Chapter 119 Disappearing
Chapter 108: Disappearing
Zhang Guilan is gone, Luo Ji's letter from the compound has been there for two days, and Luo Ji left a phone number in the letter, counting the time when the daughter-in-law will receive the letter, and the phone call will come, but there is no call, and there is no movement. No, Luo Ji was a little impatient.

It stands to reason that he could call in the forest area and ask his wife to pick it up, but when he thought he would be teased by his colleagues, he resisted the call, thinking that his wife would go to the small shop downstairs to call him, which would be unnecessary. It was involved with the public, but obviously he made a mistake in his calculations, and there was no movement from the little daughter-in-law.

On the afternoon of the third day, Luo Ji felt as if ten thousand ants were crawling in his bones. When he got back to his office, he picked up the phone and dialed it. He was picked up soon, and at the same time, Yang Zongyi's voice came .

"Is it Laoji? It's been so long since I called, and it's very busy there?" Yang Zongyi couldn't help teasing, "I can't wait for the letter from my younger brother and sister, are you in a hurry? I still met with Xuezhang today, you are super But I have to call in three days, it seems that I have won, and Xuezhang's dinner is booked."

"Guilan isn't at home?" Luo Ji guessed it immediately after hearing this, but he was relieved.

As long as he didn't suddenly lose his temper with him, Luo Ji also felt that he was too ordinary, and he didn't do anything to offend his wife, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

"Guilan has been in the city for the past few days. Someone came from your village. You know them too. They are Bai Song and his wife. I haven't found a chance to have a good talk with Bai Song. Bai Song has entered the city. After you sent the letter I wanted to send it to Guilan, but she never came back, I'll see if I go to the city tomorrow and bring the letter to her." Yang Zongyi proficiently called Guilan, and Luo Ji on the other end of the phone frowned. up.

I was surprised that I had only been away for a few days.Even the brothers and sisters were not called by their first names, and Luo Ji didn't know what was wrong with him.An indescribable emotion rose from the bottom of my heart, stuffy, but I couldn't vent it.

After Yang Zongyi finished speaking, he didn't wait for the voice from the other side, and called out strangely, "Old Ji, are you okay? Did you encounter any problems?"

"It's okay, you go to the city tomorrow and ask her to call me, I have something else to do. Hang up first." Luo Ji dropped the phone directly.

The busy tone on the phone made Yang Zongyi gasp in surprise, and hung up the phone, feeling that Luo Ji on the other end of the phone was acting weird, could something have happened?Sitting back in the chair, Yang Zongyi stared at the letter on the table before shaking his head.

At this time, Zhang Guilan was already on the first day on the train. After the train last night, it was already dark, and she didn't say much to Zhou Fuguo.He lay down and went to sleep, and when he woke up the next day, he was also woken up by the sound of talking. Zhang Guilan and Zhou Fuguo had lower berths, facing each other.

When Zhang Guilan got up.Zhou Fuguo woke up early and was reading with a book in his hand. Zhang Guilan came back after washing her face.Take out the food you brought, "Do you want to eat some too?"

In fact, the pancakes that Zhang Guilan brought with her felt that others would not eat them at all.People who can afford to live in a bunk and go to big cities several times a year, how can they eat this.It's just polite to ask.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Fuguo received the book in his hand, "What did you bring? Yesterday I thought of riding with you in the car, but I didn't have any food prepared. At Aunt Yang's house, you are so good at cooking, I don't want to bring anything to eat on the road." It will be worse."

At this point, Zhang Guilan was no longer restrained before, and took out her things while talking, "I made some Erhe noodles pancakes at home, how can there be anything delicious, and I also made some tea, this is for you Intestines, but a little reduced, so I have to eat dry food."

Zhou Fuguo curiously took the intestines from her, "You made this? Or is it the first time I saw it? How did you come up with it?"

Zhang Guilan handed him the dry food, smiled lightly and didn't say much, on the one hand she was guilty, she copied it all, how did she come up with it on her own, Zhou Fuguo is not a meddlesome person, so he didn't say much when he saw her I didn't ask any more questions, I took a bite of the intestines first, and the smell of the meat burst out in my mouth. It was indeed a bit salty, but it was fine to eat with dry food.

"You don't know, every time I go out, I worry about what to eat. It's not that we are crazy. This biscuit bread looks full, and I just think that eating a pancake is better than biscuits. You prepared this thing really well. " Zhou Fuguo didn't have much taste at first, but after a few mouthfuls, his appetite was whetted, and Zhang Guilan didn't refuse the tea eggs handed over, and just took them and ate them.

He was so casual, which made Zhang Guilan feel relieved. The two of them ate and talked, and it was easier than imagined. During the period, some people were curious about Zhang Guilan's intestines and asked where they bought them. Zhang Guilan only said that she was The man obviously didn't believe it.

Zhou Fuguo laughed muffledly, "I think if you sell your gut, you will definitely make money."

"I also have the same idea, so this time I went to Shanghai to see if anyone would like it. After all, the equipment I make at home is too simple, the taste is not good, the quantity is not large, and it takes time and effort."

"You want to find someone to partner with?" Zhou Fuguo became interested, "Do you have any conditions? Do you think I can do it?"

"You?" Zhang Guilan really never thought that Zhou Fuguo wanted to do business.

"Yeah? No? I have saved some money myself, and I have been thinking about starting a business, but you also know that I have to be busy in the factory all day long, and I can't do much. If I can use the money to invest, that would be great." It’s just a matter.” Zhou Fuguo gave people a gentle and elegant feeling, especially his face, which at first glance would feel very ordinary, but after getting along with him, he would feel that the person’s length is actually very good-looking, in the Northeast dialect It's just a good look.

"It's good, it's just that you are not afraid of losing money in a partnership with me?" Zhang Guilan couldn't believe that the opportunity would come so soon.

"In business, you earn money and you lose money. It depends on how delicious your food is. I don't believe you can lose money." Zhou Fuguo blinked, "I'm very shrewd."

Zhang Guilan was amused by him, "Okay, if this is the case, then the two of us will be partners, but I also have a god-brother, if I really set up a factory, I have to take a share with them, and in this business, the two of us Don't show up, let them bear it, and you know that I don't want people to know that I am doing business outside."

"I understand." Zhou Fuguo thought exactly the same way, "Anyway, there are trains for two days and two nights, so we might as well book the plan now, and just find someone to do it when we get home."

Zhang Guilan also thought the same way. The more we chatted, the more I found out that Zhou Fuguo and Zhou Fuguo had a good understanding. The two of them could always think of going together, so throughout the whole day, Zhang Guilan calculated the things to be used, how to allocate labor, and the size of the factory building, and opened this factory. You have to call the factory first, this matter was taken care of by Zhou Fuguo, and then there was the matter of the oven, and it was impossible to bake them one by one on the stove if they were to be sold, this matter was also taken care of by Zhou Fuguo, Said that this time I went to Shanghai and asked where I could buy it.

The two biggest problems are solved, and the rest can be solved even better. For the pork and pig intestines, you can make a few more pork orders and send the goods directly to them. Zhang Guilan also plans to make beef and chicken. , Zhang Guilan researched the ingredients by herself.

In the evening, the plan has basically been finalized. Fortunately, Zhou Fuguo took a pen with him and wrote down the plan, down to how many people to invite and how many people to use for each place. Zhang Guilan looked at the handwriting on the paper and felt envious in her heart. Although I learned some characters in my last life, I haven't written much, and the characters are even more ugly.

"Go to sleep. I'll go down when I arrive at Beijing Railway Station tomorrow. There's a roast duck at the station. Let's buy a roast duck." Zhou Fuguo had another meal with Zhang Guilan at night.

Zhang Guilan's eyes lit up when she heard that there was meat to eat. Although there were other people in the carriage, she looked at Zhou Fuguo the moment she lay down. Only after she breathed a sigh of relief, Zhang Guilan began to wonder what Luo Ji was doing when the silence subsided.Missing flooded in like spring water, and it was right to find something for myself, while thinking about whether I would write a letter to myself, and didn't read the letter, but what if he didn't come?

Thinking about it, Zhang Guilan's chest felt tight, and she forced herself not to think about it, even if the letter came, she didn't read it.

On the other hand, after Yang Zongyi came to the city and found no one, he went back to the compound and called Luo Ji again, "I really can't find anyone, and I don't know where he went, but Guilan went to the city. It's been a few days here, and I'll be back in a couple of days, so don't worry."

"I haven't found the Baisong couple either?" Luo Jike had been waiting for his daughter-in-law to call him after reading the letter, but at night, he couldn't find anyone, how could he not be disappointed.

"Don't worry, with Bai Song and his wife around, nothing will happen." Yang Zongyi didn't know how to persuade him.

But I have a plan in my heart. When Zhang Guilan comes back next time, I have to ask for the address of Baisong’s house. It’s better to have nothing in this way than to find no one. Moreover, there is no news about people like this. Yang Zongyi is also quite worried. .

"That's fine, call me as soon as she comes back." Luo Ji was really anxious this time, and asked Yang Zongyi to notify him without waiting for the other party to call.

Yang Zongyi laughed, it was not easy to tease him at this time, so he hung up the phone.

When walking from the forest area to the compound, he saw a young man blocking a person, who looked familiar from a distance, and turned out to be Milan. Yang Zongyi thought he was looking for Luo Ji, so he explained, "Lao Ji was transferred Let's go, Guilan is not at home, Milan, are you here in a hurry?"

Milan shook his head, "Brother Yang, I want to ask you about Lao Ji's phone number. I have something important to tell him, otherwise it will be too late."

Milan didn't believe that Luo Ji would be able to hold his breath after knowing that Zhang Guilan sold the thing. If he couldn't get Luo Ji, Zhang Guilan wouldn't even think about living in a living room.

 What will Luo Jijun do when he finds out?What will happen to Zhang Guilan?I am also looking forward to the next chapter, hey, bow again to the girls who voted for rewards and those who support subscription

(End of this chapter)

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