Chapter 141
The three of them walked into the market, Zhu Lan pulled Zhang Guilan to talk in front, and Guo Ying followed behind, her eyesight was not enough. I didn't expect a vegetable place in the city to be so big, even bigger than her family's vegetable field , obviously looking like an old farmer from the countryside entering the city.

But Zhang Guilan was attracted by Zhu Lan's words, "Isn't Zhou Fuguo working with your elder brother to set up a factory? I have been coming to the house frequently these few days, and Xiao Fu has taken a fancy to him, but he is from the forest area. Seeing that the conditions at home are good, how can I fall in love with Xiaofu, besides, Xiaofu has not yet graduated from junior high school, so her enthusiasm for Xiaofu is very polite, neither near nor far, everyone can see it, but Xiaofu can't. Sister-in-law Cheng scolded Xiao Fu severely for this matter, and Xiao Fu has been quiet for the past two days."

The Xiaofu that Zhu Lan was talking about was Cheng Xiaofu, the daughter of Widow Cheng. She is in the third year of middle school this year and will be graduating in the summer. According to Widow Cheng, as long as Xiaofu is admitted to high school, no matter what the family conditions are, she can study for her. .

But now Cheng Xiaofu has fallen in love with Zhou Fuguo, so she has to go to Zhou Fuguo's work unit to entangle her. Now besides going to school, she stays in the shop all the time, helping Zhu Lan sell a lot of goods.

"Zhou Fuguo also saw Xiaofu's thoughts. He didn't come to the house to do business these days, and he was waiting for your elder brother in the factory. You said this was a big deal, and you said that educated people would do this kind of thing?" Zhu Lan thought. Well, educated people should be more self-respecting, how can they do things that pester men.

Zhang Guilan didn't take it as a joke, and was a little worried, "Sister-in-law Cheng is just such a child. She regards her as a hope and relies on Xiaofu to get ahead. Now that Xiaofu doesn't have to focus on her studies, I'm afraid that sister-in-law Cheng will take this The blame is on us, in case the job quits at that time... sister-in-law, I think it is better to be prepared, you should see if there is a suitable person first, don't let sister-in-law Cheng suddenly quit, and then we will flash for a moment."

Zhu Lan put away the smile on her face and nodded, "Don't say it, if you don't mention it, I really didn't think of this, but it's not the reason. Besides, I have to have a good talk with Sister Cheng when I go back to this matter. We hired her to do some work." , but not a penny is missing, and I cook delicious food and leave meals on weekdays. This kind of work can't be found in other people's homes. If we blame her girl's affairs on us, it would be too heartless to be a human being. "

Zhu Lan is not a good stubble.

"I hope I'm thinking too much, but some people are not unkind, it's because when she puts her whole life's hope on one thing or one person, if something goes wrong, it's us who are unintentionally implicated." I'm a person." After living two lifetimes, Zhang Guilan sees these things very clearly.

Although Widow Cheng is a nice person and doesn't talk much, when something happens, such a person is the easiest to go to extremes.

The two chatted enthusiastically in the front, and Guo Ying had enough of looking at her. Seeing that she was left behind, she felt unhappy, and immediately became dissatisfied with Zhang Guilan. She was so kind to an outsider, but she didn't treat her sister-in-law so well.

So when a person looks down on another person, he can always find various faults in the other person.

Now some vegetables are shipped from the south, and there are all kinds of them. I bought some green vegetables, five catties of meat, two big fish, and twenty eggs. .

Seeing that it cost seven or eight yuan, Guo Ying was in pain. This is really not good at living. I don’t know how much money I can make for buying vegetables. I am also dissatisfied with Zhang Guilan being with such a person. I will not learn to live.

The bowls and chopsticks at home were not enough, so I bought bowls and chopsticks by the way. Guo Ying was carrying things, his arms sank, and he began to regret that he came after him. There was nothing to see, and he had to carry things along.

Fortunately, it was close, when Guo Ying put his things on the ground when he got home, he said he was tired, as if he had done a lot of work.

Zhu Lan bumped into Zhang Guilan, and said in a low voice, "Your mother-in-law is also a top-notch, why is this the same as Zhang Dashou in our village before, Zhang Dashou is a top-notch person, he always finds faults and scolds people every day when he has nothing to do, the food at home is just right, and he also finds faults , either decreased or faded, anyway, when there is no suitable time, you are well-known in the village, even if the weather is bad, you have to scold twice, you said the weather has nothing to do with him, now look at your mother-in-law, Really like him."

Zhang Guilan pursed her lips and smiled, "It's okay if it's true."

I'm afraid that if she loses her mind again and becomes fussy, that would be embarrassing.

While cooking, Guo Ying lay on the small bed in the back room, and Zhang Guilan couldn't tell Zhu Lan about the superb things her mother-in-law did, such as red fish, scrambled eggs with green onions, stewed pork with beans, and five catties of meat. Now, a big pot was full, Zhang Guilan made noodles again, made leek zygote as a staple food, and steamed a big pot of rice and tofu soup.

The shelves for hanging underwear in the store were also put away, and the table was placed in the middle of the room. The table was actually the big board that Zhang Guilan and the others used to cut clothes. Under the body, he sat cross-legged on the ground and ate.

Although Baisong and his wife are rich, but Zhang Guilan is not here, and he is reluctant to eat delicious food, so he hasn't eaten meat for a while, let alone others, even Guo Ying stared at it twice, which is better than her family's New Year's Eve It's okay.

As soon as she moved her chopsticks, she went straight to the meat, and the bowl was filled with a few chopstick heads, and everyone at the table pretended not to see it. Bai Song drank with Dongzi and the other four, while Zhang Guilan and Zhu Lan talked and chatted. But who can't see Guo Ying's actions, Zhang Guilan feels hot in the face of such an old person who is still grabbing food like a child.

Guo Ying really threw off his arms and ate, his mouth was full of oil, he ate six chives and two bowls of rice, he couldn't eat anymore, and he was reluctant to put his chopsticks down when he looked at the dishes on the table.

No one can compare to Dongzi and the four of them. Zhang Guilan gritted her teeth, and it was embarrassing anyway. I drank it today, and I will send him away tomorrow anyway. Luo Ji's man, Zhang Guilan is really curious about what kind of expression he will have after learning from him today.

In the evening, Bai Song took Dongzi and others to the hotel. The three women lived in the hotel, and they couldn't sleep on the bed. Zhang Guilan and Zhu Lan made the floor, and Guo Ying slept on the bed in the hut.

After lying down, Zhu Lan pulled Zhang Guilan and just smiled foolishly without saying anything. Zhang Guilan thought about it for a while and asked in a low voice, "Is my sister-in-law alive?"

"You girl, I really can't hide anything from you." Zhu Lan said a little shyly, "It's not confirmed yet, I think it is, aren't those people in the village all sleepy and sick when they have a body? I My menstruation has not come yet, I think I will check it in a few days."

"Then this matter is almost inseparable. Now that my sister-in-law has a body, she still does such heavy work? What if it hurts her body?" Zhang Guilan complained to her, "From now on, I will let my elder brother do the heavy work at home. It’s time to hire a few more people in the store, so you can give me some pointers in the future.”

"We rural people are not as precious as you said. When my mother gave birth to me, she was still pulling weeds in the garden in the morning, and she gave birth to me in the afternoon." But talking about being pregnant, Zhu Lan still couldn't close her eyes. Mouth.

"By the way, there is one more thing. Zhou Fuguo said you came to the city and asked you to call him. He left the number for your elder brother and blamed you for not looking for him in Shanghai." Zhu Lan said suddenly , "It seems that he still misses you quite a bit. When he came to the store on the first day, he was relieved to hear that your elder brother said that you went to visit relatives. He is really nice."

"Yeah, people are very enthusiastic." Zhang Guilan didn't think much about it.

He only thought that Zhou Fuguo was blaming himself for not looking for him in Shanghai, but Zhu Lan didn't think so, and lowered his voice, "I think he heard that you went to visit relatives in the forest area, he seemed to be taken aback for a moment, he doesn't mean he likes you, does he? "

"Sister-in-law, don't scare me." If her mother-in-law was not still inside, Zhang Guilan would have jumped up.

"It scares you, but after hearing about the forest area you went to, he seems to be quite familiar with it." Zhu Lan thought back, it was true.

Zhang Guilan said with a smile, "They're all in the same city, and they're all in the forest area. It's normal to be familiar with them."

In a daze, I heard Zhu Lan mention the little mute again. Zhang Guilan and Ben didn't hear clearly, so she fell into a deep sleep. The next morning, she forgot about it, and was busy sending her mother-in-law to the train station. It was already afternoon when Zhang Guilan returned to the store.

This time there was an accident at home, she was tiring and bankrupt, she took away 20 for her father-in-law, and bought more than [-] for a bus ticket for her mother-in-law this time, and also bought food on the car, adding up to [-], look The mother-in-law's appearance doesn't seem to be satisfied, and Zhang Guilan feels like we are beating a dog with a meat bun.

Bai Song has already taken Dongzi and others to the factory, and they will live in the factory from now on. Zhu Lan will cook the meals, and Bai Song will come back to pick them up. This way, Zhang Guilan is also relieved. Think about it.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to open the box, Zhang Guilan was stunned when she saw that the box was half empty. She remembered that the young man and Yang Zongguo carried it in by force. It can be seen that the box is full, why is it half empty?
Zhu Lan didn't know what was going on. She had just sent away a customer, and when she saw Zhang Guilan rummaging through the box, she said, "Your mother-in-law opened it this morning, and I didn't ask much. What's missing?"

Zhang Guilan's face turned dark, no wonder, besides her own mother-in-law, who else in the room could do such a thing, she couldn't help shaking with anger, and when she left, she wondered why her mother-in-law was so busy I picked up a bag, thinking of my mother-in-law's confident look that I can't buy something with my own money and go home. If someone is in front of me, Zhang Guilan would like to slap her.

To say that this old woman is really scheming in doing this kind of thing, she even went out on purpose in the morning, saying that she was going to the market, right in front of her, but Zhang Guilan didn't follow her, so she was planning on this.

Otherwise, Zhang Guilan wouldn't have doubted that there was an extra bag. Now that it's all over, her mother-in-law took half of the things given out in the forest area. She is really brave.

 The update will start at [-]:[-] every night from tomorrow, don't wait during the day, or sometimes you can't update on time, and let you wait for nothing, I'm really sorry

(End of this chapter)

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