he doesn't bring the two of them with him.

After all, these two little guys are too young, saying that they are going to pick wild vegetables, but in fact they can't help at all.

What's more, Su Zhenghe is still at home, and they can bring water to Su Zhenghe if they stay at home.

Xia Yichu transmigrated into Su Tao's body last night, she had no intention of picking wild vegetables at all.

But Xia Yichu hesitated when he met the expectant eyes of the two people in front of him.

Just in time, Su Zhenghe's voice also came from the room: "A Tao, you can take them out to play. The two children have been staying at home for the past few days, and they must not be able to bear it."

"Then I'll take one at a time. Take Zhaodi out in the morning and Jiabao out in the afternoon." Xia Yichu said, leaving a child at home to take care of Su Zhenghe.

"No, take both of them out together. I want to sleep. They are staying at home and making a lot of noise. I can't sleep." Su Zhenghe's voice came from the room again.

In fact, this is not a question of noise, I'm afraid Su Zhenghe won't be able to sleep even at night.

Xia Yichu knew what Su Zhenghe meant, so he hummed and responded directly.

Su Zhaodi and Su Jiabao haven't been out of the house for a while, and now they are brought out by Xia Yichu, the two of them are like birds that have been locked in a cage and have been freed, with happy expressions, bouncing around, happy tip of brow.

The place with the most wild vegetables should be the back hillside not far away.

When Su Tao picks wild vegetables, that's where he likes to go the most.

But Xia Yichu was afraid that the two little guys would slip, so he took them to the big forest not far away.

In the big forest, you can occasionally encounter some wild pheasants and wild rabbits.

On the outskirts of the big forest, there will also be wild vegetables.

Although Su Zhaodi and Su Jiabao are young, they are very sensible, precocious, and never noisy.

After the three of them came to the outskirts of the forest, the two little guys got together, carrying a small basket together, and really looked down for wild vegetables seriously.

Xia Yichu didn't search with them, but he didn't go too far, instead, he was not far from them, where he could see them when he looked up.

Xia Yichu looked up at the forest, but he was always thinking about how to help the Su family get rid of the current difficulties.

Su Zhenghe's leg, I believe that as long as she gives him medicine a few more times, it will heal.

The urgent task now is how to change the living conditions of the Su family.

This question may be difficult for others, but for Xia Yichu who has a system and has experienced so many worlds, it is actually not difficult at all.

As long as she thinks, she can list a hundred ways to make money for the Su family in minutes.

But the problem is that she is only a ten-year-old child now.

When theory becomes reality, it all becomes empty talk.

Is it possible to really sell herbs?
Xia Yichu lowered his head, looked at the scattered herbs on the ground, and shook his head immediately.

Although there are many herbs in the mountains and fields, they are just some ordinary herbs. When people in the village have a cough, cold and diarrhea, they will come to pick some.

These herbs were taken to pharmacies, although some people accepted them, but they could not be sold for much money.

However, it would be fine if some precious herbs were sold from the system.

Although this is not a long-term solution, it can solve the immediate needs of the Su family.

As for the long-term solution, as long as she is here, she will always find a way.

After Xia Yichu figured this out, the original calm look couldn't help but relax a little.

Thinking that since Su Zhenghe's accident, the Su family hasn't had meat for a long time.

Xia Yichu glanced at Su Zhaodi and Su Jiabao who were not far away, and silently exchanged a pheasant and more than ten bird eggs from the system mall.

After the bird eggs were exchanged, they lay quietly in a certain grass.And after the pheasant was exchanged, it was even more obedient, squatting motionless in the grass like hatching an egg.

Xia Yichu turned his head and called to Su Zhaodi and Su Jiabao: "Zhaodi, Jiabao, come here, see what I found?"

"Second Sister, we're here." Su Zhaodi and Su Jiabao ran towards Xia Yichu, sweating profusely.

The two of them have not been idle for a moment, and up to now, the small basket is actually filled with half a basket of wild vegetables.

Xia Yichu bent down and touched their heads, "You picked them so fast, I haven't picked them at all yet."

"It's okay, Second Sister, Third Sister and I will pick some more later, and we will eat together tonight." Su Jiabao said in a hurry.

Xia Yichu smiled, stretched out his hand to the wild pheasant squatting in the grass, and said, "Although I didn't pick wild vegetables, but look, what did I find?"

Su Zhaodi and Su Jiabao looked in the direction Xia Yichu was pointing at, and saw that very strong pheasant in the grass.

"Third sister, pheasant! It's a pheasant!" Su Jiabao jumped up excitedly, grabbing Su Zhaodi's arm and shaking it vigorously.

Su Zhaodi was also very happy, but she was equally sad.

Brother Su Zhao stretched out his hand to hold the excited Su Jiabao, and said to Xia Yichu, "Second Sister, this pheasant is so big, how do we catch it?"

 [Six thousand is over, good night.Thank you for your big darlings! 】

(End of this chapter)

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