Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 839 The Ancient Farm Family Gets Rich 6

Chapter 839 The Ancient Farm Family Gets Rich 6
Liu Xia and Su Mei hurried back home.

As soon as they entered the house, the strong smell of meat in the yard made Liu Xia's and Su Mei's stomachs growl.

Su Zhaodi just came out of the kitchen, saw Liu Xia and Su Mei, his eyes lit up, he called out to Liu Xia and Su Mei, then turned around excitedly, and said to Xia Yichu who was still in the kitchen: "Two Sister, eldest sister and the others are back!"

"Well, go wash your hands, and then eat." Xia Yichu responded, and took out the chicken stew that had already been cooked in the pot.

The pheasant was huge, and there were a lot of potatoes. Xia Yichu cooked a big pot and put them in bowls. Even two big bowls were not enough to hold them.

Xia Yichu walked out with the tray, and greeted Liu Xia and Su Mei who were in the yard: "Mother, big sister, wash your hands quickly, and you can eat."

"Hey, where did this meat come from?" And there was so much of it!

Su Mei was shocked, her eyes fixed on the meat on the tray without taking her eyes off it.

"It's a wild pheasant. My second and third sisters and I picked wild vegetables on the back mountain today, and we brought them back! Not only pheasants, but we also picked up bird eggs, and we came back after picking wild vegetables!" squatting by the well to wash their hands Su Jiabao said proudly.

"You caught them?" Liu Xia looked at Xia Yichu, the oldest of the three children.

"Yes." Xia Yichu nodded.

Liu Xia who was about to say something was slightly dumb, but under Xia Yichu's calm gaze, she couldn't say anything.

Everyone washed their hands and sat down at the dining table.

The smell of chicken and potatoes filled the whole room. After Xia Yichu filled a bowl for Su Zhenghe, everyone started eating.

Su Jiabao couldn't wait to grab a piece of chicken and stuff it in his mouth. Fortunately, Xia Yichu had cooked it for a while, and the chicken and potatoes were not too hot.

Su Jiabao swallowed one piece whole, then couldn't wait to pick up the second piece.

"Slow down, no one will compete with you." Liu Xia who was sitting next to Su Jiabao said, stretched out her chopsticks and picked some meaty chicken nuggets for him.

"Well, mother, you can eat by yourself." Su Jiabao took his own bowl, not letting Liu Xia continue to pick up food for him.

Su Jiabao looked at Xia Yichu with bright eyes, and said, "Second Sister, your cooking is delicious!"

"Well, eat more, I'll make it for you every day from now on! Follow your second sister to eat meat!" Xia Yichu said to him.

Xia Yichu's opening made everyone laugh.

"Okay, okay!" Su Jiabao happily responded.

Liu Xia didn't believe it was so delicious at first, and she just took a bite with the idea that she wouldn't say it even if it was overcooked, but when she really ate it in her mouth, Liu Xia knew what the delicious food in Su Jiabao's mouth was. mean.

Even she can't cook this dish by herself!

"A Tao, where did you learn this skill?" Liu Xia was shocked, and asked everyone's aspirations.

Even though they always wanted a son, Liu Xia and Su Zhenghe treated Su Mei, Su Tao, and Su Zhaodi very well, no matter before Su Jiabao was born or after he was born.

The reason why they always want a boy is because of the deep-rooted concept of "carrying on the family line".

Therefore, no matter how busy the family is, Liu Xia basically does the housework by herself, and Su Mei occasionally helps out.

As for Su Tao, Liu Xia never asked her to do any housework before.

In the end, I didn't expect that the first time she cooked, it was so delicious?

"I just cook casually, I've already learned it in my heart after watching you and eldest sister cook." Xia Yichu said frankly, and then smiled shyly: "I didn't know it would be so delicious. "

"Hahahaha, it seems that Erya must have a very high talent in cooking!" Su Zhenghe, who was sitting on the bed, said, and it was the first time everyone laughed after being carried back for so many days.

Two big bowls of stewed chicken and potatoes were completely eaten by everyone.

After eating, Su Jiabao and Su Zhaodi stroked their stomachs with happy faces. They couldn't believe how wonderful and comfortable they felt after eating.

Xia Yichu originally wanted to wash the dishes, but Liu Xia stopped her and didn't let her go.

After everyone took a bath with the hot water in the kitchen, they began to prepare for bed.

At this time, Xia Yichu saw Liu Xia and Su Mei sitting at the table again, starting to sew embroidered handkerchiefs.

Xia Yichu can't help with this matter.

She wanted Liu Xia and Su Mei to go to bed early, but fortunately, the embroidered handkerchiefs that Liu Xia brought back last time were almost all embroidered, and she had to go to the town to deliver the goods tomorrow before getting new embroidered handkerchiefs. Come back and embroider.

Everyone turn off the lights early and go to bed.

The next day, Liu Xia cooked bird egg and wild vegetable soup. After everyone ate some, Liu Xia continued to go out to help others harvest rice, while Su Mei went to the town to embroider the embroidery she and Liu Xia had embroidered during this time. The handkerchief was delivered, and by the way, some new embroidered handkerchiefs came back to embroider.

When Xia Yichu heard that Su Mei was going to the town, she immediately begged Su Mei to take her with her.

"Your elder sister is going to deliver the goods, so why are you following? It's too far away. Didn't Jiabao and Zhaodi ask you to take them to the back mountain today?" After hearing Xia Yichu's words, Liu Xia said casually talking.

"I'll take them to the back mountain again this afternoon, and follow my eldest sister to the town in the morning. I want to go to the pharmacy to sell herbs." Xia Yichu responded.

"Pfft, where did you get the herbs to sell?" Su Mei who was next to her smiled.

"Here, I pulled it up in the back mountain yesterday." Xia Yichu was always holding a basket in his hand, and she removed the cloth covering the basket, revealing several plants lying quietly in the basket.

Su Mei took a look at the plants in Xia Yichu's basket, they were all new to her, although they were green and verdant, they were not the herbs she often saw on the back mountain.

If a family member has a cold and diarrhea, Su Mei usually comes back from the back mountain to pull herbs and boil water for everyone to drink.

So looking at the few plants in the basket that she didn't know, Su Mei didn't believe that Xia Yichu would know any herbs, but thought she was whimsical: "Forget it, mother, since the second sister wants to go, I will take it with her." Let her go. But, Second Sister, don't take these to the pharmacy, they won't accept them. If you want to sell herbs, you can take Jiabao and Zhaodi to the back mountain in the afternoon to get some goosegrass and plantain Woolen cloth."

Goosegrass and plantain are common herbs that can be found everywhere in the back mountains, but they are also very cheap.Could it be that these few medicinal herbs exchanged by Xia Yichu from the space are comparable?

Xia Yichu looked at Su Mei, blinked, but didn't speak.

Anyway, when she sells for money, everyone will know.

 [The next chapter is thick and long. 】

(End of this chapter)

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