Chapter 150
Chapter 139: Mother-in-law arrives
Bai Song knew that now he could no longer let his younger sister focus on external affairs, besides, it was already very good for a woman to do this, for a woman who lost her backbone, the sky would undoubtedly fall.

After Zhu Lan entered the room, she was not in a hurry to speak, she just held Zhang Guilan's hand with a worried expression on her face.

"I've written down the details of the things in the factory. Brother, just follow that. It's the first time we do it, and it's summer. If there is no car with a freezer, we will dry the intestines first and send them from the oven. Now, let Zhou Fuguo take a good look at how to use the manual. We want to make money, but safety comes first, and we must not make any mistakes." Zhang Guilan said in detail what she was most worried about. Wait for the letter at home, don't go to the city, everything depends on you."

"Look at what you said, you are the boss, so there is no reason for you to work." Bai Song smiled, "Okay, see if you can do well, and your sister-in-law and I can rest assured. Seeing that you have lost weight, these few days Didn't you have a good meal today? Your sister-in-law guessed it when you came, and bought some vegetables to bring your sister-in-law to cook and eat well."

"Okay, I'll get it right now, you brothers and sisters talk." Zhu Lan just got up.

Zhang Guilan also stood up, "Let's do it with my sister-in-law. It won't be boring for two people to talk."

"Talk to your elder brother, what are you talking about?" Zhu Lan pushed Zhang Guilan back into the chair.

Zhang Guilan didn't say any more, and Bai Song also said, "Let your sister-in-law do it. After such a big incident, your sister-in-law can't help you. Let her make some food for you. She can still feel comfortable." some."

"Well, I see. It's not that I haven't eaten, but the weather is getting hotter and hotter. It's going to be a bitter summer." Zhang Guilan explained.

In fact, she really cooks for herself and eats normally, but she doesn't know what's wrong, she still eats and doesn't gain weight. She should be happy at first, but now she is misunderstood and feels quite embarrassed.

"I used to stay in the forest area. Laoji's family members are not allowed to go there now. I think there is something else to say. This time he was transferred very quickly. I am afraid that there is some mission that we don't know. Now maybe he is investigating Well, just wait, there will be a letter in a short time."

"I guessed the same way. I don't have anything to worry about when I'm in the hospital. It's just that I can't go there." Zhang Guilan said what was in her heart.

This Bai Song couldn't say anything, Lao Ji seemed to be on a big mission this time, otherwise it would be impossible for his family members to be unable to go if he was injured.Even where you live now is probably a secret, right?

In the evening, Zhu Lan cooked a large table of dishes, and Zhang Guilan called Yang Zongyi, Li Xuezhang, and Song Weidong over. They were afraid that Zhang Guilan would be sad when mentioning Luo Ji.No one mentioned that topic during the meal.

The next day, Bai Song and his wife left, and Zhang Guilan was able to live alone again.No need to go to the city, no business.Look at the two vegetable fields at home every day, or make a sauce.The days passed by thousands of times, and the compound began to wait and see, and gradually returned to calm. In the blink of an eye, a month passed. It was not that there was no news from Luo Ji. Zhang Guilan was not in a hurry, and the people in the compound But I couldn't hold my breath anymore.

How strange it was that Luo Ji was injured, and there was no movement for so long.

Without waiting for the news of Luo Ji, Luo Ji's parents rushed over. The moment Zhang Guilan opened the door, Zhang Guilan was startled. Before she could speak hastily, her mother-in-law pushed her away forcefully.

"Look, what are you doing?" Seeing the old woman pushing his daughter-in-law like this, Luo Yongzhi shouted.

"Why did I treat her like this? I don't know where Lao Ji lives or dies, and she enjoys the blessings here by herself. How can she be a daughter-in-law like this?" Guo Ying yelled directly.

Of course Zhang Guilan would not let people watch the fun. After closing the door, she turned her head to look at her mother-in-law who asked Xingshi for her crimes, "Mom, what do you think I will do? Cry all day long? What if I cry all day long?" It’s fine for Lao Ji to come back, but it’s not that I won’t go, it’s that Lin District and Ben won’t let his family members go, what do you ask me to do? Since you are so dissatisfied, then you can go to Lin District.”

"Ah, look, you are still helping her to speak, have you seen how she treats her mother-in-law?" Guo Ying immediately pulled Luo Yongzhi, pointing out her dissatisfaction with Zhang Guilan, "Do you still believe what I said now? "

After Guo Ying came home, Luo Yongzhi didn't say anything when he saw her coming back, but he also kept her cold. Guo Ying was afraid that Luo Yongzhi would really mess with his wife, so he got up early every day to cook and clean up the house, so he stopped crying. Seeing her Live a good life, Luo Yongzhi thought to live a good life, so he was not so indifferent to her, but unfortunately the dog can't change eating shit, and seeing that he won't be divorced, Guo Ying changed back to his original sarcastic look, but when Looking at Luo Yongzhi's face is always taboo.

This time when I received a call from Milan, when I heard that something had happened to my son and his daughter-in-law was still at home, Guo Ying was in a hurry. Milan only said half a sentence, it turned out that Lin District didn't allow anyone to take care of him, and he was wronged for a while, and he didn't want to admit that he was wrong. Seeing Zhang Guilan's bad attitude, Guo Ying immediately changed the topic away.

"Okay, since you just came here, you are noisy, and you are not afraid of being laughed at by the neighbors." Luo Yongzhi didn't have the heart to judge those wrong and right, and was anxious to know his son's situation, "Guilan, what happened to Lao Ji's place?" ?”

"Dad, I know Dao is similar to yours, but don't worry, Lao Ji is fine, he is being raised in the hospital now..."

Zhang Guilan had just finished speaking when she was interrupted by her mother-in-law, "Why don't you let your family members go if you have nothing to do? Do you have any old heirs in your heart? Just stay at home, right? Why are you such a cruel woman? ?”

"Mom, are you still making trouble? Last time you got into a fight with the people in the courtyard..."

"Okay, okay, don't let me say a word, you refute ten sentences, you remember it in your heart, the old successor is not good, and you don't want to climb other high branches." Guo Ying interrupted Zhang Guilan's words with a guilty conscience.

She didn't dare to talk about the things that happened in the compound when she got home, otherwise, with her man's temper, she always valued her son, and if she knew it, she would kill herself?

Looking at her, Zhang Guilan knew she would have such an expression, "Mom, it sounds like something happened to Lao Ji, and I will leave him and find another man. How can a mother-in-law talk like that? Or what did Milan say to you?" Don't blame me for speaking badly, now that Milan has a family and is pregnant, you should stop thinking about letting her be your daughter-in-law."

This is also an angry word, knowing that Guo Ying has no intention of making Milan his daughter-in-law, but seeing her mother-in-law come in, she looks like someone owes 800 million and gets angry.

Luo Yongzhi also scolded, "What did you say when you came here? If you come here to make trouble, go home. Are you a mother after all? Now that your son has an accident, you still have the heart to find wrong reasons? Do you want to end it?" Mother-in-law airs, people treat you as a mother-in-law, you should do it yourself first, or don't blame others."

"Aren't I worried about my son? This is the only son I have. What should I do if there is something good or bad?" Guo Ying was wronged, and cried while covering his face.

If she did this, Luo Yongzhi wouldn't be able to scold her anymore.

Shaking his head at Zhang Guilan, "Guilan, don't be angry with your mother, she just doesn't like the temper you like, anyway, when you and Lao Ji live your lives, you can bear with her."

Luo Yongzhi had no choice but to deal with this girl in his own family.

"Dad, don't worry. I'm not angry. Mom is my mother-in-law. How can I be angry?" After her father-in-law said this, Zhang Guilan couldn't argue anymore.

But he didn't even look at Guo Ying.

Guo Ying cried with her face covered, and no one comforted her. After crying for a while, she recovered, but she didn't speak, just sat there pouting.

Both Luo Yongzhi and Zhang Guilan ignored her, "Guilan, please explain the situation in detail."

"...That's all I know. All I can do now is wait for the letter at home. Dad, I didn't tell you, but I didn't want you to worry. Since the forest area said that, Lao Ji must be fine. Don't worry about it. Get angry, isn't there a saying that is very good? No news is good news, maybe one day Laoji will suddenly come back."

As soon as Zhang Guilan finished speaking, Guo Ying hummed in a nasal voice.

Luo Yongzhi froze for a moment, turned his head and gave her a hard look, and then turned his head to speak, "Okay, okay, it's fine, when Milan called, he said something happened to Laoji and there is no news yet, it scared me I'm with your mother, I didn't even care about the pigs at home, so I rushed over, I didn't even drink my saliva on the way, do you have anything to eat at home?"

When he knew his son had an accident, Luo Yongzhi didn't eat a bite. He didn't know how he survived these few days.

"Dad, wait a minute, I'm going to cook now." Zhang Guilan immediately went to the kitchen.

These days, her own food is also simple. Fortunately, she still has some steamed rice at home. She cracked four eggs and made fried rice with chopped green onions. Two large bowls were brought out in a few minutes.

"Dad, you guys eat first, and you can't keep it up even if your stomach is empty. I'll cook right now." Zhang Guilan didn't pass the meal to her mother-in-law, but put it on the table, and her father-in-law passed it on. .

Guo Ying didn’t care about some of the food, picked it up and started to eat, not forgetting to ask for something, “Aren’t you drowning in kimchi? Bring some.”

Her mouth was full of fried rice with eggs, and when she spoke again, the rice grains spewed out. Zhang Guilan hurriedly turned around and went into the kitchen. She really couldn't live with such a mother-in-law. Not as good.

"It's a good thing first, and you still picked it up."

When Zhang Guilan came out with kimchi, she was listening to her father-in-law training her mother-in-law, but her mother-in-law didn't care at all. As soon as the kimchi was put down, the chopsticks stretched out, looking at the big bowl of rice, and she ate it in just a few mouthfuls More than half of it went down.

 We have a sandstorm during the day, it's terrible

(End of this chapter)

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