Rebirth and struggle for rural daughter-in-law

Chapter 111 Unintentional Contrast

Chapter 111 Unintentional Contrast

Chapter 100: Unintentional Contrast

As soon as Mrs. Yang finished speaking, Yang Zongyi frowned tightly. Obviously, he couldn't understand why his mother came up with such an idea, but he didn't criticize him in front of outsiders, but his face was stinky. Ugly, everyone can see his dissatisfaction.

Shang's mother was worried when she saw it, "Zongyi, we two parents are showing off our faces today. It looks like you really don't want to accept this marriage anymore."

Here the three parents went into battle together, while Shang Hong covered his face and cried, Yang Zongyi felt his head was going to explode, "Mom, no matter whether I will be with Shang Hong or not, I will always regard you as my parents When we got divorced, I also told Shang Hong that we are not children. If we made a decision, we would not be able to remarry after we divorced. After all, it’s not my own thoughts that can decide.”

Yang Zongyi felt that what he said was clear enough, if he really pointed it out again, everyone would be ashamed.

Shang's father stood up first, and left without a word. Shang's mother saw her husband leaving, and gave Yang Zongyi a disappointed look. She covered her mouth and followed. Only Shang Hong raised her head from her sadness, "Are you really Do you regret it?"

"When I decided to divorce, I didn't think about the day when I would regret it. It's not suitable for the two of us to be together. You should find a man who can tolerate you and spoil you. I am a man and I can't do it every time. Stay by your side during the day and help you share everything. What I need is a woman who can help me share the burden of the family, a woman like Zhang Guilan, appearance is not important, as long as you can live at home." A couple.Yang Zongyi knew that at this time he should persuade Shang Hong to understand and let her start life again.

But I didn't know that one of his examples brought Zhang Guilan into it.Shang Hong originally had a sad expression, as if she had been stabbed.It exploded in an instant, and her emotions became crazy, "Zhang Guilan Zhang Guilan, she came from a rural area, she is fat and what's the matter? Can she live? But after cooking a few dishes, you think she can live. At the beginning, I said You have an affair with her, you don't recognize it, do you recognize it now? No wonder I'm getting divorced soon. You have fallen in love with her, right? Yang Zongyi, even if you divorce me, Zhang Guilan won't be with you, you Don't forget that she has a family and a marriage, so you want to destroy the marriage even if you are a man?"

"Crazy, you're really crazy, I'll tell you more." Yang Zongyi's face turned blue from anger, and he turned and asked his mother. "Mom, you've seen it too. She's just like this. Do you think we can stay together forever? When I mention someone else, it means having an affair with someone else. She's already got a demonic disease, and there's no cure for it."

Without further words, Yang Zongyi got up and walked out.The little bit of guilt in my heart is gone, let alone regret for my choice.

Shang Hong, however, seemed to have been greatly wronged.Hugging his face and crying.

Mrs. Yang hated iron but regretted it, "Shang Hong, look at you, let us help you talk, but you have to do it yourself, who can you blame for this trouble now? You don't Crying, if there is no trust between this couple, life will not be able to go on, now I think it is better for you two to separate, while you have no children, you will save having children in the future. Good arrangement."

"Mom, why are you falling for Zongyi too? It's obvious that he was thinking about other women, otherwise how could he have treated me like this before?" Shang Hong's face was full of resentment.

Old Mrs. Yang frowned even deeper, "Son, you are a cultured person, how can you just talk about things like this between men and women? Guilan also came to the house today. I think that child is very good, no People like you said, don’t talk about outsiders. Zongyi crawled out of my stomach. I know what he is best, and he would never do that kind of thing. If you still call me mom, I will Treat you as your own daughter, if you still talk nonsense, don't call me mom in the future."

Leaning back on the sofa, Mrs. Yang didn't take a second look at Shang Hong.

Shang Hong bit her lip angrily, turned around and ran out, today even her parents bowed their heads because of her matter, why is Zong Yi so cruel to her, even at this time, he still talks about Zhang Guilan's good.

She hates, she hates Zhang Guilan, if there is no Zhang Guilan,,, in Zong Yi's eyes, she is still good.

Yes, everything is Zhang Guilan's fault.

When Shang Hong rushed out of the corridor, she saw Yang Zongyi and Zhang Guilan standing side by side, saying goodbye to Zhou Fuguo. At this time, she had only one thought in her mind, which was to break Zhang Guilan's disguised appearance.

The man rushed towards Zhang Guilan. Zhang Guilan felt a gust of wind blowing by her side. Before she could turn her head to see what was going on, she heard a woman's scream, and then saw Shang Hong who had fallen to the ground. .

Yang Zongyi withdrew his hand, recovered his body and stood on the spot, but his face was gloomy and cold. Shang Hong sat on the ground in a panic, his whole face was twisted together because of the pain caused by his body, and he hadn't gotten up from the ground yet.

Zhou Fuguo was also taken aback by this scene. Seeing Yang Zongyi pursing his lips, and then looking at Shang Hong on the ground, he calmed down and said, "You guys go too, we can meet again when we have time some other day."

Directly ignored Shang Hong on the ground.

"Okay, come to my place to play when you have time." Yang Zongyi said politely, and took another step forward, standing between Shang Hong and Zhang Guilan, "Let's go."

Zhang Guilan understood what was going on, but since the two men in front of her were pretending to be stupid, she wouldn't pick it up. She nodded to Zhou Fuguo before walking to the car, wondering what she was doing for no reason. I have provoked Shang Hong, and seeing her like that just now, it was obvious that she was targeting me, but fortunately Yang Zongyi stopped her, otherwise I was afraid that I would have to suffer a while.

"Yang Zongyi and Zhang Guilan, you two shameless men and women, you will not end well." Shang Hong sat on the ground and yelled, she didn't even want to lose face.

When she yelled, several people in the community were attracted by her words. They looked this way, but they didn't come forward.

"Shang Hong, get up, let's see what you look like." Zhou Fuguo frowned.

Yang Zongyi didn't look back at all, and as soon as Zhang Guilan got into the car, he started the car and stepped on the accelerator and left. Shang Hong became even more crazy, sitting alone in the community and scolding, Zhou Fuguo had no choice but to ask someone to call the merchant, wait When the merchant's parents rushed over, it was already half an hour later, and when the merchant's father arrived, he slapped him with a slap.

"You are shameless, our business is shameless, get the hell out of here, all the men in the world are dead, and it's not shameful to return them, is it?" Shang's father wanted to go forward to beat him, but was stopped by Shang's mother. up.

Persuading Shang Hong on the ground earnestly, "Xiao Hong, I beg you as a mother, don't make trouble. Parents are getting old and can't stand the trouble."

How could they dare to offend the Yang family? At the beginning, this marriage was regarded as their family's high profile. Now that their daughter got divorced, and now they don't remarry, they still come to their door to make trouble. Will the merchant still want to be here in the future? Got mixed up in the compound?
Father Shang saw that his wife was still protecting him, sad and feeling powerless, he shook his head and turned away, Mother Shang helped her daughter up and wiped the tears from her face, "You child, you are trying to make mother Kill me."

Shang Hong also calmed down after being beaten, she just lowered her head and cried without speaking, and was led away by Shang's mother.

Zhou Fuguo shook his head before returning home.

On the way, Yang Zongyi felt quite embarrassed, so he simply learned the matter, "No matter what she sees now, she thinks too much, and she involves you in it. I'm really sorry."

"It's okay, so many people are watching, and no one will think too much." Zhang Guilan was powerless in her heart, and was involved for no reason.

Looking at Shang Hong like that, he knew how much he hated her. Considering that Sun Mei is still friends with Shang Hong, he still doesn't know what Shang Hong will do in the future.

Yang Zongyi didn't know Zhang Guilan's worry, he was only guilty of almost getting Zhang Guilan beaten when he was in the community just now, and Shang Hong made such a fuss, the two never talked about it again, and when they arrived at the compound, it was past three o'clock in the afternoon.

Zhang Guilan got off Yang Zongyi's car in a fair manner. Many people in the compound saw it, but no one asked much. After all, now that Luo Ji was 'relegated', most people still sympathized with Zhang Guilan.

When he took the key to open the door, Jiang Zhi from the opposite door heard a voice, "Sister-in-law, you're back."

Zhang Guilan nodded faintly, "I came back in the car of Leader Yang."

Jiang Zhi was startled, "That sister-in-law is really lucky, thankfully she didn't come back yesterday, the whole family caught a cold."

"Then you have to take medicine. Children are sick and adults suffer the most." Zhang Guilan opened the door, "Come over and sit down if you have time. I'll go into the room."

Jiang Zhi nodded with a smile, and after the door was closed, he turned coldly and went into the room.

Zhang Guilan was also really tired. She took off her coat, washed her face, and then threw herself on the bed. There is no need to go to the city now, just wait for Bai Song and his wife to come over, and then take advantage of these few days to make some underwear to come out , and there are several sizes.

Zhang Guilan didn't wait for a rest either, the Baisong couple arrived the next day, carrying big bags and small bags, they found the compound in the forest area, it was the young man who sent them here, after Luo Haiying brought people last time, now the compound came in Everyone and young men have to follow, send people to their homes in person, and leave after confirming.

The faces of Bai Song and his wife were full of smiles, the two of them didn't feel haggard because of traveling all the way, but as soon as Bai Song put down his bags and heard that Luo Ji had left, he turned to persuade Zhang Guilan.

Zhang Guilan pursed her lips and smiled, and it was the first time she was so happy when Luo Ji left, "Don't be unhappy, a man is going to defend his family and the country, and it just so happens that your sister-in-law and I are here, and I will take care of everything in the future. After the letter, tell him to rest assured that we are still at home."

Zhang Guilan responded with a smile, and before she could say anything more, she heard someone knocking on the door, wondering who it was?Opening the door, she saw that it was Jiang Zhi, she was slightly taken aback, she also saw someone coming from the house, it was impossible to come for a stroll at this time, and she looked embarrassed, she knew something was up at a glance.

 Oh, I finally got out. Someone came from home, and I was writing while talking to him. I was so anxious to death.Love the pink ticket ah,,,

(End of this chapter)

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