Chapter 147 Willing
Chapter 136: Willing
Zhang Guilan knew at a glance that he was being watched by others, and followed Hu Youguo to a place where no one was around, so she stopped to look at him and didn't speak. People waiting here must have known that she had found the Milan unit, right?
"Sister-in-law, did you go to Milan's place today? Take care of what Milan did wrong, she has no bad intentions." Hu Youguo said a little embarrassedly.

Zhang Guilan looked at him amusedly, "Do you know why I was looking for Milan? Did you say anything else? I think if you knew, you wouldn't help her to admit her mistake now. I don't want your husband and wife to quarrel , in the future, don’t listen too much to Milan, some things should be seen with your own eyes.”

Hu Youguo smiled bitterly, "Sister-in-law, I know what you are going to talk about. Milan is married and has a body now, even if she has other thoughts, she will feel at ease when the child is born."

Zhang Guilan was a little surprised. She never thought that Hu Youguo had such deep feelings for Milan, "What you said was just what you thought. After the child is born, Milan will still be like this? What will you do? I don't care what you do, but now let me It is absolutely impossible to endure Milan to destroy the relationship between our husband and wife. Life is a matter for two people. If two people are not of the same mind and live together for a long time, there will be many conflicts. You still don’t understand it, but I can understand you After all, you are just newlyweds. It is the time of freshness, and the freshness will always pass, followed by trivial things in life, and the living habits of two people. One of them must tolerate the other, so that life can pass Go on, are you sure you can tolerate Milan like this for the rest of your life?"

In her previous life, Zhang Guilan could see clearly.Later, Hu Youguo and his parents worked together to plot against Milan.He even fought against Milan on the street. At that time, Hu Youguo's face was full of evil spirits.It's not like the respectful look now.

"Who can guarantee what will happen in the future, as long as the current life is good." Hu Youguo was slightly taken aback, he didn't expect Zhang Guilan to say such a thing, he just thought it was something, but it didn't look like it.

"Is it okay to live in front of you? You can live with Milan seducing other people's husband now? You really have few demands, and you are easy to be satisfied." Zhang Guilan's tone was mocking.

"Milan, she just made a phone call." Hu Youguo seemed to know.

Sometimes, you have already told this person that there is a pit ahead, and he has to fall into it by himself, and then it is confirmed that there is a pit.Otherwise, he wouldn't believe what others said.

Hu Youguo gave Zhang Guilan this kind of feeling, even a little numb, in this respect.

"It's up to you. She told Lao Ji that something happened to her because I didn't keep her at home at night. I don't know what happened. Do you know?" The last sentence was purely Zhang Guilan's unintentional question.

In other words, she and Ben didn't even think about knowing, but just said it casually.

Hu Youguo's face changed, and he shook his head vigorously. "I don't know, I have to leave beforehand."

Looking at Hu Youguo who was running away, Zhang Guilan was stunned, did something really happen?In the past, Milan could only focus on waiting for Luo Ji.It is impossible to marry Hu Youguo suddenly, could it be...

No matter how much Hu Youguo loves Milan, it is impossible for him to want a broken body.Unless the person who broke Milan's body was Hu Youguo, Zhang Guilan put the thread on in her head.

No wonder Luo Ji was so angry.Milan was raped and had to marry Hu Youguo.How could such a thing not be sympathetic, and it was gradually related to not living in his own house.

This is really an indiscriminate disaster if you stay at home.

Zhang Guilan doesn't care about these things, to put it bluntly, she did it by herself, and the more she dies, the faster she is, otherwise a good girl, why didn't other people encounter this, but she did?

When they returned to the compound, Zhang Guilan deliberately waited for Yang Zongyi downstairs. After Yang Zongyi came back, he saw Zhang Guilan downstairs and smiled, "Going to the city?"

"Yeah, I went to find Milan." Zhang Guilan didn't hide it either.

Yang Zongyi was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Okay, as long as you have the spirit."

Waiting for Zhang Guilan to say the following.

"Did Hu Youguo give Milan to... that's why Milan married him?"

Yang Zongyi nodded, thinking that Zhang Guilan asked from Milan.

"No wonder." Zhang Guilan's face darkened, "So what? Does he feel distressed?"

After leaving the words, he turned around and entered the corridor.

Yang Zongyi covered his head, looking at it, he originally planned to have someone make a phone call there today, but the call couldn't be made again, Wang Li kept watching from a distance, and came over when he saw Yang Zongyi entered the corridor.

"I don't know what the two of them said, but they're still talking here." With a curl of her lips, Wang Li entered the corridor.

Working in the cafeteria these days, she only felt that she had been skinned. Fortunately, she is used to it now, but it is better to stay at home and coax the children, of course the latter.

When she got home, she saw the deserted kitchen, Wang Li's face sank, "Why didn't you cook? Wait for me?"

"How can I cook?" Song Weidong raised his head from the book.

Wang Li flicked her face, "I've been busy outside all day, and you didn't know how to stutter when you came back? The old and the young are waiting for me to serve you every day, right? I deserve to be troubled. no?"

"What are you fussing about?"

"I'm making a fuss. Just now, I saw Yang Zongyi and the person downstairs talking secretly at the door. What else do you have to say?" Wang Li thought that this time she was not talking nonsense, she caught it with her own eyes.

Song Weidong threw the book down, "Why do you care so much about other people's affairs? Recently, Lao Ji and his wife had a quarrel, and Zong Yi also came to me and wanted you girls to persuade me, but look at your The appearance is not persuasive, so I directly rejected it, don't think about it here."

"Arguing? Why?" Wang Li came alive.

"Because it has nothing to do with you, Sha Leng is going to cook." Song Weidong turned and entered the room.

Wang Li pursed her lips, turned around and went into the kitchen. The vegetables hadn't come down yet, and the small green vegetables grown at home were not enough to eat. Fortunately, she was working in the cafeteria now, and she could secretly get some back every day, otherwise the family would I still don't know what to eat.

Upstairs, when Zhang Guilan came home, she took out the salted meat, cut it into slices and cut the bought potatoes into pieces, put them in a pot and stewed them, and steamed half a pot of white rice on top. Then I went to ask Yang Zongyi to eat.

Yang Zongyi thought for a while and came up, "What can I help you with? Do you want to call Xuezhang together?"

"I was about to yell, let's have a drink tonight." Zhang Guilan knocked on the door next door, and it was Li Xuezhang who opened the door. Hearing that he wanted a sip, he turned around and yelled to the room, and came over.

Zhang Guilan washed another handful of scallions, and fried the miso with eggs. She brought the sauce from home, and it was time to add the sauce, and the sauce was two pieces she brought from her mother's house.

Zhang Guilan has been so busy these days that she almost forgot about it.

Peel the garlic paste, after the rice is steamed, take it out, and steam the eggplant on top. In this way, the meat will be stewed in 10 minutes. Yang Zongyi and Li Xuezhang are busy setting the table to get chopsticks, and Yang Zongyi even went home to get some chopsticks liquor.

In the middle of the table was a large pot of stewed potatoes with meat, a plate of steamed eggplant with mashed garlic, and sticky pickles. After the three sat down, Yang Zongyi poured wine for the three of them with a cup, and Zhang Guilan only poured the bottom of the cup.

Zhang Guilan didn't say anything, and she couldn't drink much, but she was in a bad mood today, and she felt embarrassed to bother Yang Zongyi for a while, so she did a little more and asked someone to come over for dinner. The two of them were afraid that people would gossip, so they asked Li Xuezhang to gossip. got involved.

In fact, all three of them understood this, and no one challenged it.

"Come on, Lao Ji is not at home, the three of us get together and tell him when the time comes, he will die of hunger." Yang Zongyi raised his glass and joked.

"Yes, he's hungry to death." Li Xuezhang laughed.

Zhang Guilan can only say politely to trouble the two of them for taking care of them for a while. When drinking, she only took a sip, and the taste is acceptable. The big piece of braised pork stewed with potatoes, and the scallions with miso sauce, the taste is not to mention how good it is up.

While sipping liquor, it is said that men are happiest when their wives and children are hot on the kang, and it is no different from that at this time.

Zhang Guilan didn't drink the wine and didn't pour it out. She ate a big bowl of rice and didn't eat much meat, but the taste was enough. The meat was buried in salt for a day, and she didn't get tired of eating it. Yang Zongyi and Li Xuezhang were free to eat, and there was no food left on the table.

Before leaving, Yang Zongyi joked, "It's over, after eating so much, I dare not ask us to eat again next time."

Li Xuezhang also laughed, and his face turned red after drinking.

His laughter drew Jiang Zhi out, holding the child in his arms, "Look at you drinking so much, don't make sister-in-law laugh at you."

"It's okay, it's nothing, what's the joke." Zhang Guilan smiled faintly at Jiang Zhi.

Several people went home separately. Although they didn't drink much wine, Zhang Guilan's head was heavy. When she returned to the east room, she fell on the bed and fell into a deep sleep. When she woke up the next day, it was noon. Sauce, Zhang Guilan cleaned up the house, washed out the small vat at home, put it on the balcony to dry, and broke open the sauce on the newspaper and put it in the sun to dry in the sun. It was already afternoon after work, when I heard someone knocking on the door, Open it to see that it was Jiang Zhi, but Zhang Guilan didn't let her in, "What's the matter?"

"I want to ask my sister-in-law when she will go to the city again, and I want to go together." Jiang Zhi looked shy.

Hearing that she replaced me with 'me', Zhang Guilan raised her eyebrows, "I have to drink the sauce before I can go to the city. It must be the day after tomorrow."

"That's fine, I'll wait for my sister-in-law. I won't lie to my sister-in-law. I'm going to turn around when I go to the city." Jiang Zhi explained again in a difficult way, "It's summer, and I want to make two clothes for the child, otherwise I can't go to the city. You have to pay to get in."

"No, it costs more money to have children. That's fine. I'll call you when I leave, but I can't accompany you for a long time. I have to go to my elder brother's house." Zhang Guilan didn't want to be taken advantage of.

Jiang Zhi listened with disappointment on his face, "That's fine, I'll trouble my sister-in-law then."

Zhang Guilan just brought her to the door, she didn't take Jiang Zhi's going into the city seriously, and didn't think too much about why she came looking for her again, but she didn't know that Jiang Zhi had other plans in mind.

 Ahhh, the festival is coming, Baba also wants to celebrate the festival, I have to work hard to save the manuscript
(End of this chapter)

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