Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 837 The Ancient Farm Family Gets Rich 4

Chapter 837 The Ancient Farm Family Gets Rich 4
Su Jiabao only reacted when he heard Su Zhaodi's words.

Wild pheasant has a strong personality and sharp claws because it grew up in the mountains.

It is not easy to catch them even for adults, let alone the three unprepared children.

"It's okay, I'll just go." Xia Yichu smiled at them reassuringly, then walked towards the pheasant.

That wild pheasant was exchanged from the system store, so it was somewhat different from the real one.

Because of Xia Yichu's small stature, the system deliberately made the chicken foolish before releasing it.

Therefore, even if Xia Yichu walked towards it step by step, the wild pheasant seemed to be unconscious, still squatting in place, motionless.

Xia Yichu walked over and immediately hugged it in his arms.

The pheasant was obedient and did not struggle at all, which stunned Su Zhaodi and Su Jiabao behind him.

"Meat meat! We have meat to eat!" Su Jiabao happily stared at the pheasant in Xia Yichu's hand.

"Second Sister, put it in this basket." Su Zhaodi came to his senses and quickly handed over the big basket that Xia Yichu brought out.

Xia Yichu put the pheasant in the big basket without any resistance.

Su Zhaodi and Su Jiabao reached out and touched it curiously.

Suddenly, Su Zhaodi saw something in the grass next to him with sharp eyes. She walked over to have a look, and immediately became overjoyed, and excitedly called to Xia Yichu and Su Jiabao: "Second Sister! Jiabao, come here quickly! ! There are eggs!"

Su Jiabao hurried over with two short legs, and as soon as he pushed aside the grass, he saw a large nest of bird eggs inside.

"There are so many, let's pretend." Xia Yichu said to them with a smile in his eyes.

Su Zhaodi and Su Jiabao put all the eggs in a basket and covered it with wild vegetables.

Having tasted the sweetness, Su Zhaodi and Su Jiabao excitedly looked around again.

But this time Xia Yichu didn't exchange any other items, so they found nothing except some wild vegetables.

However, this did not affect the good mood of the two siblings. After Su Zhaodi and Su Jiabao picked a basket of wild vegetables, they urged Xia Yichu to go home, saying that they would tell Su Zhenghe the good news.

The three of them came happily when they came, and when they went back, their expressions were also happy.

As soon as they got home, Su Zhaodi and Su Jiabao couldn't wait to tell Su Zhenghe the news that they had picked wild vegetables and bird eggs on the mountain, and even grabbed a pheasant.

The children spoke in a childlike way, if there was no evidence in front of them, Su Zhenghe would not have believed that the three of them had such good luck today.

Obviously, the wild pheasant has a very strong personality, and its claws are sharp, unlike the one in the basket in front of me... its personality is so gentle that anyone can take it home.

Also, shouldn't the eggs be all in the nests on the tree trunks? How could they be in the grass... and it's a big nest when you pick them up.

Simply incredible.

After thinking about it, Su Zhenghe still couldn't believe it. He set his eyes on Su Zhaodi and Su Jiabao, and asked, "Did you really catch this yourself? Didn't someone else give it to you?"

Su Zhenghe was afraid that when the three children went out, they would meet people from the same village and take them from them.

"No! Dad, if you keep asking and asking, you just don't believe me and Jiabao. If you don't believe me, I call the second sister in and let her tell you!" After being asked too much by Su Zhenghe, Su Zhaodi became a little angry, and said angrily, Lift your feet and run outside.

Just in time, Xia Yichu came in with a bowl of water.

Su Zhaodi walked up to her and said, "Second Sister, Dad doesn't believe that we caught the bird eggs and pheasant by ourselves."

Xia Yichu looked up at Su Zhenghe.

His eyes met the image of his second daughter, obviously Xia Yichu was only a ten-year-old child now, but Su Zhenghe didn't know what was going on, after meeting her bright black eyes, he suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Xia Yichu walked over and handed the water to Su Zhenghe: "Dad, drink water. We brought the eggs and pheasants back from the forest by ourselves. Everyone is doing farm work at this time, and we didn't see the same village along the way. people."

"En." Su Zhenghe replied awkwardly, took the water Xia Yichu handed over and drank it.

Obviously Xia Yichu is not a few years older than Su Zhaodi, but even if Xia Yichu just said such a simple sentence, Su Zhenghe couldn't feel the slightest doubt in his heart.

Xia Yichu took the empty bowl from Su Zhenghe's hand. Originally, she wanted to turn around and go out, but her footsteps stopped, Xia Yichu turned her head, looked at the man lying on the bed behind her, with a look of slump and vicissitudes on his face, and said: " Dad, you see, even the heavens have taken care of us, knowing that our family can't afford meat, so they sent pheasants and bird eggs to us, you have to get well quickly, and our family will definitely get better."

Su Zhenghe felt sour in his heart, and he nodded: "Okay, Daddy will get better soon."

Xia Yichu went to the kitchen.

Liu Xia and Su Mei's main job is to take care of lunch, so neither of them will come back for dinner.

When Liu Xia went out this morning, she left a pot of thin rice porridge in the pot for everyone, and Xia Yichu only needed to heat it up.

However, Xia Yichu didn't plan to eat that pot of porridge with only a small amount of rice at noon.

After lighting the fire, Xia Yichu grabbed a handful of wild vegetables from the basket, washed them, and chopped them on the chopping board.

The millet porridge in the pot was already hot, Xia Yichu took the pot away, took down the cooking pot, and set the pot up.

Su Zhaodi and Su Jiabao came to help Xia Yichu, but they were kicked out by Xia Yichu, the small kitchen was too small, everyone came in, it was too crowded, which made it very inconvenient for her to do things.

There was no oil in the house for a long time, Xia Yichu looked at it, and there was only a little bit of salt foam.

Xia Yichu took a look and put it back. She exchanged a set of cooking ingredients from the system mall, including peanut oil and lard.

But Xia Yichu didn't take these out, but put them in the system backpack.

The pot on the fire rack was already red hot, Xia Yichu got some oil from his backpack and poured it in, lowered the fire a bit, and then cracked a few eggs to fry.

The things exchanged in the system mall, the bird's eggs are not only the same size as earthen eggs, but even smell fragrant after being cooked.

The strong fragrance wafted out immediately, Su Zhaodi and Su Jiabao were lying on the edge of the door, and kept looking inside, wondering what the second sister was cooking so fragrant.

Xia Yichu ignored them. After frying the eggs, he smashed the eggs, put salt in them, threw the chopped wild vegetables, stir-fried them a few times, and sprinkled a few grains of chicken essence into them.

(End of this chapter)

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