Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 859 The Ancient Farm Family Gets Rich 28

Chapter 859 The Ancient Farm Family Gets Rich 28
When Xia Yichu was 13 years old, Su Zhaodi and Su Jiabao were also ten years old.

The grades of the two were as good as ever. Although this dynasty also obeyed that women's lack of talent is virtue, not only Xia Yichu, but also Liu Xia and Su Zhenghe were very happy to send Su Zhaodi to school.

Even if she couldn't take the provincial examination like Su Jiabao.

The 13-year-old Xia Yichu has slowly grown out of her previous appearance, and her original small bean sprouts figure has long since become exquisite and graceful, showing her graceful demeanor in the future.

After the age of 13, some things that Xia Yichu thought about before can finally be acted on.

Previously, Xia Yichu had to stay because of age and stature restrictions.

But now, Xia Yichu couldn't wait to get on the road right away.

Xia Yichu went to find Liu Xia and Su Zhenghe, and told them what he wanted to see outside.

Liu Xia and Su Zhenghe disagreed at first. Even Xia Yichu often went out by herself in the past two years, but before that, she just went to patrol nearby cities and small towns, checked the accounts of restaurants, or looked for new ones. The source of goods.

It will not be as it is now, with an uncertain return date.

However, no one can change Xia Yichu's decision.

Even Liu Xia and Su Zhenghe couldn't influence Xia Yichu's decision.

After seeing Xia Yichu's departure, Liu Xia and Su Zhenghe had made up their minds, and they took the lead in compromising with Xia Yichu.

This is simply what Xia Yichu expected.

Although he didn't know where the bug was, Xia Yichu decided to go to the capital to have a look.

The capital city is the most prosperous and prosperous place in a country, and it is also one of the places with the largest flow of people.

Xia Yichu planned to look there first, and if he couldn't find it, then go to other prosperous cities with a lot of traffic.

Liu Xia originally planned to hire a mercenary team for Xia Yichu to protect her, but Xia Yichu refused.

Su Jiabao and Su Zhaodi had very deep feelings for Xia Yichu. After learning that Xia Yichu was going on a long trip, the two small groups immediately ran back from the school, crying so hard.

But the cries of the two could not stop Xia Yichu's determination to leave this time.

The two little buns had no choice but to sleep with Xia Yichu at night, wanting to guard Xia Yichu all the time, lest she run away.

However, Xia Yichu is something that the two of them can hold on to.

It was still dark outside, and when the two little buns and Su Zhenghe and his wife were both sound asleep, Xia Yichu had already quietly got up, changed into the men's clothes that he had already prepared, carried a small burden on his back, and left a farewell letter Afterwards, he bought a horse and quietly left Qiuyun Town.

She didn't even tell Su Zhenghe and Liu Xia about Xia Yichu's going to the capital, she just comforted them and wrote a letter from home every half a month for people to send back.

Xia Yichu originally wanted to tell Xiaohan.

After all, the only people she knew in this world were Xiaohan and Wang Shuhui in the capital.

After Xiaohan followed Wang Shuhui back to the capital, he kept writing letters to Xia Yichu.

But at that time, it happened to be the rising period of Xia Yichu's career, and he often wrote more, and Xia Yichu wrote less.

But even so, Xiaohan is also very happy, and never tired of being happy, almost every ten days, a letter from the capital will be delivered to Xia Yichu.

Before Xia Yichu, he thought that he was a child at heart, and would give up after a short time, but he never thought that Xiaohan would persist for so long.

And Xia Yichu went to the capital first this time, partly because of Xiaohan.

Speaking of which, she hasn't seen Xiao Han for three years, and she doesn't know how he is doing now.

Xia Yichu planned to quietly surprise Xiaohan.

This is not the first time Xia Yichu has traveled far in this world. After the restaurant business has grown bigger and bigger, the food grown in his home has long been unable to supply.And there are many things that can't be harvested in one way, so Xia Yichu has to go out to negotiate business with people almost every month, and also go to other places to see the goods.

For this world, Xia Yichu already had the experience of traveling.

She dressed herself up as a teenager, and her ungrown features carried a trace of indistinguishable beauty, but the long sword she was carrying behind her back, and her heroic demeanor made many people feel sorry for Xia Yichu. All villains with unruly intentions stay away.

Along the way, Xia Yichu didn't hurry, but stopped and stopped.

However, even so, Xia Yichu came to the capital after riding a horse for seven or eight days.

After being checked by the guards at the gate of the city, Xia Yichu walked in smoothly.

Even in the capital city, there is an auspicious restaurant opened by Xia Yichu.

After running around for so many years, Xia Yichu was dressed in dust and dust, without thinking too much, she led the horse, and after asking the way, she walked directly towards the Jixiang Inn.

Xia Yichu's restaurant business spread all over the country, but she didn't go to that place every time she opened a restaurant.

Xia Yichu asked his confidants to open many restaurants.

The restaurant in the capital is the same now, even if the income of this restaurant in the capital ranks in the top ten of all restaurants in Xia Yichu, she has never been to the capital once.

Now, it was the first time he came to the capital, although Xia Yichu didn't think about disclosing his identity as the young master, but he didn't think about going to another inn either.

No matter which dynasty it is, the big capital located at the foot of the emperor will always be prosperous and lively.

Xia Yichu led the horse and went to Dongchang Street.

Among the shops with only two floors, the restaurant with four floors seemed very abrupt.

Before Xia Yichu got close, he saw the crowds of customers coming in and out of the restaurant from a distance.

Although Xia Yichu himself didn't pay much attention to these money matters, but seeing the business of the restaurant under his name was so good, even Xia Yichu couldn't help feeling a little happy in his heart.

Xia Yichu led the horse and walked over. The decoration of this auspicious restaurant is very luxurious. From the outside, you can see that there are many customers inside, and several young men are entertaining the guests in an orderly manner.

And a sharp-eyed guy noticed Xia Yichu, and immediately ran out from inside, and said with a smile to Xia Yichu: "Is the guest going to rest inside? The sun is so bright now, why don't we continue our journey after eating first."

"Well, I want a private room." Xia Yichu nodded coldly.

The little guy didn't care about Xia Yichu's indifference, he had a big smile on his fair face.

He took Xia Yichu's horse and said to Xia Yichu: "Okay! Guests are welcome. I will take your horse to Ma Peng behind."

 【Good night! 】

(End of this chapter)

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