Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 841 The Ancient Farm Family Gets Rich 8

Chapter 841 The Ancient Farm Family Gets Rich 8
Xia Yichu and Su Mei went back home, but unexpectedly found that Liu Xia was at home.

When Su Mei asked, she found out that the family's rice had already been harvested.

Liu Xia had nothing to do, so she simply came back.

Su Zhaodi and Su Jiabao were scribbling on the ground with a branch in the yard.

When they saw the figures of Su Mei and Xia Yichu, Su Jiabao and Su Zhaodi's eyes lit up immediately: "Eldest sister, second sister, you are back."

"Well, wash your hands quickly, and see what I bought for you?" Xia Yichu took out two bunches of candied haws from the basket and waved them in front of them.

The surface of the candied haws is covered with a thin layer of brown sugar, and the red one is infinitely attractive to children.

Su Jiabao and Su Zhaodi watched intently. In the past, when Su Zhenghe brought prey to sell in the town, he would buy candied haws for them to eat.

"Second Sister, this will cost money, so we'd better not eat it." Brother Su Zhao took Su Jiabao's hand.

Su Jiabao reacted suddenly, and immediately shook his head: "Yes, yes, Second Sister, let's not take it, let's save the money for Dad to buy medicine."

"It's okay, your second sister has earned money, and this one doesn't cost much, it's already bought, if you don't eat it, then throw it away." Xia Yichu deliberately scared them.

When Su Jiabao and Su Zhaodi heard this, they immediately reached out and took the candied haws and grabbed them in their hands.

"Mother, why did you come back so early today?" Su Mei walked up to Liu Xia, handed over the money, and said, "This is the sixty Wen from the embroidery building."

"Sixty Wen? Who gave the candied haws?" Liu Xia glanced at the candied haws in Su Zhaodi and Su Jiabao's hands.

Liu Xia's personality can't be said to be very gentle, but she never loses her temper with her children. Even if she just saw Xia Yichu take out candied haws from the basket, Liu Xia would not say that Xia Yichu wasted money indiscriminately. Usually after things happen, I will teach the children slowly.

"That, Second Sister bought it herself." Speaking of this matter, Su Mei couldn't help showing a relaxed and happy look on her face, and she was even in the mood to trick Liu Xia: "Mom, guess what? How much did my sister sell her herbs for?"

"How much?" Liu Xia glanced at Su Mei, completely unable to guess.

Before Xia Yichu took it away, she also took a look at those plants. Although they looked verdant and verdant, even Liu Xia couldn't recognize what kind of herbs they were.

She always thought it was a weed in her heart, and she never thought that the owner of the pharmacy would really take it.

"50 taels of silver." Su Mei said quietly.

Then, Su Mei saw the shock on Liu Xia's face just like when she was in the pharmacy.

Liu Xia couldn't catch her breath for a long time, until Xia Yichu put the 49 taels of silver on the table, the whole family looked at the different sizes of silver and thought it was a dream.

Xia Yichu kept some pieces of money for himself, then pushed the rest of the money to Liu Xia, and said, "Mother, take care of these money."

"Erya, this is the money you earned yourself. Mother can just take 30 taels." Liu Xia said, with the 30 taels, she can pay off the debts of the Chen family.

The pressure that had been accumulating during this period of time was suddenly relieved, making Liu Xia feel more and more that she was dreaming.

"30 taels?" Xia Yichu looked up at her: "Are you going to pay back the Chen family's money?"

"Yes, yes, what's the matter?" Looking at Shang Xia Yichu's dark eyes, Liu Xia couldn't treat her like a child anymore.

"Mother, have you ever thought about the consequences if you suddenly take out 30 taels of silver now?" Xia Yichu said calmly.

Not only Liu Xia, but even Su Mei and Su Zhenghe, who was sitting on the bed, all looked confused after hearing Xia Yichu's words.

Xia Yichu sighed, he didn't know whether to say that they were simple and honest, or stupid.

Xia Yichu explained to them: "Obviously they only lent us ten taels of silver at the time, but they asked us to pay back 30 taels in a few days. Everyone in the village doesn't know the plight of our family now. They clearly gave us money on purpose. Let's make a problem, so that when you can't afford the money, sell me and eldest sister to a brothel.

Now we suddenly take out 30 taels of silver to pay back the money, so they will not let it go.Since they were able to double from ten taels of silver to 30 taels at that time, would they change their words and say that 30 taels were 60 taels? "

The more Xia Yichu said, Liu Xia's expression became more and more ugly.

By the time Xia Yichu finished speaking, Liu Xia's expression had turned pale.

"Then, what should we do? They kill thousands of swords!" Liu Xia held Su Mei's hand, feeling a little confused, and obviously believed Xia Yichu's words in her heart.

Su Zhenghe, who was sitting on the bed, had a vicissitudes of life, and his eyes could not help but fall on Xia Yichu.

"Father, mother, please leave this matter alone and let me handle it." Xia Yichu said.

Liu Xia wanted to reply to her, "How do you deal with a child", but Su Zhenghe had already agreed to her one step ahead: "Okay, Erya, if you need our help, just tell us, we are a family." people."

"Yeah, Daddy, I know." Xia Yichu smiled.

After Xia Yichu and Su Mei and their four children all went out, Liu Xia put away the money left by Xia Yichu, and said to Su Zhenghe in disapproval: "Erya is still a child, how could you talk like that just now, she alone How can the child solve the Chen family's affairs, I think I'd better go to the village chief's house this afternoon."

"Erya is no longer the Erya she was before. She is small, but she is very assertive and stronger than us. You, don't worry about it." Su Zhenghe said to Liu Xia.

Su Zhenghe usually seems to be the kind of person who doesn't like to talk and can only do things silently, but on many things, when the two of them discuss things behind closed doors, it is Su Zhenghe who comes to make up their minds.

Now that he said this, Liu Xia thought about the changes that had happened to her second daughter in the past few days, and a cold sweat ran across her heart: "Father, don't you say I haven't noticed, you say our second daughter... "

"Don't think about it! She is our Erya! Besides my own daughter, who else would be so kind to us! Take the money and run away." Su Zhenghe abruptly interrupted Liu Xia The words, no matter the look and tone, are unprecedentedly severe.

Liu Xia came to her senses immediately after what he said, and the thoughts in her heart were killed before they could see the light.

(End of this chapter)

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