Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 840 The Ancient Farm Family Gets Rich 7

Chapter 840 The Ancient Farm Family Gets Rich 7
Xia Yichu went to the town with Su Mei.

Xia Yichu insisted on bringing her herbs, but Su Mei had no choice but to follow her.

The embroidered handkerchief was to be delivered to an embroidered building, and there happened to be a medicine shop next to the embroidered building.

After Su Mei took Xia Yichu away, the two split up.

Su Mei reached out and touched Xia Yichu's head, and said with a serious expression: "You are in the pharmacy, no matter whether the herb... the herb will be taken or not, you will wait inside for me to find you."

"Well, I know, big sister, you go in." Xia Yichu nodded, waved to Su Mei, turned and went into the pharmacy.

After Su Mei watched her figure walk in, she also walked quickly into the embroidery building next to her.

When Xia Yichu entered, the pharmacy was deserted, only a man in his 40s was sitting at the counter.

Seeing a guest come in, he raised his eyes and glanced at Xia Yichu lazily.

"Uncle, do you collect herbs here?" Xia Yichu walked to the counter and said to him.

"Accept, the price is determined after looking at the herbs." The shopkeeper said, putting aside his abacus.

Xia Yichu was not as tall as the counter, she nodded, expressed her understanding, and handed over the basket in her hand.

The shopkeeper took the basket, and the blue cloth covering it was removed. After seeing the green plants, the shopkeeper's eyes moved slightly, and he raised his hand to gently take out these herbs. a check.

Time passed for a while.

"Dragon Blood Flower, Fox Dragon Leaf, Ten Thousand Herbs...Little girl, I bought all six of your herbs, and I'll give you 36 taels, is it okay?" the shopkeeper said.

"Uncle, you're not being kind." Xia Yichu had a smile on his lips, looking at the shopkeeper with a half-smile, without the ignorance of her age.

Because she was worried about Xia Yichu, as soon as Su Mei entered the embroidered building, she quickly found a manager, handed over the goods, took the money, and received some goods again, then immediately walked into the nearby pharmacy.

As soon as Su Mei entered, she heard what the shopkeeper had just said.

In this pharmacy, besides her who is entering the door now, Xia Yichu and the shopkeeper are the only two people. It goes without saying who the shopkeeper said that to!

Su Mei's heart skipped a beat, but before she could recover, she heard Xia Yichu's answer again.

36 taels of silver!

The second sister actually refused!
Su Mei stepped forward quickly, and just when she was about to talk about Xia Yichu, Xia Yichu suddenly turned her head at this moment, and smiled at her: "Sister, did you finish it so quickly?"

Su Mei looked at Xia Yichu's bright black eyes, for some reason, she felt an inexplicable shock from Xia Yichu's body.

Su Mei's originally prepared words stuck in her throat, leaving only a faint "hmm."

"Then wait for me for a while, I will be over soon. Are you right, Uncle?" Xia Yichu turned his head, and his eyes fell on the shopkeeper again.

The shopkeeper was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed.

36 taels is not low. For ordinary people, they only spend about one tael a month.

Moreover, he saw that the little girl in front of him was not well dressed, but he did not expect that today he would be the one to lose face first.

"Then 50 taels, it can't be higher." The shopkeeper said.

Xia Yichu lowered her head and thought about it. In fact, she is not very clear about the prices in this era, but she still knows the basic conversion.

One tael of silver was equal to one thousand Wen in this dynasty.

As for Liu Xia and Su Mei, they only spent a whole day's work for others, and it was only a little over ten pennies.

"Okay, 50 taels is 50 taels." Xia Yichu nodded, with a look of reluctance.

The shopkeeper smiled, but he didn't mind. After taking out the herbal medicine, he counted 50 taels of silver from under the counter and gave it to Xia Yichu.

Su Mei stood aside, watching the exchange between the two, she couldn't use the word shock in her heart.

It wasn't until after leaving the pharmacy that the sun hit her body, making it warm, that Su Mei finally had some sense of reality.

"A Tao, you, you just..." Su Mei looked at Xia Yichu, her expression hesitant to speak.

"Yeah, I just sold a few herbs and earned 50 taels." Xia Yichu took up her words, and at the same time sighed in his heart, this silly girl was so stimulated that she couldn't finish her sentence.

50 taels of silver is a huge sum of money in the eyes of ordinary people, but Xia Yichu doesn't know anything about it.

Xia Yichu took Su Mei for a stroll around the street, today happened to be the market day in Qiuyun Town, the street was bustling with people coming and going.

Xia Yichu looked left and right, on the surface it was a child's curiosity, but in fact, Xia Yichu's mind quickly flashed one plan after another to make money, from running a restaurant to a processing factory, down to setting up a stall to sell barbecue .

But these are just filtered in Xia Yichu's head, she hasn't fully figured out what to do.

Xia Yichu walked a street, and after getting a general understanding of the things on this street, he took Su Mei to the vegetable market.

Xia Yichu has never been a person who likes to wrong herself. It was fine that she didn't have money in her pocket yesterday, but today she has money in her pocket, so she must be nicer to herself and her family!
There are some common vegetables in the vegetable garden at home, so there is no need to buy them, so Xia Yichu took Su Mei directly to the meat seller, and asked for a catty of pork and a rib.

Xia Yichu's generosity made Su Mei's eyes pop out.

But after thinking that this was Xia Yichu's own money, Su Mei opened her mouth and didn't say much.

After buying the meat, Xia Yichu also bought two candied haws on the way and put them in a basket, planning to go back and give them to Su Zhaodi and Su Jiabao.

After such a toss, it was almost noon.

Xia Yichu looked at Su Mei and said, "Sister, it's too hot today, let's go back by car."

Su Mei looked up at the glaring sun above her head, and frowned: "I remember that every time we went to the market, Uncle Wang's ox cart would often solicit customers at the entrance of the town, and it costs two cents a person. Why don't we go and see if he is still there?" Not there anymore."

"Yes." Xia Yichu nodded.

Su Mei pulled Xia Yichu, and the two hurried towards Zhenkou.

On the main street, suddenly a carriage came galloping.

"Everyone, give way, give way!" The carriage driver shouted, driving the carriage quickly.

Pedestrians on the street moved towards both sides of the street to avoid, and even some people were almost hit by the carriage.

However, the originally angry lord immediately calmed down after seeing the back of the luxurious carriage.

Xia Yichu had pulled Su Mei aside when the carriage came early, Su Mei looked back at the back of the carriage, and sighed to Xia Yichu: "No wonder no one dares to complain about this carriage running rampant on the street. It turns out that there is a noble person inside."

"Your Excellency?" Xia Yichu turned his head to look at the carriage that was about to disappear.

She doesn't know if there are noble people in it, but what is certain is that there is a patient in the carriage.

"Look, carriages are rare in places like ours, let alone such luxurious carriages. Let's go home quickly." Su Mei said, pulling Xia Yichu towards the entrance of the town Walk.

When Su Mei and Xia Yichu went to the entrance of the town, they saw Uncle Wang's bullock cart. Seeing that there was a seat, Su Mei immediately pulled Xia Yichu to sit on it.

And here, the galloping carriage finally stopped in front of a small courtyard. The coachman quickly jumped out of the carriage. His left shoulder was already stained red with blood, but he couldn't care less.

He pushed open the door, walked in staggeringly, grabbed a passing servant, and said to him: "Quick, hurry up and tell Madam, the young master is gone..."

After all, he passed out due to excessive blood loss.

 【Good night! 】

(End of this chapter)

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