Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 864 The Ancient Farm Family Gets Rich 33

Chapter 864 The Ancient Farm Family Gets Rich 33
In the serious look, Xia Yichu was slightly taken aback by the sincere and hurt eyes in his eyes.

The two got very close without knowing it, and even the air around them became a little thinner.

Xia Yichu turned his head and took a step back, breaking the weird atmosphere between the two of them.

"Okay, okay, I get it, don't look at me so seriously." Xia Yichu said, being stared at by such a beautiful boy without blinking, no matter how thick-skinned Xia Yichu was, he couldn't bear it.

In his eyes, there was always an illusion that she was tricking the little boy.

"No, I want to see you more." Ji Han's eyes still fell on her face without blinking, as if he wanted to make up for all the shortcomings of the two years apart at this moment.

Especially after seeing Xia Yichu's compromise, a sly smile flashed across Ji Han's eyes.

Two years earlier, he had discovered that Xia Yichu took the soft but not the hard, as long as she showed a little bit of hurt and sadness, she would soften her heart to him.

Even though the two have been separated for a few years, she still doesn't seem to have changed in this respect...

Ji Han secretly smiled, the corners of his lips were slightly raised, and his eyes were shining brightly, like a little fox that had stolen the fish.

The mansion is so big, so there are naturally many rooms.

All the servants in the mansion live in the servant's room.As for the place that really belonged to the master, except for the room where Ji Han lived, the other attics and wing rooms were all empty.

Ji Han arranged Xia Yichu next to his room.

Even if no one lives in these rooms, servants clean and wipe the tables and chairs every day. Even if Xia Yichu comes suddenly, they can move in at any time.

Ji Han personally took Xia Yichu to the room, he looked at the small bag he took from Xia Yichu, thought for a while, and said: "Anyway, I'm fine later, why don't I take you to the street for a walk, Let you get familiar with the route of the capital, and at the same time buy you some clothes and jewelry."

He stared at Xia Yichu expectantly again, as if Xia Yichu would hurt his sincerity if he refused.

However, Xia Yichu did not refuse.

If she wanted to find bugs, she really had to show up in crowded places.

Xia Yichu said: "Alright, let's go out together later."

After Xia Yichu tidied up, Ji Han took her out of the house.

It's just after noon in Moyo, it's still early, and the two of them still have an afternoon to play.

Although Ji Han wanted to be alone with Xia Yichu, he didn't forget what he just said.

He asked the coachman to drive slowly, and walked around the bustling streets near the mansion.

And he himself sat in the carriage, lifted the curtains, and patiently explained to Xia Yichu one by one.

Ji Han spoke in great detail. When talking about the shops on the side of the street, he not only told about some of his own private intelligence agencies, but also told about some hidden stakes of other forces in the capital.Tell Xia Yichu what to mess with and what not to mess with, and where she should go for help in case of danger.

These are some secrets, but he didn't hide anything. In addition to the trust entrusted to her, it also gave her a lot of ways to survive in this capital.

His trust is too strong, Xia Yichu originally didn't want to hear it, but after seeing Ji Han's bright and sincere eyes, she swallowed the words in her throat.

The capital city is very large, if you take a horse-drawn carriage, you may have to walk for several days and nights.

And Ji Han didn't want Xia Yichu to find out all the topography of the capital in one go. After realizing that he had almost said it, Ji Han almost couldn't wait to pull Xia Yichu out of the carriage.

After driving away the coachman, the original threesome finally got rid of an obtrusive light bulb.

Ji Han was in high spirits, and after taking Xia Yichu for a walk on the street for a while, he directly pulled him into the little-known clothing pavilion in the capital.

This clothing pavilion is actually Ji Han's private property.

At that time, he discovered that women always spend money when they dress themselves up.The richer women are, the more they like to dress themselves up.

So I set up such a shop secretly, but I didn't expect that it would grow bigger and bigger, even in the capital, it is rarely famous. The number of people who come to order clothes every day is two or three figures, and the orders in the shop have already piled up. In the next two months, business can be said to be no longer booming.

Ji Han is the boss behind the scenes, with him around, if Xia Yichu wanted to buy clothes, of course he wouldn't make an appointment.

When Xia Yichu came out, in fact, he mainly wanted to familiarize himself with the terrain of the capital, rather than clothes and jewelry.

But Ji Han is very enthusiastic. Although he is a man, he has a good eye for choosing clothes.

The few sets of clothes he chose for Xia Yichu all conformed to Xia Yichu's aesthetics.

When Ji Han opened this store, he always took the high-end route, and the majority of the audience were wealthy families.

The price of each piece of clothing is not low, but every piece of clothing, from the fabric to the embroidery, can be seen to be of the highest quality.

Although the price is expensive, it is worth the money.

Xia Yichu, who was not very interested in clothes at first, did not reject the clothes Ji Han had chosen for her after seeing the clothes here, and she even picked out a few men's clothes that suited her height and size.

After the two bought clothes, Ji Han directly asked the shopkeeper's messenger to send them to his house, and then took Xia Yichu to another one, the largest jewelry store in the capital.

Jewelry is not the same as clothes.

Pure gold and silver, and carefully crafted jewelry, the price is not ordinary expensive.

Therefore, even if it is the head of the shop in the jewelry industry, there are not many people in the shop.

Ji Han brought Xia Yichu in, and a young man with sharp eyes saw the extraordinary temperament of the two, and immediately greeted them with smiles on their faces.

Ji Han glanced over the jewelry on the counter, and then said to the boy, "Take us to the second floor for a stroll."

Hearing this, the man couldn't hold back the smile on his face.

The things on the second floor of the shop are the places where the real rich and powerful can keep it.

"Two guests, this way please." He bent his back and led Xia Yichu and Ji Han upstairs.

However, at this moment, someone happened to come out from the second floor, and saw Ji Han standing beside Xia Yichu at a glance.

She opened her eyes wide in disbelief, and exclaimed involuntarily: "Brother Han!"

Xia Yichu paused, raised his head slightly, and looked upwards, and landed on the gorgeously dressed, heavily made-up, gorgeously dressed girl.

Looking at the other person's eyes that want to eat him, Xia Yichu was slightly speechless, this... Which woman like Ji Han again?

 [I want to change my mind and start a new life! 】

(End of this chapter)

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