Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 860 The Ancient Farm Family Gets Rich 29

Chapter 860 The Ancient Farm Family Gets Rich 29
Xia Yichu was taken to the private room on the second floor by the guy.

After ordering a few special dishes of the restaurant, Xia Yichu sat by the window, raised his hand and poured himself a cup of tea, and looked down at the unfamiliar street below.

The food in the restaurant was served very quickly, Xia Yichu hardly had to wait for a long time, and the boy brought the hot food.

Because he was eating alone, Xia Yichu didn't order many dishes, he just ordered three dishes and one soup.

Although, when each branch opened, Xia Yichu didn't go there in person.

However, those people who opened branches in the strangest places were all the confidantes cultivated by Xia Yichu, or they were the talents she recruited.

Even the chefs who cook are specially recruited by Xia Yichu to train some chefs, and then let these chefs train other chefs.

Before every chef was trained, Xia Yichu had them sign a non-disclosure agreement.

It's not that no one wanted to steal the teacher, but those people were severely punished by Xia Yichu in the end.

Xia Yichu carefully tasted the food in his mouth, a smile appeared in his eyes.

After eating, Xia Yichu left the room, intending to go shopping after paying the bill.

As a result, as soon as he went out, Xia Yichu heard the quarrel in the hall downstairs.

The first thing that came to my ears was a very angry female voice: "Fu Hua, this ginseng chicken dish was clearly ordered by me first, so don't deceive me too much!"

"Why did I bully people too much? Whoever holds it owns it!" The voice at the back was also a female voice, but it was full of air, full of the bossy smell of the principal.

Xia Yichu stood on the corridor on the second floor, his gaze fell below.

This was originally the peak time for eating, and the living room was almost full of people, except for the two women in silk and satin who were very eye-catching.

The first person to speak was the woman in the blue long dress. She was pretty, but not gorgeous enough, but the tear mole under her left eye, coupled with her red-eyed expression now, was alive and well. She added a touch of pity to me, fragile and soft.

On the other hand, the one who spoke at the back was wearing a crimson long dress, with a delicate appearance and a flamboyant aura between his brows.

Xia Yichu has been integrated into this world for two or three years. Although this is her first visit to the capital, it does not mean that she does not understand the relationship between the royal family and the nobles in the capital.

Especially after knowing Xiaohan's identity, Xia Yichu paid special attention to the current situation in the capital.

When the blue woman just heard the word Fu Hua, Xia Yichu had already guessed the identities of these two in his heart.

Princess Fuhua is the empress's distant niece. Because her parents died in battle, she was made an exception by the emperor as a princess. She has been fostered by the empress since she was eight years old.

Princess Fuhua is not only liked by the queen, even the current emperor likes her very much.Growing up held in the palms of two of the country's most honorable people, Princess Fuhua is famous for her arrogant and arrogant personality.

With the emperor and queen as the backing, even some other unfavored princesses and princes have to support her.

And the person who can stand in such a stalemate with Princess Fuhua and has a tear mole under his left eye should be Princess Anyang.

Unlike Fuhua, Anyang is the child of the current emperor and former empress.

The first queen was in poor health, and after giving birth to Anyang, her health was even worse, and she passed away within a few years.

The first queen was from the queen mother's natal family. After the first queen passed away, Princess Anyang was taken over by the queen mother and brought up by the queen mother.

Princess Anyang has a gentle personality, is well educated and reasonable, and is very much liked by the Queen Mother.And because she is the only blood left by the former empress, she is also very favored in front of the emperor.

Xia Yichu put his hands on the railing of the corridor, and continued to watch the dispute between the two.

In fact, from the conversation between the two just now, it is not difficult to hear that it is for the purpose of grabbing food.

The dish ordered by Princess Anyang was snatched by Princess Fuhua.

As the saying goes, rare things are expensive.Although Xia Yichu has researched a lot of herbal diets, they are not endlessly sold.

The more expensive the dish, the less quantity it sells every day.

As for the ginseng that Princess Fuhua snatched, if Xia Yichu remembered correctly, he only made eight bowls a day, and the price was more than one hundred taels.

The maid behind Princess Fuhua was holding the bowl of ginseng chicken that Princess Fuhua had snatched from the boy in the restaurant.

The ginseng chicken that just came out of the pan was still steaming, Princess Anyang's eyes fell on the ginseng chicken, as if she had figured out something, she suddenly laughed, took a step forward, and whispered in Fuhua's ear Said: "Fuhua, even if you grab this dish, you will never be able to grab your sweetheart."

Fuhua, who was originally proud, changed his expression immediately after hearing Anyang's words.

Fu Hua likes Ji Han for many years.

Especially after she got married, she even boldly wooed Ji Han, but Ji Han was indifferent to everyone and didn't give her a single extra look.

But Fuhua was not to be outdone, she looked at Anyang coldly, and said in a nonchalant voice: "I just like the seventh prince, and one day he will be moved by my sincerity. On the other hand, you are the most worrying one, right? It is said that the barbarians intend to marry our country recently."

Two people, you come and go, you don't give in to each other, people who can survive in the deep palace and are quite favored are not good.

The two were too eye-catching, and the guests sitting in the lobby downstairs unknowingly regarded the coming and going of the two as appetizers, with expressions of great interest on their faces.

And Xia Yichu, who was standing in the corridor, was full of interest, and also regarded the tit-for-tat fight between the two as a good show.

It wasn't until Xia Yichu heard the name "Seventh Prince" that a gleam flashed across Xia Yichu's eyes.

Xia Yichu went downstairs, walked straight in front of Anyang and Fu Hua, and said with a smile on his face, "You two guests, don't hurt your friendship just because of a bowl of ginseng chicken. If you really like this ginseng chicken, then ask the shopkeeper for it. Just a bowl."

"Who are you? I'm talking to her, get out of here early, or don't blame me for not letting you go later!" Anyang glanced at Xia Yichu with an impatient expression.

The expression on Xia Yichu's face did not change, but there was a little coldness in his eyes.

It's fine for these two zz to quarrel in broad daylight, and she doesn't bother to care about it.

However, if Xiaohan was involved in their quarrel, that would not work.

Behind the counter, the shopkeeper, who had been keeping a wait-and-see attitude, changed his expression immediately after seeing the jade pendant on Xia Yichu's waist.

He quickly walked out from behind the counter and walked towards Xia Yichu.

However, there is one person who is faster than the shopkeeper!

 [I guess Miss Xinjing will hit me. 】

(End of this chapter)

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