Chapter 148
Chapter 137: False Reality
Jiang Zhi is the most careful. Recently, he has noticed that Zhang Guilan is not at home, and sometimes he comes back with a big bag of things. Jiang Zhi thinks about Zhang Guilan's business, and she has learned how to use a sewing machine. Yes, it’s not easy to go out to find a job just with children. If you can still work like you did at Luo’s last time, you don’t need five yuan a day.

These days, Zhang Guilan and Zhang Guilan got into trouble, and Jiang Zhi was afraid that Zhang Guilan would refuse if he spoke directly, so he simply followed them into the city to see if he could find a chance to find out what business Zhang Guilan was doing, and he had a plan in mind first.

But Zhang Guilan didn't know what Jiang Zhi was thinking. On the first day, she let the sauce cubes dry out, and at night, she boiled a large pot of water and put it in the tank to cool. The sauce pestle brought back from home was poured for half an hour before I took the prepared white cotton cloth and covered it.

Nothing to do in the afternoon, Zhang Guilan took a brush and drew a few dresses. In the evening, she ate simple noodles. She made some noodles with kimchi and bacon. Jiang, I can't live in the city, Zhang Guilan didn't have anything to prepare, went to bed early, and said hello to Jiang Zhi earlier.

The next day, Jiang Zhi came early in the morning with the child in his arms. Seeing that Jiang Zhi was wearing a floral shirt with a black waist, the day looked sultry. When the two of them got along well before, Zhang Guilan would have spoken I gave her some advice, but now that I know who she is, Zhang Guilan didn't make a sound, but it was her cool attire that Jiang Zhi kept boasting enviously. look.Zhang Guilan really didn't like it.

On the bus, Jiang Zhi pretended not to notice Zhang Guilan's estrangement.Holding the child, she sat beside Zhang Guilan, "Sister-in-law. The other day my family's son and his father came out to eat at your house, and kept praising the delicious food you cooked. He smiled and said let me learn from you and wait for the New Year. When I go back to my hometown, I will also show my hand."

"Where it is delicious is that it has meat and oil, it doesn't matter who makes it." Zhang Guilan directly blocked the road.

Jiang Zhi didn't feel embarrassed at all, "That's the reason, but sister-in-law makes the same thing but tastes different, sister-in-law can teach me when she gets it. Otherwise, Quan'er's father will think I'm lazy."

"Okay, someone with kung fu." Zhang Guilan didn't know that Jiang Zhi could talk like that, so she begged so hard that no one could refuse.

But it should be agreed, whether to teach or not depends on whether you have time, people who want to learn can naturally watch while cooking, anyway, it doesn't interfere with my business, as long as she doesn't bother her.

After agreeing, Zhang Guilan also had plans, but she didn't reveal anything on her face.

Jiang Zhi said happily. "Then thank you sister-in-law."

After this incident, Jiang Zhi became quiet on the road and didn't keep pestering Zhang Guilan all the time, he was really smart.Knowing enough is enough, after getting off the car, Jiang Zhi only asked Zhang Guilan to take him to the shopping mall.Let Zhang Guilan do her own thing.

Seeing Zhang Guilan leave, Jiang Zhicai followed behind with the child in his arms.He was also afraid of being discovered, so he didn't dare to get too close.Besides, the place Zhang Guilan went to was an underwear store, which was on the main street, and people went in after a few steps.

Jiang Zhi waited outside with the child in his arms. He hadn't seen Zhang Guilan come out for a long time. He thought that this was Zhang Guilan's business. He asked someone to inquire about the store, "Sister, what do you do in the store over there?"

"Hey, it looks like you are from the country? That's an underwear store in our city, but it's on fire. A piece of underwear costs three yuan, but there must be someone who dares to wear it, and there are only two pieces of cloth." After the woman finished speaking, she gestured with her hand on her chest.

Jiang Zhi quickly thanked him, took the child in his arms and went back to the shopping mall, then stopped, he never thought of selling such a thing, in fact, Jiang Zhi had really heard of such underwear, there was a woman in the compound who worked in the city I bought it, and it was spread in the compound. Wang Li told her about it. I heard that the woman’s husband lost his temper when he saw it, and cut off his underwear. He said it was immoral, otherwise he wouldn’t Everyone in the courtyard knew about the commotion.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Guilan made the clothes. Jiang Zhi suddenly wanted to know if Luo Ji knew about it. If Zhang Guilan didn't make it when Luo Ji knew about it, he wondered what his reaction would be when he got the letter.

Jiang Zhi was alone in a daze, not noticing Shang Hong who had already walked beside her, "Is this Accountant Li's wife?"

Shang Hong remembered Jiang Zhi, but only knew that she was Li Xuezhang's daughter-in-law, and never cared about her name.

When Jiang Zhi saw Shang Hong, he was taken aback, and raised his fingers flusteredly, "Yes... it's sister-in-law, what a coincidence that we met here."

Seeing her appearance, Shang Hong joked, "Look at you, I came here to say hello to you and you were taken aback. Those who didn't know thought you did something bad. This is carrying a child into the city? Come here alone Do you want to buy clothes?"

Looking at people in the mall, most of them sell clothes, cloth and daily necessities.

Jiang Zhi blushed, and replied, "Well, buy a piece of cloth for the child to make some summer clothes, and sister-in-law go shopping by herself? I came with the wife of Leader Luo."

When Shang Hong heard Zhang Guilan, the smile on her face paused, she looked at Jiang Zhi, and suddenly said, "Does my brother and sister know who in the compound knows my phone number?"

"I don't know." Jiang Zhi answered quickly.

Sometimes, the more this is the case, the more suspicious it is.

Shang Hong thought of Jiang Zhi's frightened look when he saw her, and then thought of how she was called by someone with a heart to settle accounts with Zhang Guilan a while ago, and Yang Zongyi called her home afterwards and had a fight with her. .

His face darkened, "Your siblings don't know, right? Someone in the courtyard kindly called me and said that Zhang Guilan's sister-in-law had seduced Zongyi. Who do you think this person is?"

"Sister-in-law, you also know that I don't move around with the people in the compound, so how would you know this." In desperation, Jiang Zhi started using 'I' again.

Shang Hong sneered coldly, "That's right, younger siblings don't walk around with people often, but younger siblings will help me pay attention if they have the time, if you know who it is, tell me, I will feel relieved younger siblings, as for the one who has lost his mind, look at me." How to deal with her and treat me, Shanghong, like a monkey, this person hasn't been born yet."

"Sister-in-law, I have something else to do, so I won't talk to you for now." Jiang Zhi almost ran away.

Shang Hong looked at her back and smiled coldly, Jiang Zhi didn't do this, Jiang Zhi probably knew the inside story, as for saying that the call was made by Jiang Zhi, Shang Hong didn't believe it, look at Jiang Zhi's courage Not that big either.

The only one who can get involved with Jiang Zhi is Zhao Chunmei except Wang Li. Wang Li is the worst-minded person, and she might be the one who is involved in this matter.

Huluo Pingyang was really bullied by dogs, Shang Hong suppressed her energy secretly, and sooner or later she would clean them up, to see if they dare to play tricks on her.

When Jiang Zhi went to the place where the cloth was sold with the baby in his arms, he was still terrified. In fact, Wang Li did it. Wang Li only told her. If Shang Hong knew about it, Wang Li couldn’t blame herself. Come?
I don’t have the mind to buy things anymore, and the price of cloth is still expensive, and Jiang Zhi’s budget is different from the original. In the end, I only pulled a meter of cloth for the child, and I was not willing to buy it. A month's salary was paid in advance. Although she didn't have any money in her hand, she secretly hid it and couldn't spend it openly. Thinking about Zhang Guilan's clothes, she was dressed so poorly. She also came from the countryside. When it came out, Zhang Guilan was not as good as herself at the beginning, Jiang Zhi felt bad.

Seeing that it was noon, the child in his arms was hungry and clamored for food. Jiang Zhi carried his son to the chaotic shop that Zhang Guilan brought her to last time, and ordered a bowl of chaos. The mother and son ate a bowl, and the child was full. However, Jiang Zhi didn't have enough to eat, and he couldn't help regretting that he should have followed Zhang Guilan back then, otherwise today would not be the case.

Back on the bus, seeing that the car was about to start driving, and there was no sign of Zhang Guilan, Jiang Zhi became more and more uneasy. Sometimes people are like this. They are obviously not as good as the other party, but seeing that the other party is doing better than themselves, I still can't help but hope It won't be like that, Jiang Zhi's restlessness calmed down after seeing Zhang Guilan's figure.

"Sister-in-law, where have you been?"

Looking at Jiang Zhi who was so enthusiastic, Zhang Guilan was a little puzzled, and replied politely, "I'm going to my brother's place."

Jiang Zhi moved his body inside, "Sister-in-law, sit here, I just want you to give me some advice on what kind of clothes to make for Quan'er."

"Let's go home. Look, I've brought so many things that I can't fit in the seat." Zhang Guilan showed her the things in his hand. There were fruits, vegetables and meat, but they were all packed in a basket. Only the leaves of the green cabbage can be seen on it.

Jiang Zhi took another look, and walked to the back when he saw people in a flash. Although he only saw a few eggplants, it was obvious that the good things were all down there, and he was very jealous. Can't compare with Ben.

Zhang Guilan didn't pay attention to what Jiang Zhi thought. Sister-in-law Cheng came to work today, and she obviously made a decision. Zhang Guilan is now the shopkeeper, and the business in the store is on track. Apart from messing with clothes, she doesn't care about many things. , and handed it over to Zhu Lan, which was agreed at the beginning.

However, in secret, Zhu Lan still pulled Zhang Guilan to tell Sister-in-law Cheng's thoughts. Sister-in-law Cheng knew that the problem was with her own child, so she would not blame others for the accident, which made Zhu Lan feel at ease. As for coming to the store with Cheng Xiaofu Even after Zhang Guilan left, she didn't see Cheng Xiaofu, probably sister-in-law Cheng had already made an agreement at home.

Zhang Guilan is in a bad mood these days, and the factory doesn't use her anymore. This time, she bought more vegetables and plans to stay at home for a while, instead of running back and forth between the city and the countryside.

 The next chapter will be updated after 08:30, I will write it now, it will not be updated at [-]:[-], so it is best to watch it at [-]:[-]

(End of this chapter)

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