Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 865 The Ancient Farm Family Gets Rich 34

Chapter 865 The Ancient Farm Family Gets Rich 34
In addition to Princess Anyang and Princess Fuhua whom I met in the inn today, this is already the third woman Xia Yichu has met since he came to the capital today, who likes Ji Han.

Xia Yichu didn't care about that girl's ferocious gaze when she looked at her, she turned her head to look at Ji Han next to her, with a narrow expression on her face.

In fact, Xia Yichu was not wrong.

The beautiful woman in front of her is Guo Jiaojiao, the daughter of Prime Minister Zuo.

There are quite a few women in Prime Minister Zuo's backyard, but apart from his wife who gave birth to a son, no heirs have been born for many years.

Even if Prime Minister Zuo kept filling his backyard, it would not help.

However, just when he was about to give up, his regular wife, who hadn't seen him for many years, actually had a movement in his stomach again.

Although she is a daughter, Prime Minister Zuo has no regrets because she has a talented eldest son.

Even, because he got a daughter when he was old, his love for his daughter was far more than that of his eldest son.

Guo Jiaojiao lived up to her name, she was admired by the stars since she was a child, and she was raised with pride.

As long as it is what she wants, there is nothing she can't get.

Except for Ji Han.

Ji Han has a cold personality. Ever since Guo Jiaojiao met Ji Han with a cold nail at a certain banquet, she has put people in her heart.

This is the first person who does not flatter her because of her status. For Guo Jiaojiao, Ji Han is special.

But now, this person who is very special to her is standing beside a woman who is not her!

Guo Jiaojiao's eyes were about to go round, she stared at Xia Yichu, the hostility in her eyes almost pierced Xia Yichu's body.

Guo Jiaojiao came down the stairs, and finally stopped at a place two blocks higher than Xia Yichu.

She was high above the ground, stretched out her hand and pointed back at Xia Yichu, and then asked Ji Han, "Brother Han, who is she?"

Xia Yichu, who didn't pay much attention to her at first, frowned slightly because of her gesture of pointing her finger at him.

This action is simply too impolite and disrespectful.

Ji Han stood beside him, with an even uglier expression on his face than Xia Yichu's.

"Put your hands down! Who do I go shopping with, do I still need to report to you!" Ji Han said in a low voice.

Guo Jiaojiao was startled by Ji Han's suddenly gloomy expression, she withdrew her hand, her eyes were slightly red, and with a hint of caution, she decisively showed weakness to Ji Han: "Brother Han, I didn't mean it. I'm just too anxious, obviously when we had dinner together yesterday, you still had a smile on your face. Besides, it's not like you don't know my feelings for you..."

Her eyes were red, and she looked like she was about to cry. Although she didn't say what she said directly, everyone who heard it could understand what she meant.

Although Guo Jiaojiao was raised with arrogance, she was a woman who grew up in the backyard after all, so how could she not be half-distracted.

She said that on purpose to make Xia Yichu misunderstand.

Moreover, Guo Jiaojiao is also very sure that Ji Han will not expose herself in public.

Just because my father is the current prime minister!
And if Ji Han wants to be the emperor, he must win over her father!
Don't look at the monk's face to see the Buddha's face, just because of this, Ji Han will not demolish her.

A trace of confidence flashed across Guo Jiaojiao's eyebrows.

But what happened next shocked her greatly.

Ji Han is not a fool, on the contrary, people who can grow up in the palace will not have a pure personality, and observing people's eyes is a basic skill.

As long as he saw Guo Jiaojiao's expression, Ji Han could almost know what she was thinking in his heart.

The expression on Ji Han's face was even colder, and even the tone of his speech was so cold that he almost frostbitten.

"The reason why I had dinner at the Lingfu last night was because I missed the meal time because I was discussing business with Prime Minister Zuo, so I ate at the Lingfu. As for what Ms. Guo said later, I, Ji Han, have already If you have someone you love, Miss Guo, don't spread rumors on purpose, lest my sweetheart misunderstand!"

Ji Han spoke honestly and honestly.

Guo Jiaojiao was not mistaken at the beginning. When he grows up, he will definitely be an upright man, and he will also be a dedicated and responsible person.

However, his devotion is not to her, nor is it her that he protects.

The woman standing next to him in the future is not her.

Being rejected so mercilessly by Ji Han, to Guo Jiaojiao, Ji Han's words were like countless needles stuck in her heart, Guo Jiaojiao couldn't help crying.

Covering her face with her hands, she passed between Ji Han and Xia Yichu, ran down the stairs quickly, and rushed out of the jewelry store.

The maids following her looked anxious, and after hastily saluting Ji Han, they also chased him out.

The troublemaker left, and the previous smile returned to Ji Han's face.

The aura on his body was like a spring breeze, the coldness dissipated like a spring breeze.

"The annoying person has finally left, Su Tao, let's go up and have a look." Ji Han said to Xia Yichu, looking at his expression, it seemed that he was not affected by what happened just now.

Xia Yichu was not a good person either, he keenly discovered something from the conversation between the two.

In fact, she didn't like girls like Guo Jiaojiao either.

Since you like it, why abuse your scheming and use power to oppress others?

She deserved it when Ji Han ransacked her back.

Xia Yichu nodded, and the two of them went upstairs, picked out some jewelry they liked, and came down after they had harvested a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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