Chapter 120
Chapter 109: Rebuking
When Yang Zongyi heard Milan's words, it seemed that the matter was serious, and the expression on his face became serious, "Come with me."

Taking Milan directly back to the office room in the camp, Yang Zongyi asked after entering the room, "You told me what is so serious?"

Milan wondered, "Brother Yang can't solve this matter with you, you'd better give me Lao Ji's phone number, after all, this is a matter of his family."

It is one thing to file a complaint with Zhang Guilan. Milan wants to find out Luo Ji's address and phone number. She moved here from the countryside. Although the work has been settled now, it is just a matter in front of her eyes. She really doesn't like Hu Youguo, but now her mother seems to like Hu Youguo very much. Now Milan really has no other choice , she spends too much on Hu Youguo, and the only one who can help her is Luo Ji.

Yang Zongyi frowned, "Milan, you should know about Hu Youguo's friend, right? We are in the forest area, and the place where Lao Ji goes to work is also secret, so we can't disclose his address to others at will, even Guilan doesn't know." I know, if you trust me, tell me about the matter first, and then I will tell Lao Ji."

Milan didn't expect it to be so difficult to get a phone number and address. Besides, if he wants to tell Yang Zongyi now, he will be considered as not trusting him, which will definitely make Yang Zongyi unhappy. My current job is based on the relationship of the Yang family. It hasn't been corrected yet.

In desperation, Milan said, "Brother Yang. This is only my own opinion, but I think it is quite serious. As a wife, can I not do things that damage the image of a man? Guilan is in business in the city Don’t you know the matter? If it’s a normal business, it’s fine. But some women have reported to us that the products they sell are very unhealthy. I’m really afraid that something will happen and Lao Ji will be involved. After all, this time, Lao Ji was transferred away It’s also because of my fault, I just want to make up for it this time.”

After going around such a big circle, Yang Zongyi understood what was going on, "What kind of business does Guilan do in the city?"

"Yes, it is some women's underwear."

"Underwear? Is there something wrong?" Yang Zongyi was even more confused.

But Yang Zongyi was relieved to hear the news about Zhang Guilan.It seems that the address can be found out from Milan.

"Brother Yang, those are said to be underwear, but they are actually two pieces of cloth." Seeing that Yang Zongyi was still so quiet, Milan couldn't help feeling helpless, "It's too revealing, not for a decent person to wear."

Yang Zongyi didn't understand these things, but looking at Milan's appearance, he vaguely understood, so he didn't care about them.There are a few points that he doesn't understand, "Is there anyone going to buy it? Is there any intervention?"

Milan shook his head, "But a lot of people came to us and said that the products they sell are vulgar and promiscuous. I'm afraid it will affect Lao Ji's career."

"It turns out that's the case." Yang Zongyi's face turned darker, and his tone became sharper, "Milan, you are a cultured person, you should accept new things. Since the things Guilan sells are bought by others, you didn't say anything." .Obviously there is no problem, especially the things you women wear are all inside, and no one will see them. This is not a problem. The wife needs to be supported in starting a business, and you will implicate the old successor. The idea is very wrong. I want to criticize you. What does your women’s federation do? It is to take care of women. As a wife, you have to bear things that other women cannot bear, and you need to be protected by you, but you actually listened to A few people went to you to respond, and they directly concluded that it was something bad."

"People who are not well-educated can't get along with others, and they are jealous to find faults with others." Yang Zongyi was really startled by Milan, and now he understands a little bit, "It's just a trivial matter, you seem to have stepped on the sky I came to look for Lao Ji in the same way, but fortunately I asked one more question, otherwise I would just tell Lao Ji what I said, so how can Lao Ji feel at ease there... Really confused. If you really think about Lao Ji , let alone let him worry about these trivial matters of life."

Milan was so embarrassed that he could only find a crack in the ground to get in, and he couldn't lower his head any more, "Brother Yang, I didn't think about it too much, but after learning about Guilan, I was anxious to tell Lao Ji, I'm sorry, if it wasn't If you say that, I'm going to be confused."

Milan thought he had made a mistake, and Yang Zongyi would say that she didn't understand when she was young, but he didn't want Yang Zongyi and Ben to stop fighting, "Milan, I have another question that I want to talk to you about. You are an unmarried girl. He came from a village, but now that Laoji is married, you should not meddle in the affairs of his family. It will cause discord between husband and wife, and it will not be good for your reputation. Just like last time when Laoji came back, you rushed In his arms, have you ever thought about it, if you were Guilan, what would you think when you saw this scene? Fortunately, Guilan didn't think too much, otherwise I don't know what the trouble would be. It’s not good either. Now that you’re in the city, just work hard and don’t worry about other things. How is your relationship with Hu Youguo? If you think he’s not good enough, then I’ll ask my mother to introduce you to another one. How old are you? It's not too young, hurry up and find someone to marry."

Milan's face turned pale, and his body trembled slightly, "Brother Yang, I,,, I know."

Yang Zongyi stood up, "Let's go, I'll take you out. Now that the management is strict, outsiders can't get in like me."

Mi Lan followed Yang Zongyi out of the forest area in a daze, and was sent out of the compound. When she walked to the small bridge and waited for the car by herself, she slowly came back to her senses. Yang Zongyi's words just now were like countless slaps on her cheeks. There was shame on her face, she even mentioned Hu Youguo, she was so ashamed that she wished she could turn around and run away on the spot.

There is no car left at this time, Milan is walking forward alone, seeing that the sky is getting dark again, in the past, Yang Zongyi would definitely not let her go by herself like this, but now everything has changed, I don’t know if he will Won't you tell Aunt Yang?
Milan began to regret that he shouldn't have told Yang Zongyi, otherwise Yang Zongyi would not have any opinion on him.

On the way, it was a sunny day but suddenly it rained lightly. Milan cursed secretly and walked forward at a trot, but it took an hour and a half to walk from here to the city, so he had to walk fast. Now it was raining. It's all down, it's useless for her to run, and the sky is getting darker, Milan can only bite the bullet and move forward.

Seeing someone coming on a bicycle from a distance, Milan was overjoyed. No matter what, if it was impossible, someone would drive him back and let Yang Zongyi take him in for a night.

When people approached and saw that it was Hu Youguo, Milan was slightly taken aback, "Why are you here?"

"I heard from my aunt that you came here, and I came here to pick you up thinking that there is no car at this point." Hu Youguo took off his clothes, "Put it on, it's raining, sit on it, and I'll take you back. "

Milan took the clothes, didn't know what to say, sat on the back of the bicycle obediently, riding against the rain and Hu Youguo was not fast, even stumbled because of the muddy road, almost fell several times.

"There's a shack over there, go in and shelter from the rain." Milan couldn't bear it, so he opened his mouth.

Hu Youguo wiped the rain off his face, and said hello. Seeing that she made him so happy with just one word, Milan felt more and more guilty, but she really didn't like Hu Youguo.

The two hid in the shack, and the bicycles were placed outside. The shack was built by a farmer. It was not used at this time, and the inside was empty. Except for a small kang covered with straw, there was nothing in the house. No, it was dark and raining again, the shack was already small, and it was getting darker.

Milan stood by the door and didn't go in. Hu Youguo himself sat on the edge of the kang and was restrained, "Milan, you sit here, I'll stand at the door."

"No, I'm fine." Milan was a little embarrassed when his little thoughts were pierced.

People came to pick her up from such a distance, without even asking, she was still lying at the door to guard against them, that is to say, Hu Youguo really liked her, otherwise which man would be willing, thinking that she was pestering Luo Ji every day, but Luo Ji looked straight Without even looking at himself, Milan's heart was sour.

"Come here, my clothes are wet anyway, it's okay, I don't know when the rain will stop, and it's so late, let's go home when it's younger." Hu Youguo rubbed his hands, facing When he was in Milan, he was always nervous, "When I came, I told my aunt to pick you up. They won't worry, so you can rest assured."

"I, Guilan and Laoji are both from the same village, especially when I came to the city, Laoji took good care of me and found a job for me. Two days ago, someone reported that Guilan was selling illegal products. I was afraid of coming out. I just came here to ask Lao Ji, but I didn't expect Lao Ji to be transferred." Milan hesitated and explained.

Hu Youguo was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "You are right to do this, after all, he took care of you so much back then."

It seems that because someone understands or agrees with him, Milan didn't hate Hu Youguo any more, walked to the edge of the kang and sat down, "Thank you for understanding me, in fact, I am afraid that others will misunderstand."

"How come? If someone misunderstands you, he must be a bad person." Hu Youguo fawned.

Milan laughed when he heard it, "You don't have to pick good things to say. In fact, no matter what others say, I'm very happy that you can say that. Thank you for taking care of my family these days."

"No, this is what I should do." Hu Youguo stared at Milan's face, almost lost his soul hooked by that smile.

Milan looked up and saw him staring straight at him, his face was slightly hot, "We are friends, we can't keep bothering you."

"No, Milan, I,, I like you. I fell in love with you from the first time I saw you." When Hu Youguo heard that Milan was going to break up the relationship between the two of them, he suddenly became excited and clasped his hands tightly. Holding Milan's shoulder, "Milan, you marry me, I will treat you better after marriage."

 Whoops, I can finally cook, starving, drifting away  ,,

(End of this chapter)

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