Rebirth and struggle for rural daughter-in-law

Chapter 113 Encounter with Sun Mei

Chapter 113 Encounter with Sun Mei

Chapter 102: Encounter with Sun Mei

There are more than 30 assembled shelves under the window, and there are at least five unassembled ones. It can be seen that the little mute probably doesn't even have time to sleep.

They cooked some more porridge for dinner, and the four of them ate the leftover rice and vegetables at noon. Among them, Zhang Guilan and Zhu Lan ate the porridge and shared the rice with Baisong.

After the meal, Zhang Guilan asked the little mute to go back first, and went out to see him off. On the way back, she found a public phone, stood outside and struggled for a while before entering.

The last time Zhang Guilan lived in the city, Yang Zongyi said that if there was an urgent matter in the future and he couldn't go back, he asked her to make a phone call and the Yang family kept it, so that the family would tell Yang Zongyi, and Yang Zongyi was relieved.

Zhang Guilan felt that Yang Zongyi cared too much about her, so she always felt embarrassed, but if she didn't call, she was afraid that it would be like last time. Besides, Yang Zongyi had asked her again, so Zhang Guilan just dialed the phone, and the phone was answered soon.

It was Mrs. Yang who answered the phone, and Zhang Guilan didn't know what was wrong, she felt her mouth was heavy, "Aunt Yang, I'm Guilan, someone from my hometown came to the city to do business, I've been helping so far, and I won't go back to the compound at night I need to trouble you to tell Zongyi, otherwise he will be worried again."

Afraid of being misunderstood, Zhang Guilan added, "I asked Zong Yi to take care of me when Lao Ji left. This will always trouble Zong Yi, I'm really sorry."

Old Mrs. Yang smiled heartily, "It's nothing troublesome, their emotional brothers, I'll call him and tell him about this right away, take care of yourself and come to the house, come and find me if you have anything to do."

Zhang Guilan thanked her before putting down the phone.

She smiled wistfully, because she was too petty.He made it look like he was shameless, and slapped his face.After taking out the money and giving it to the other party, he walked out of the phone and stopped.Unexpectedly, just a few steps away, Zhang Guilan frowned when she heard someone calling her from behind, and hearing someone calling for her.

He strode over to answer the phone, and as soon as he picked it up, he heard Yang Zongyi's voice from the opposite side, with a smile in his voice, "It seems that my hands are fast enough, otherwise you wouldn't be able to receive this call."

I don't know why, but I heard his laughter.Yang Zongyi's smiling face also flashed in Zhang Guilan's mind. The expression on her face dared to relax. She didn't need him to ask, she just told her that she was going to live in the city today and helped her fellow villagers make arrangements before going back. Did not notice.

On the other end of the phone, Yang Zongyi was sitting on the chair, pulling off his collar with one hand, still panting.He has been waiting for a phone call until now, and seeing that there is no phone call, he is already planning to leave, but he heard the phone in the office rang after he walked out a few steps, and he ran back even though he was only a few steps away.

Then I asked for Zhang Guilan's phone number from home.He dialed back directly, and after hearing the voice over there, the expression on Yang Zongyi's face also relaxed.

After quietly listening to Zhang Guilan say that she will be busy in the city for a few days.Cai said, "Okay. You have to pay attention to your own safety, or Lao Ji will punish me when he comes back."

Zhang Guilan pursed her lips and smiled. "Okay, in order not to let Lao Ji talk about you, I have to take good care of myself."

The two of them just hung up the phone, Zhang Guilan felt very embarrassed, and gave another [-] cents to stop the call, and then went back to the store. This time there was no dumb person, and there were not many left. Zhang Guilan and Zhu Lan followed Bai Song to the busy place. After nine o'clock in the evening, he went to the back room to rest, and Bai Song put the shelves together, spread out the luggage he brought, and settled for the night.

The next day, Zhang Guilan asked Bai Song to take her ID card to get a license, and she and Zhu Lan took out the little underwear that she had made. Zhu Lan was dumbfounded when she saw it, "Guilan, what we want to sell is These?"

Zhu Lan is really worried that someone will buy it, this is too,,,

This little underwear only has two pieces of cloth and a few straps, how could anyone buy it?

Zhang Guilan took the underwear and ironed it flat, "Sister-in-law, don't worry, we live in the countryside, so we naturally think this thing is too revealing, but in the eyes of the city people, which wife doesn't want to make the underwear sexy, and make her men more attractive?" Have a look."

Zhu Lan's face turned red, "I can't wear this thing, you don't know how you have such a brain, you can think of these things."

At the beginning, Zhu Lan didn't dare to handle it because she felt it was hot. Seeing Zhang Guilan's nonchalant expression, she gradually began to help. Some things are just like this, and it's no surprise that she's used to it.

The two hung up the hot underwear on the hanger, especially the shirt made by Zhang Guilan, which became the most eye-catching one.

When Bai Song came back with the customs license, he was shocked by the things hanging in the house as soon as he entered the house, Zhu Lan was embarrassed, and hurriedly went up to wink with his man, for fear that he would say something unpleasant .

"Will it be said that selling these is not serious?" Bai Song said, and Zhu Lan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, she was even more afraid that men would argue and go back to the countryside because they disagreed with selling these things.

Zhang Guilan was encouraged by Bai Song's acceptance, "Brother Bai, you are much stronger than Lao Ji. He and Ben don't accept me doing these things. Now that people's living standards are getting higher and higher, not only the appearance must be beautiful, but also the inside. Don't worry, as long as the woman reads it, she will definitely like it, otherwise you can ask sister-in-law if she likes it?"

Zhu Lan blushed, "Go, don't make fun of me."

Bai Song was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed brightly, "Okay, if your sister-in-law likes it, then wear it, my own things, and so on."

"Yeah, I'm thinking about letting my sister-in-law try it, and Brother Bai will give you a score." Zhang Guilan sized up the two of them.

Zhu Lan took a look at her own man, and was not as nervous as a little girl, "Go, you two, don't make fun of me. Seeing that your brother and sister get along so well, it's like a real brother and sister."

Zhang Guilan's eyes lit up when she heard this, "Sister-in-law is right, brother Bai has no family, so why not recognize me as a godsister."

"It's good, it's good, I'm afraid you will be at a disadvantage. What's your big brother Bai, being your brother will only drag you down." Zhu Lan spoke the truth.

My man originally only had one mother, but she disappeared last year, and her legs were lame again. Several relatives also disliked him for being poor, not to mention Zhu Lan's own natal family. The poor can't even take care of their own family. , how can I care about Zhu Lan getting married.

Zhang Guilan's face darkened, "Sister-in-law said this to embarrass me, what's not to drag on, I recognize my elder brother and my family, my sister-in-law is talking about two things."

"Okay, then I'll recognize the girl Guilan. I had a good relationship with National Day back then. Her sister is my own sister. Now that he's gone, I'll be the big brother to take care of Guilan in the future." Bai Song is a man who handles affairs Li Li, "Cook some good dishes for lunch today, I recognize Guilan as my sister."

Zhu Lan is naturally happy, but when she thinks that Zhang Guilan came to her family now, she used to eat others and live in others, and now she has to recognize her as a girl, so that outsiders will know, but she doesn't know how to poke her back.

But she also really likes Zhang Guilan, she doesn't have the stubbornness of a girl, and she handles things more openly than the Chinese.

"Sister-in-law, don't hesitate, just listen to the elder brother. I don't have much to do today. Tomorrow, let the elder brother go to the little mute to make a plaque. Later, the two of us will go shopping for vegetables." Zhang Guilan pulled Zhu Lan and joked, "In the future, I will But elder brother's sister is gone, sister-in-law, you can't get angry when elder brother treats me well, don't you all say that sister-in-law and sister-in-law can't get along?"

"You girl, your mouth is so unforgiving, how dare I get angry, it's too late to be happy, your elder brother has no relatives, and now you have an extra sister, I'm happy for him." Zhu Lan's heart stopped thinking, "Yes I'm too happy for a sister-in-law like you."

In the end, Bai Song took over and ironed the clothes, and asked Zhang Guilan and Zhu Lan to go shopping for vegetables. Zhang Guilan also wanted to take Zhu Lan to familiarize himself with the surrounding environment. This is the main street, opposite is the supply and marketing building, and the left side of the intersection is a shopping mall, leaning against them There is a market at the corner here. Zhu Lan has been here for two days and has never visited a shopping mall. Zhang Guilan took her inside first, and took a look around. There was no underwear besides the vest, and the last two people went. At the place where the cloth is sold, they pulled small cotton cloth suitable for making clothes and underwear, and finally pulled a piece of gray khaki for Bai Song to make a jacket, blue ones for pants, and Zhu Lan's clothes can be made from the cloth bought earlier.

The two went to the market with the cloth in their arms. There were not many people selling things and there was nothing there. There were two selling chicken and eggs, one selling tofu, and one selling dry goods. Zhang Guilan bought some shredded beans, I bought another piece of tofu, finally pulled a piece of meat, and bought a glass of wine. Today, there was a shop selling radishes, but the price was high. Those who wanted to buy it left after asking the price. Zhang Guilan bought one without hesitation. Then I went back to the store with Zhu Lan.

The two of them were busy in the kitchen, stewed meat with radish, made soup with tofu, and fried pork with shredded beans. Zhang Guilan also drank a glass during the meal. The three people who were originally happy, no doubt, when Luo Ji was mentioned, their laughter faded away.

"I don't know what's going on over there, and there's not a single letter." Zhang Guilan felt that writing a letter was slow, so he should call.

As the days went by, Zhang Guilan became a little angry when no letter came.

"Maybe he's busy. Lao Ji is cold-tempered. I'm afraid he's busy and hasn't sorted it out when he just arrived there. Otherwise, he will definitely send you a letter." Bai Song comforted her, "Don't worry, he really won't do it in a few days. Letter, big brother will help you clean him up then."

Bai Song waved his fist in a serious manner, and Zhang Guilan's disappointment was also driven away.

At this time, Luo Ji, who had been missed by Zhang Guilan, had only been in the forest area for two days, and was busy with taking over. Staring at his woman with bulging eyes, Luo Ji somehow realized that this face merged with the face of his daughter-in-law in his memory.

 I'm going to cook, if I can update in advance, I will update in advance. There is no gold master like other great gods to reward, and I probably rely on the number of words to spell blogs, hehe
(End of this chapter)

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