Chapter 140
Chapter 129: The mother-in-law is soft
When Guo Ying saw that her daughter-in-law pushed the problem to herself, she lost her mind and became stupid. She wanted to play tricks, but she knew that if this trick worked, the daughter-in-law here would not listen to her, and she might be even worse than herself. Can she and her daughter-in-law be subdued?She couldn't let go.

Seeing his daughter-in-law standing at the door of the bathroom and passing the clothes, Guo Ying went back to the house and closed the door. Guo Ying knew that her daughter-in-law had gone to change clothes, and she was angry that Zhang Guilan didn't treat her as a mother-in-law at all, and her son was not here at this time. Right now, he can't make decisions for himself, and he is afraid of leaving himself at home, and more importantly, he heard that the old man might be messing with his wife when he returns home, so Guo Ying is more serious.

"Guilan, open the door, Mom has something to tell you." Guo Ying didn't dare to turn her head, for fear of seeing those people laughing at her.

In the room, Zhang Guilan still had a cold face, "Mom, just say what you have to say, and there are no outsiders, so I can hear it."

"Look, mom didn't say there were outsiders. Isn't she afraid that she can't explain clearly to you through the door? Then mom came in." How dare Guo Ying say that those people are outsiders? I have to give up myself.

Heartbroken, Guo Ying pushed open the door, fearing that Zhang Guilan was changing clothes and would be seen by outsiders, so she quickly closed the door, thinking it was not for her son, she didn't care whether she was seen or not.

"Guilan, look at you going into the city, or I will follow, it's not convenient for you as a woman, why don't you let me, an old woman, come forward." Guo Ying actually wanted to say go home, but she was too embarrassed to speak , and then made an excuse casually, thinking that he would find a chance to bring up the matter of going home after entering the city.

"Mom, I also sent them to Lao Ji's former colleague's house. His house is not big. I don't know where to live here. You said you are so old. You are an elder again. Who can let you sleep?" Floor shop. If I go, I will trouble others, so you can wait for me at home, and I will be back tomorrow."

"Lao Ji's colleague's house? Doing business in the city? It's not bad."

Zhang Guilan raised her eyebrows, it's rare that she didn't say anything harsh or sarcastic.

Seeing that her daughter-in-law has no interface, Guo Ying is anxious, but she also knows that this is a soft-hearted person, if you are tough, she will be more aggressive than you.After several times of confrontation, Guo Ying was really restrained by Zhang Guilan, even if she refused to admit it, she also admitted defeat in her heart.

"Guilan, your father and the others are coming home, and I can't stay here all the time. You see, I'll go back. I have nothing to do with you, and I stay here all day. The Zhuang family can't stay, After staying here for a day, I feel uncomfortable all over, and besides, the summer shoes at home are only half made, and if I don’t make them, I won’t have anything to wear.” Guo Ying seemed to be thinking of others. "Look at the two days I've been here, you have to cook for me every day, and you can't do anything. Besides, I have a temper, and I like to quarrel with others when I can't stand it. It's not good for Lao Ji's reputation. "

"It's okay, it's just that it's not good for Mom to go back after only two days. She should stay for a few more days." Zhang Guilan's lips curled up, and she slowly buttoned the buttons before turning around, "Old Ji I also said on the phone, let mom stay for a few more days, mom is so anxious to go back, as if I made mom unhappy."

"What's this? When the time comes, you call Lao Ji and tell me that I'm home." Guo Ying was overjoyed when she saw that Zhang Guilan had loosened up. Your dad and I will come and sit down again, and I will come to take care of you after you give birth to confinement."

She didn't mention the matter of being divorced, and Zhang Guilan didn't say anything. Anyway, when they return to their hometown, they can figure it out on their own.

"Okay, let's go after cleaning up." Guo Ying couldn't stay still for a moment.

It's just that, she can't let the dead old man live well with other women, so she goes home and sits on the kang to see which woman dares to come to her house and take her place.

Guo Ying thought in her heart, Zhang Guilan didn't care, she was sending this person away anyway, if she had known it would be easy, she would have been side-firing these two days, maybe she couldn't help but go back yesterday.

The four of Dongzi in the living room had finished washing, and they showed their real faces, but their faces seemed to have been frozen, and the skin in some places was still dark. Although people looked energetic, they could be seen to be strong.

"We're going into the city today. You guys know Baisong, right? They've all moved here now." Zhang Guilan saw that the few people were more restrained, and she knew it was because of what her mother-in-law said when she just came in, "Aren't you hungry? It's pretty good." Let's go to the city to eat good food, and now that the elder brother's family is earning money, we have to make him bleed."

"Listen to sister-in-law." Dongzi smiled innocently.

"That's it, you don't know yet, right? I recognized Bai Song as my elder brother. When you get to the city, don't be too polite, just treat it as your own home." Zhang Guilan took a few people out, and waited for her mother-in-law to be the last one. Come out and lock the door.

When I went downstairs, I explained a few more words, "You and my mother-in-law wait for me at the gate of the compound. I will see if there is a car to go to the city, so that we can save walking."

"Sister-in-law, you can just walk. We walked here when we came." Dongzi was afraid of causing trouble, so he hurriedly advised.

"It's okay, if there's a car on the way, let's find a ride, if not, let's walk." Zhang Guilan couldn't tell at first, the shoes of several people were all torn out, and she really couldn't bear to walk back like this.

I can only ask Yang Zongyi again.

After being separated from several people, Zhang Guilan went to the forest area. There were guards, but no one went in. It was Yang Zongyi who came. Zhang Guilan briefly explained the matter, "If it really doesn't work, forget it."

Zhang Guilan also felt that this was inappropriate. She was afraid that there were regulations in the forest area and she could not agree.

But seeing how miserable these people were, Zhang Guilan bit her head and asked cheekily. She didn't want Yang Zongyi to agree without even thinking about it. She was a little uncertain, "So the superior won't blame you, right?"

"They are people who change jobs. The forest district should have allocated jobs, but they can return to their hometowns to build businesses in order not to cause trouble to the forest district. Now what is the forest district doing for them? Wait, I will drive .” Yang Zongyi turned and left.

Zhang Guilan was overjoyed when she heard this, and went back to the door to tell everyone that there was a car. Just as she finished speaking, two wedding cars drove over. There were six people in total. Zhang Guilan thought that a squeeze would be enough, but Yang Zongyi sent two cars .

The four of Dongzi sat in the back car, Zhang Guilan took her mother-in-law and Yang Zongyi sat in one, Guo Ying had never been in such a car in his life, he didn't dare to move after getting in the car, and when he got off the car, he said he couldn't do it in this life. Riding in this car was too tiring. After Zhang Guilan asked why, she couldn't help twitching the corners of her mouth. Fortunately, Yang Zongyi didn't say anything.

Thinking about it, how can ordinary people get in such a car at this time, I am afraid that he has seen this kind of situation too much, and he is no longer surprised.

After getting off the car, Yang Zongyi and the young man driving behind took out a large box from the trunk and sent it to the shop with Zhang Guilan. Zhang Guilan told Zhang Guilan that they found out the clothes and shoes for Dongzi and others when she went to see him off.

Afraid of hurting a few people's self-esteem by giving it to a few people in person, let Zhang Guilan distribute the things to a few people.

Zhang Guilan didn't expect Yang Zongyi to be so careful, "Thank you, I really troubled you this time, I don't worry if the superior doesn't tell you."

"Don't worry, the things are also handed over to the above. I originally asked everyone to donate some money, but I didn't agree," Yang Zongyi said with a smile, "You and Lao Ji can think of arranging work for them. It's very good. The man's family has done a good job." Qualified."

Zhang Guilan took the compliment, "One day when Lao Ji comes back, I'll invite you to drink at home. I won't talk about too much, anyway, what should be troublesome will be troublesome."

"Okay, cook a few more dishes." Yang Zongyi told the young man to leave.

Seeing off the people, when Zhang Guilan returned to the store, Bai Song had already pulled a few people to talk, his expression was excited, and his eyes were red, Zhu Lan came over and shook his head at Zhang Guilan, "Your elder brother always mentioned them to me before." , Now that the family conditions are better, he even said every day that he misses them, now it's better, and people are here, so he can finally feel at ease."

Zhu Lan actually recognized Guo Ying and knew it was Luo Ji's mother, but seeing her looking dirty as soon as she entered the room, she felt displeased. When talking to Zhang Guilan, she raised her chin to signal Zhang Guilan to look at Guo Ying.

"In their eyes, this is immoral. Don't worry about it. By the way, I can't catch up with the car now. Let's open three rooms in the hotel for one night, and then go out to find a house tomorrow." Zhang Guilan told her mother-in-law to go home. After a while, "I don't know if I can buy vegetables at this time? How about going to a restaurant to eat."

"No, it's warm now, and the market hasn't left yet. Let's go, let's go shopping and cook something good for them at night." Zhu Lan pulled Zhang Guilan and whispered, "I happen to have something to tell you. Well, you wait for me."

Zhu Lan turned around and went back to the counter to withdraw money, and then came to Guo Ying, "Is it Aunt Luo? Look at me, Lao Ji only met you once when he got married, and I didn't recognize you. If Guilan hadn't told you Me, I still don't recognize me, Guilan and I went out to buy vegetables, so please sit down first, ma'am."

"Where can I buy it? I'll go with you." Guo Ying couldn't stop himself from chatting with the men over there.

"You see, you've been tossing so much, how can you still be troubled, you sit down quickly, we'll buy some food at the market in front of you." Zhu Lan thought it would be enough to say this.

But they didn't know that Guo Ying and Ben didn't play cards according to routine, "It just so happens that I haven't been to the city or anywhere, so I'll show you around."

Zhu Lan was stunned for a moment, but she immediately came back to her senses and smiled, "That's fine."

Looking back at Zhang Guilan, she seemed to be saying what's wrong with your mother-in-law?

Zhang Guilan shrugged her shoulders, thinking that you haven't seen her in a better way, but fortunately, it's only one night, and nothing will happen, and her mother-in-law is anxious to go home again, hoping she can live in peace.

 Then write the next chapter. There are no typos in this chapter. I hope there will be no typos.

(End of this chapter)

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