Rebirth and struggle for rural daughter-in-law

Chapter 115 The first transaction

Chapter 115 The First Transaction

Chapter 104: The first transaction

Jiang Zhi lowered his head and twisted the hem of his clothes. Under the oppression of his man's eyes, he knew that this matter could not be avoided, and he felt wronged, "I went to borrow money, but my sister-in-law didn't lend it to me. My man, why are you picking shit on my head? My sister-in-law usually takes care of our family so much, and I would never do such a thing if I have no conscience. You don’t know that I have nothing to do with anyone except at home. If you don’t move around, how can I spread those words.”

"When you lose your temper with me when you hear rumors outside, I still feel uncomfortable. She is someone else's wife. You know how to care, but have you ever cared about me? Coming from the countryside, no one in this compound thinks highly of me. I take care of my children all day long, and I don’t know anyone. What’s the difference between being in jail? Why don’t you care about me if you have such thoughts? Am I still your wife?”

Li Xuezhang had a headache when he heard it, "What are you talking about? Why did you learn from Shang Hong? Or do you want to divorce like her? You have been in the city for more than a year, right? Listen to what you say Didn’t I tell you to learn Mandarin? Otherwise, who would laugh at you for nothing? I told you that I won’t pursue this matter. You should stay away from this matter in the future. Don’t talk about it every day. It’s useless, especially if you leave with Wang Li. Don't think I don't know who you are with every day."

Li Xuezhang turned angrily and went into the study, Jiang Zhi bit his lip and turned into the kitchen, feeling uncomfortable, but he didn't know that Li Xuezhang also heard that she still had more than 20 yuan. No poking.

Because of this matter, even after dinner, the husband and wife would not look good, Jiang Zhi became more and more aggrieved the more he thought about it.But with a guilty conscience, she only mentioned that Zhang Guilan hadn't come back in front of Zhao Chunmei that day.And my man went to find Yang Zongyi, could it be that Zhao Chunmei spread the word?If so.She really can't make trouble, who made her feel wronged.

But if there was a rift between him and his own man because of the outsider's affairs, and he felt that it was too unworthy, after much deliberation, when he was sleeping at night, Jiang Zhi pulled Li Xuezhang to ask, "Could it be because of the borrowing of the sewing machine, my sister-in-law thought Dissatisfied with me?"

Li Xuelian didn't understand why his daughter-in-law suddenly said such a word.

"My sister-in-law was leaving that day, and I was thinking of borrowing the sewing machine. I wanted her to keep the key, but my sister-in-law didn't. It seemed that I was not happy about it. I regretted it later, and I always wanted to explain it to my sister-in-law. Now, a telegram came from home again, and all the money in my hand was spent again, so I thought of borrowing money from my sister-in-law. She didn’t borrow money, and I didn’t say anything. Later, when I talked to Accountant Wang’s wife, it happened that When it came to borrowing money, he mentioned that someone came from his family. I didn’t say anything else.” Jiang Zhi’s eyes turned red, “You don’t blame me, I’m not feeling well. In this compound, I also have the deepest relationship with my sister-in-law. I have never had any holidays with others, could it be that my sister-in-law said something to others?"

Jiang Zhi said the last sentence carefully.Li Xuezhang's face was so cold that it turned to ice, "Sister-in-law just came back today, what did she tell you? Who are you going to tell? Jiang Zhi, let me tell you, take care of your heart, don't let those women spoil you Now, do you understand? How can you think of your sister-in-law like that? Is your conscience broken? All right, go to sleep. "

Li Xuezhang turned around.

Seeing the man turning his back to him, and accusing him of having a bad conscience, Jiang Zhi's face was so red that he could bleed, but he didn't dare to say more, he didn't expect Zhang Guilan to be like that in his man's heart good.

Jiang Zhi was going to suffer from insomnia that night, but Zhang Guilan, who she kept talking about, didn't take the rumors in the compound seriously. When she got home that night, she started working in front of the sewing machine, greedy for half the night. I made all the cut outs, and got up early the next morning to cut out the cloth I brought back. This batch is a little conservative, like a small vest, but the length is only up to the waist, not too long Zhang Guilan thinks that this will sell faster. As for those small underwear, although they won't sell quickly, the price will not be low.

In the morning, Zhang Guilan only cooked some porridge, took a bite of kimchi, and got busy. It was already noon, and she didn't remember to cook, so she was taken aback when she saw Yang Zongyi appearing at the door with a lunch box.

"I don't know what you are busy with, and I don't ask too much, but the meal has to be eaten on time." Yang Zongyi handed over the lunch box, "There is no sister-in-law to cook for you now, I called back from the cafeteria, first Eat it."

"How is this good? How much is it? I can't eat for free." Although you can get food from the cafeteria, you have to pay for it.

Seeing that she was going to pay, Yang Zongyi pretended to be cold, "This compound actually rumored that I have something to do with you. You are giving me money. Isn't it a joke for those people? We are really guilty, and Lao Ji is not at home. I should help him take care of you, so go eat quickly."

The two were standing at the entrance of the stairs talking, and it was just after lunch, and everyone went out for a walk after eating, Yang Zongyi's voice was not too loud, and his preference could be heard by people passing by or in the corridor, with his heart Needless to say, I know what I want to do.

A big man did this, Zhang Guilan felt warm in his heart, and took the rice bowl unceremoniously, "Okay, wait for Lao Ji to come back some other day, I will make the table, please have a good meal, everyone said Take herbal tea, I don't think so, it's also worth it."

The two looked at each other and smiled tacitly, Yang Zongyi turned and went downstairs.

Although Zhang Guilan didn't scold directly, after the word "people take the herbal tea" was said, it spread in the courtyard not long after. Luo Ji was transferred and left, leaving his wife at home alone, no one to take care of him, and he still recited people. It's the same thing to say that people have cold tea and scold the people in the compound for having no conscience. Regardless of whether it was related to his own woman or not, he was scolded, and the rumors about Zhang Guilan and Yang Zongyi disappeared. As for Zhang Guilan's going to the city, there were new rumors, saying that Zhang Guilan was now rich and she was doing business in the city. , it can be seen that her clothes are not as good as other people's. This rumor was broken in a few days.

Zhang Guilan had done everything she needed to do at home these few days, and then she came into the city with a big bag of things. The signboard of the shop had already been hung up with a red cloth hanging on it, but a shop suddenly opened here It makes passers-by curious, and they look inside every day, wondering what kind of store is going to open here.

When returning to the compound, Zhang Guilan also cut out some for Zhu Lan to make, and Zhu Lan also made them. Looking at the clothes Zhang Guilan made for herself and her husband, she didn't put them on after touching them halfway. She was thinking about keeping it for going out, but Zhang Guilan persuaded her to go through it, and said that the shop was open to pick up customers, so she couldn't dress casually, so she changed into it.

Zhu Lan doesn't look ugly, but forced by life, she looks a little older than her actual age. After being raised in the city these days, she doesn't need to be too tired, and her complexion is obviously better.

Bai Song put on the clothes made by Zhang Guilan, his smiling face was wrinkled, and he couldn't help with the housework right now, so he went to help the little mute, who had no relatives, and walked with Bai Song and his wife these days After getting up, they also got along with each other, and the little mute often came to Baisong's place to eat, and every time he came to eat, he would not come empty-handed, and would bring some meat.

In the store, Zhang Guilan set up the shelves, took the underwear and hung them up one by one. Zhu Lan ironed out Zhang Guilan's underwear.

A man and a woman came in, the man was wearing a suit, blue suit, the material was average, the man's hairstyle was even more so, he looked like a slut, the woman had the man's arm down, and she was wearing lipstick. , The face is also very white.

Barging in before the store was open, it was not a safe person at first glance. The two looked young and were curious at first, but when they saw the things hanging on the shelves in the store, they were obviously stunned.

"What is this?" The man responded first.

The woman thought for a while, and seemed to have figured it out, but she seemed a little uncertain.

"The store hasn't opened yet. You two can take a look. These are women's underwear." Naturally, if someone comes, she won't be driven away. Zhang Guilan also thinks that these two are the ones who spend money.

"This is underwear?" The man obviously didn't believe it, and his voice rose in vain.

The woman's eyes lit up, she let go of the man, and walked to the shelf, looking like she wanted to move but didn't dare to move, Zhang Guilan smiled and walked over to take the most revealing one, "Ladies, you can try this one, we have it here There is also a place to try on clothes, and there is a mirror inside, so you can see with your own eyes how it looks."

"Can I try it?" The woman was obviously tempted.

The man leaned over, "If you like to buy one, go home and try it, it would be bad if someone sees it here."

"It's okay, we have a fitting room here." Zhang Guilan pointed to the corner of the wall near Xiaoqian. The surrounding area is surrounded by newly polished wood, with a mirror attached to the outside, and a mirror for people's eyes inside, which is used to try on coats , and the inside is used to try on underwear, without delay.

The woman took the underwear Zhang Guilan handed over, "I'll go and try on the size."

Ignoring the boyfriend next to her, she went in. During the period, she couldn't get the belt. Zhang Guilan went in to help once. Zhang Guilan didn't need to say much, but from the shy look on the woman's face, she knew that she wanted it.

When she came out of the store after changing her clothes, the woman's eyes were still rolling in the store. She was embarrassed to only buy this one, and finally fell on the shirt made by Zhang Guilan. She tried it on the spot, except that it was a little fat, but it fit well. Now women's psychology does not show their body shape.

Now khakis are only [-] cents a foot, and a piece of clothing costs just over [-] yuan. Zhang Guilan’s shirt sold for [-] yuan, and her underwear sold for [-] yuan, which is considered a high price. The girl didn't hesitate, she looked like she didn't care about the seven yuan, but the woman happily said that she would come and take the clothes and leave.

Zhu Lan was dumbfounded. The raw materials cost two yuan at most, but she earned five yuan, which is like falling into the sky.

 It should have been updated earlier, an author asked me to help me buy things, and then I went to Taobao to pick them up, and then I finished writing. I also voted, and I think there is no need to bother the girls' ears anymore, haha
(End of this chapter)

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