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Chapter 866 The Ancient Farm Family Gets Rich 35

Chapter 866 The Ancient Farm Family Gets Rich 35
As the seventh prince, Ji Han's every move is not watched by everyone, but it is also watched by many caring people.

Today the emperor has many heirs, but there are only six princes who can grow up.

Among the six princes, the third prince is the most favored.

Ji Han is the seventh prince, and behind him are the tenth and fourteenth princes.

However, the tenth prince and the fourteenth prince are still young, and neither of them has the qualifications and strength to seize the heir.

Although the seventh prince is not very favored by the emperor, but because of his mother clan's power, he still has a good chance of winning.

Several princes above the Seventh Prince, the First Prince, the Third Prince and the Sixth Prince have not only married the Prince's Concubine, but also have many aunts and concubines.

Ji Han is the only one who doesn't take concubines and concubines.

Last year, there was a woman who wanted to rely on Ji Han, and deliberately fell towards him drunk, but Ji Han quickly avoided it, and the woman didn't get any stains on the hem of his clothes. He watched him fall to the ground and then shook his sleeves Leaving is simply not giving face to the extreme.

And also because of the emptiness of his backyard, many people are spreading whether he has broken sleeves.

Now, Ji Han is actually willing to go shopping with a woman, which can be said to have slapped countless people in the face.

Many people noticed the woman who suddenly appeared next to the Seventh Prince, and even sent their own secret agents to investigate Xia Yichu's identity.

I don't know what happened, but the news that Ji Han had a beloved woman gradually spread.At the same time, other than the incident where the two met Guo Jiaojiao while shopping in the afternoon, there was also a dispute between Princess Anyang and Princess Fuhua in the restaurant.

It was obvious that the two had an argument over a dish, Xia Yichu went down to persuade him, and was discovered by Ji Han.

However, in the end, it was reported that Princess Anyang and Princess Fuhua almost fought for the Seventh Prince, and the mysterious woman came out to persuade the fight, and was finally brought back to the mansion by the Seventh Prince's love at first sight...

Xia Yichu has influence in the capital, but she hasn't been contacted yet, so I don't know that the matter between her and Ji Han has been spread like crazy outside.

As for Ji Han, Ji Han naturally knew about it, but he liked to hear about it, and even wished that the relationship between himself and Xia Yichu before was like it was rumored outside.

Let him stop it?
It would be nice if he didn't add fuel to the fire.

Ji Han can't be with Xia Yichu every day, and even if he doesn't know what Xia Yichu thinks about him, Ji Han can't let his attitude be too ambiguous.

The next day, before Xia Yichu went out, the housekeeper said that someone named Fang Tong came to see her.

When Xia Yichu heard this name, his eyes lit up, and he went outside the mansion himself.

Standing at the gate of the mansion was a young man in a dark gown, who was one of Xia Yichu's confidantes - Fang Tong.

At the same time, he was also the person Xia Yichu sent to the capital to expand his career.

At present, all the auspicious restaurants in the capital, including those small branches around the capital, are managed by Fang Tongzai.

"Fang Tong, when did you come? Come have a cup of tea first." Xia Yichu said happily.Originally, she planned to find Fang Tong later.

Fang Tong looked down at Xia Yichu, his eyes flicked across the other's smiling face, and then he responded lightly.

Xia Yichu didn't mind his coldness. Xia Yichu had known Fang Tong for almost three years. Although Fang Tong had a cold personality, his ability to handle affairs was first-class.

It was last night that Fang Tong found out that Xia Yichu had actually come to the capital.

It's not suitable to visit at night, so Fang Tong didn't come yesterday.

Fang Tong came to Xia Yichu, and what he was talking about was naturally the things in the restaurant, and he brought along with him the account books in the restaurant.

After Xia Yichu listened carefully to what he said, he briefly mentioned some things that he had ignored.

Hearing Xia Yichu's words, Fang Tong suddenly felt conflicted, and his expression was so excited.

However, when his eyes fell on Xia Yichu, Fang Tong's ears couldn't help remembering those rumors he had heard outside.

Fang Tong said, "Are those rumors outside true?"

"Huh?" Xia Yichu looked at him with doubts and inquiries in his eyes.

After Fang Tong spoke, he regretted it.

No matter what the relationship between Xia Yichu and Ji Han was, no matter what Xia Yichu did, it was actually none of her business.

He asked this question, too out of line, too impulsive.

However, he just couldn't bear it.

Especially after seeing that Xia Yichu was not angry because of his own problem, Fang Tong told the rumors outside in detail.

After finishing speaking, Fang Tong looked at Xia Yichu with a trace of anticipation and nervousness that he didn't realize.

And Xia Yichu, after listening to Fang Tong's words, immediately laughed: "This is just a rumor, and Ji Han and I are not in the relationship that was said outside."

Xia Yichu's words made Fang Tong feel relieved.

He smiled at first, and then tightened the expression on his face.

At this moment, he could no longer ignore the strange emotion in his heart.

Looking at the person in front of him, Fang Tong tried his best to speak in the same tone as usual, and said, "In this case, should I find you a house outside? I wanted to buy a house in the capital, so I kept an eye on it. There are quite a few good ones.”

Xia Yichu looked at Fang Tong, but he didn't expect Fang Tong's character to become warm after not seeing him for a while.

However, "I don't need it, thank you." Xia Yichu smiled and refused.

Fang Tong's heart ached and he stopped talking.

After the matter was finished, Fang Tong had no reason to stay here any longer.

Although he didn't know the relationship between Xia Yichu and Ji Han before, but before Fang Tong left, he still told Xia Yichu: "The seventh prince has a lot of power and status, and his every move is watched by many people. You follow him and be careful." .”

"Well, I know." Xia Yichu nodded, sent Fang Tong to the gate of the mansion, and watched him drift away.

Xia Yichu wanted to find the bug, but the sky and the earth were big, and when he really started to look for it, he found that there was no way to start.

Every time before, it was bugs who came to her.No matter which plane it was, he was the first to walk in front of her, and then she recognized him.

Now, let her look for her with empty hands and a blank face, Xia Yichu is a little helpless.

"Host, I've been learning a poem recently, do you want to listen to it?" In my mind, the voice of the system suddenly popped out.

Even without waiting for Xia Yichu's reply, it opened its mouth in Xia Yichu's mind and said: "Looking horizontally, it looks like mountains and peaks, with different heights and distances. I don't know the true face of Lushan Mountain, only because I am in this mountain."

In the afternoon, Xia Yichu received an invitation, which was sent by Princess Anyang.

Xia Yichu's identity is not mysterious, even a little famous.

It is easy for everyone to find out.

And Princess Anyang naturally sent someone to check Xia Yichu's identity.

In this invitation card, Princess Anyang wrote Xia Yichu's name in this world - Su Tao.

In the evening, when Ji Han came back, he found out about it from the housekeeper.

He didn't even change his clothes, so he went directly to Xia Yichu.

Xia Yichu was waiting for him to come back for dinner, after seeing his figure, Xia Yichu smiled: "You are back, have you eaten yet?"

Ji Han shook his head, he had been thinking about her all day long, but there were so many things today, even if he dealt with them quickly, it was up to now, without seeing her, he wouldn't even be in the mood to eat.

Xia Yichu also guessed that he didn't eat, so he asked the maid to go to the kitchen to bring up the hot food.

She looked so calm and calm, he was not in a hurry.

The two sat together and had a meal. After the meal, Ji Han took Xia Yichu to the garden for a walk to digest.

Ji Han didn't let his servants follow. When he walked to the gazebo, Ji Han said to Xia Yichu: "The butler told me about Princess Anyang's post for you today. Anyang has been spoiled by the emperor and has an arrogant and domineering personality." , don’t reply to her yet, leave this matter to me to deal with.”

"It's okay." Xia Yichu shook his head, "It's just a small matter, I can solve it myself." In the past few years of doing business, many people have watched her cheat her at a young age. See you soon.

Looking at Xia Yichu's expression, Ji Han immediately thought of this.

He lowered his eyebrows and looked at Xia Yichu, and there was a gloomy look in his eyes.

He always felt that she was too outstanding, and he was somewhat unworthy of her.

But he was a little bit reluctant to let him let her go.

His eyes were flickering, Xia Yichu noticed his expression from the corner of his eyes, he was the one she was familiar with at this moment.

Xia Yichu secretly laughed in his heart for a while.

Thank you, system.

 [This chapter is very long, thank you for subscribing. 】

(End of this chapter)

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