Chapter 112 Borrowing Money
Chapter 101: Borrowing Money
Zhang Guilan didn't like it in her heart, and she didn't show it on her face, she said with a smile, "Jiang Zhi is here, come in quickly."

"Sister-in-law, I have something to ask you, let's come out and talk about it." Jiang Zhi's voice was very low, but standing at the door, the Baisong couple in the room naturally heard it too.

Bai Song is a big man, so naturally he didn't think much about it.

When it came to Zhu Lan, she glanced at the door, even though it was just a glance, she also looked at Jiang Zhi from the beginning to the end, quickly looked away, and there was a lot of calculation in her heart.

Zhang Guilan knew that Jiang Zhi was so hard to speak, she must have something to ask herself, and she was unwilling to agree, and it was not easy to refuse in person, so she could only take the door to her and stand in the corridor to talk to her.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Guilan thought to herself that if Jiang Zhi still talked about using the sewing machine, she had already said that she could come and use it at home, so there was really no need to act like this.

"Sister-in-law, there is a letter from my hometown. My father-in-law is sick and said that he is hospitalized in the town. He sent a telegram to ask us to post some money home. The payment was made the day before yesterday. There are too many things we need at home this month, and we don't have any in hand." Keeping the remaining money, how can something like this happen now. Sister-in-law, can you borrow some money from my family first? I will pay you back when Quan’er’s father has expenses next month.” Jiang Zhi was afraid that he would not borrow it, and he was too busy Guaranteed, "If you don't believe it, you can write an IOU. I really have no choice. I only know my sister-in-law in this compound."

Zhang Guilan was not surprised when she heard that she was borrowing money, and felt strange, "The man's family needs money for urgent matters, so he can advance his salary with Lin District. It is a serious matter for your father-in-law to be hospitalized, and Lin District will not disagree. Li Has the accountant told the factory?"

Borrowing money Zhang Guilan also felt nothing.Just looking at Jiang Zhi like this, is it possible that he needs to borrow a lot?She didn't have much in hand either.What's more, I still need to use it to open a store, so I can't get much out of it.

Jiang Zhi looked troubled. "Sister-in-law, I won't hide it from you. My father-in-law sent a telegram this time and said that only 20 yuan is enough. Quan'er's father thought I still had it in my hand, so he asked me to prepare it today, and he sent it away tomorrow. But I Yesterday I went to the city to buy some more rice, and there was only eight yuan left, so I didn’t have enough money, and I didn’t dare to tell Quan’er’s father. I was afraid that he would blame me, so I thought about borrowing 15 yuan from my sister-in-law first. money."

"That's it, that's fine, just wait, I'll get it for you." 15 yuan is not a big deal to Zhang Guilan.

Seeing that I borrowed it, Jiang Zhi thanked you gratefully, "Sister-in-law, thank you, otherwise I really don't know what to do. A few days after the expenses, every family was busy buying rice and oil, and there was no money left. How much money, I really don’t know where to borrow it.”

"Otherwise, there is not much money left in the family this month. After Lao Luo left, I can't use much rice at home, so it is useless." Even if I can get it out.Zhang Guilan didn't want to reveal her wealth either, so she explained.Just turned around and entered the house.

Jiang Zhi curled his lips, wondering how much he could earn in a small business.This time when she went to the city, she purposely inquired about the price of the mung bean cake, but it cost one yuan per catty, and now the Luo family must have at least 200 yuan.

But borrowing 15 yuan, it looks awkward.

If this person's heart is not right, no matter what the other party does, she will think in a wrong way. When she borrowed money just now, Zhang Guilan didn't even hesitate, and Jiang Zhi didn't get it in exchange.

In fact, Zhang Guilan had money in her pocket, and she said it was just an excuse to go into the house to get it. She had never thought of lending money to Jiang Zhi, and if Jiang Zhi was a good person, she would not say a word. After these few times, Zhang Guilan also noticed that for the villain, no matter how much you treat her, she will not thank you sincerely, maybe you will say behind your back that you are watching her joke.

Seeing Zhang Guilan come in, Zhu Lan's expression was not as happy as before, and she stepped forward and asked, "What happened?"

"It's okay." Zhang Guilan lowered her voice, "The person opposite wants to borrow money from me."

"Is it credible?" At this time, every family has no money, and if they borrow more than a hundred dollars, they will pay interest.

"It's okay, I'll go out with her now and say no." Zhang Guilan didn't treat the Baisong couple as outsiders, so she didn't hide it, "I don't have close friends, but live in the opposite door."

Zhu Lan nodded, "Okay, then you can go."

Zhang Guilan saw that it was almost done, opened the door and went out again.

Looking at Jiang Zhi with a face of embarrassment, "I didn't buy anything at first, but I just remembered when I went back to look for money. I spent a little money staying in a hotel in the city, and bought some cotton and quilts. I only have ten dollars left in my hand." It’s too much money, and it’s not enough for fifteen. Originally, I said I could take out this money. You also know that I did some business and saved some in my hand. Later, I went back to my hometown with Lao Luo and left the money to my parents. If you spend more, you will have no money in your hand. What can you do if you look at it? How about I save some, and you take five yuan first, and then go upstairs to have a look?"

Jiang Zhi was stunned, and blinked his eyes in disbelief, "Sister-in-law, it's okay, it's okay, then don't worry, I'll go to another house to have a look."

"You look so embarrassed, it's the first time you asked me to borrow money,,, I said,,, 20 yuan is not a decimal, otherwise you can tell Xuezhang to go to the factory to pay in advance for a month, He won't blame you if he knows the truth, after all, life is wasted, and it's not you who wasted it." Zhang Guilan reminded her.

"Okay, I know, then I won't bother my sister-in-law. There are still guests at home, so my sister-in-law should go back quickly." Jiang Zhi clenched his fists tightly, forced Zhang Guilan into the room, and then put his face down.

After being out for so long, the child at home is still sick, and Jiang Zhi didn't have much time to get angry. He bit his lip and went into the house, knowing that Zhang Guilan must be rich and treat him better than before. Offended, he secretly regretted that he should have coaxed her away in the first place.

Upstairs, the Wang family and the Song family don’t have to think about it, where there will be money. Jiang Zhi can only wait for the man to come back at night and tell the truth. Helped into the city to fight away.

As for Zhang Guilan, she didn't intend to date Jiang Zhi anymore. On the day Bai Song and his wife came, she made stuffed dumplings with bacon and cabbage. shop.

The store has been cleaned up, just need to put things in. Although it is only [-] square meters, it is much better than the houses in the town. You can do business in the front, and you can live in the [-] square meters in the back. Setting up a stove for cooking, Zhu Lan fell in love with it immediately.

This will be home from now on, Bai Song doesn't say anything on the face, but he is walking around in the room, rubbing his hands from time to time, obviously nervous.

"Brother Bai, you are familiar with this place. There is a shortage of things for cooking at home. My sister-in-law and I will clean up at home, and I will leave these to you." Zhang Guilan took out ten yuan and stuffed it into his hand. It’s not mine, and when you earn money, it will be deducted from the money you earn, don’t want it.”

"Okay, I'll go buy it. Although I haven't been back for several years, I still know where to sell these things." Bai Song put away the money and left with a smile.

Zhu Lan looked at her man and smiled, sighing, "It's the first time I've seen him so happy in these years, although he changed jobs, but his heart has stayed in the forest area, yesterday you didn't See, when we were in the compound in the forest area, he was so excited that he didn't know which leg to take, but later the young man on guard didn't recognize him, so he was quite disappointed, but fortunately he thought about it. "

Zhu Lan and Bai Song also grew up in a small village, and they got engaged. After two years of marriage, Bai Song changed jobs.

"Sister-in-law don't have to worry about it in the future. If you can get busy, Brother Bai won't have to worry about it." Zhang Guilan can understand Bai Song's feelings. For a man, leaving the forest area is the biggest regret in their life, "Sister-in-law , it’s your first time in the city, so let’s go to see if the shelf is ready, and I’ll show you around too, I’ve made the quilt, Zhuo hasn’t bought it yet, so we just picked one together.”

"I don't need to spend that money. I brought all the quilts at home, and I also brought the sewing machine. The pots in the countryside are different from those in the city, so I didn't bring them. Let's go to serious business." Zhu Lan spoke openly , and the work is also neat.

That's what Zhang Guilan likes about her, so she doesn't show politeness to her, "That's fine, let's go."

The two of them locked the door and left straight away. The little mute had already made a drying rack, which looked exactly like what Zhang Guilan said, and it was all made of wood with a polished surface, which was of first-class quality.

There are at least six shelves to be used in the store, and the little mute has obviously been busy with this these days, ten of them have been installed, and there are still some that have not been installed, it seems that there will be no shortage.

The wood was too heavy, and there were some clothes hangers and trouser clips that Zhang Guilan and Zhu Lan couldn't carry. The little mute also helped, and the things were brought to the store. Angry, Bai Song installed the stove, Zhang Guilan asked Zhu Lan to buy vegetables and cook, and the little dumb went to bring the unassembled shelves, assembled them in the store and sold them directly in the store, so the little dumb could also have dinner all night .

Zhu Lan didn't do it, "I'm strong, so I went to carry things with the little mute, and you went to buy vegetables, and it happened that I didn't know where to buy them."

Zhang Guilan thought it was right, the three of them divided their labor, went to the market and Zhang Guilan bought two catties of meat, and now the vegetables were scarce, and she couldn't even buy them, so she bought a piece of tofu, first bought ten catties of rice, salt I bought some various condiments, and it didn't look like much, but it was heavy to lift.

Lunch is braised pork and stewed tofu. Although there are only two dishes, they are cooked in large quantities, and a large pot of rice is cooked. There is still enough for the four people to eat.

In the afternoon, it was much easier. Including the little mute, four people sat in the store to assemble the shelves. Although there was no need to run around, the workload was heavy. The four were so busy that it was almost dark, and there were still a few left.

 I have started a business, but I am not very good at writing about starting a business. There are shortcomings, everyone, please be considerate.At the end of ten days, turn around and call for the pink ticket, hehe
(End of this chapter)

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