Chapter 151 Weirdness

Chapter 140: The Weirdness

After a bowl of rice, Guo Ying was obviously not full. He was about to open his mouth to shout into the kitchen when Luo Yongzhi, who was opposite him, dropped the bowl. Guo Ying shut up honestly. While his daughter-in-law was in the kitchen, Luo Yongzhi also warned her.

"Be quiet. Now that your son has an accident, you are still flying around here. See if I want you. Do you have the heart? Now that your son has an accident, your daughter has been pushed into the fire pit by you. Even you Don't even admit it, don't you think that you are worthy of being a mother? If it weren't for the fact that you and I have suffered so much for so many years and gave birth to two children, I would have given up on you a long time ago." Luo Yongzhi let go Ruthless words, "If you are not afraid, you can just make trouble. This time it is not as easy as last time. Don't go back home. I will break your leg if you go back."

"What's wrong with me? I'm not worried about my son." Guo Ying held her mouth shut.

Luo Yongzhi shouted, "Put away your tears, why didn't you see you cry at home? Who are you crying for here? You are here to make trouble for your daughter-in-law because you feel sorry for your son and worry about your son? Who are you lying to? Let me tell you, if you marry your son If the daughter-in-law makes trouble, I won't forgive you."

Where can I find such a good daughter-in-law now?This old woman doesn't know how to be content with herself, she just thinks about making trouble every day, Luo Yongzhi really wants to slap her in the face.

Guo Ying was punctured and kept silent. Luo Yongzhi took out a dry cigarette and rolled it up, without looking at her.

In the kitchen, Zhang Guilan took out the submerged meat and cut it up, picked out the beans, stewed the beans with the submerged meat, and scrambled an egg. Although there are no vegetables from the vegetable garden, the southern dishes have come. The dishes are not high, and every family can afford the dishes.There is a vegetable cart at the gate of the compound, and Zhang Guilan goes there to buy vegetables every day.I also buy a piece of meat from time to time, and put the rest of the meat in salt.I kept it for the next day, mixed a cold dish, steamed a large pot of rice, and mixed some kimchi. As soon as I opened the pot, the smell of meat immediately spread in the room.

Guo Ying clicked her mouth, not saying anything, but she also admitted that this Guilan cooking is delicious, just look at the egg fried rice just now, it is better than other people's cooking.Now that I haven't eaten it yet, the fragrance of the vegetables fills the house.

Summer has come, and the doors and windows of the house are closed when cooking, so the aroma of the dishes spreads naturally. Jiang Zhi stood at the door with the child in his arms, looked inside, saw two old people, and smiled shyly .

"What's the matter?" Changed to Yiqian, who didn't know each other so he didn't speak.

Guo Ying remembered this.When he was fighting last time, he hugged the child and watched from the sidelines. Seeing her smiling at him now, he thought it was just a joke.

"Auntie, I live next door. I heard that my sister-in-law is here, come and have a look." Jiang Zhi came in with his son in his arms.

Standing at the door, you can see Zhang Guilan who is busy in the kitchen, "Sister-in-law, is someone here?"

"Well, the in-laws are here." Zhang Guilan just set the table and chopsticks.

Jiang Zhi smiled.I went into the house with the child in my arms, and didn't say go back when I saw people eating.Sitting down not far from the table with only the child in his arms, Luo Yongzhi didn't think much about it, only thinking about his neighbors, just like in the countryside, he said a few polite words.

"Is it a neighbor? On weekdays, Guilan troubles you to take care of it. Have you eaten? Let's have some together."

"No need, the child's father hasn't come back yet, so I'll cook when he comes back." Jiang Zhi carried the child in front of him and let him sit on his lap, with the child's face facing the table.

The adults sat and ate, and the children watched. Luo Yongzhi showed his duty in his bones, so he couldn't stand it.

"If you don't eat, the child won't be able to survive. Feed the child some food." Zhang Guilan just came out with the food, and Luo Yongzhi said again, "Guilan, bring more bowls and chopsticks, and let the child eat."

Zhang Guilan couldn't understand Jiang Zhi's behavior, and it was hard to refute her father-in-law, so she said with a smile, "I'm measuring the rice, and the child can't eat much. I'm afraid of the heat, so I put the rice out in the kitchen."

Li Quancai is less than three years old and still can't speak clearly, how much can he eat?Regardless of whether Jiang Zhi wanted to take advantage of the child or not, Zhang Guilan would not let her take advantage of it at all. She made half a bowl of rice, fried it with eggs and soaked it, and put marinated meat on it. After mixing it , and brought out my younger brother to Jiang Zhi.

"There are also cold dishes, I don't know if your family can eat them?" Zhang Guilan looked at Jiang Zhi's hand holding the bowl, and smiled inwardly, as expected, she had this idea in mind.

"No, these are enough." Jiang Zhi blushed.

Children don't care about those, as long as they have something to eat.

Guo Ying didn't want to, she was naturally stingy, but she didn't dare to make trouble when the old man said something and in front of outsiders, she ate very loudly when eating, expressing her dissatisfaction, people ate with their heads buried, Luo Yongzhi He stared at her several times, but of course she didn't see it.

Zhang Guilan chewed slowly, ordering food for Li Quanjia from time to time, seeing that Li Quan was not at all unhappy about his meal, Jiang Zhi panicked, and kept thanking him as soon as the child ate. Full, she said to go home and cook, and left immediately.

Going alone, Guo Ying said, "I'm just here to watch other people eat for dinner."

Luo Yongzhi slammed his chopsticks, "How much can a child eat? I didn't eat yours, so why worry about it? Go down when you're full."

Guo Ying was very angry, "I can't even talk about it, are you making me dumb?"

"Say it, keep talking." As soon as Luo Yongzhi said this, Guo Ying was not afraid to say it.

After dinner, Zhang Guilan cleaned up the dishes. Luo Yongzhi wanted to go to the ministry to inquire about his son, so Zhang Guilan accompanied him. Fortunately, it was a marriage camp, and everyone was there even after dinner.

It was still Yang Zongyi who received them, and there were a few leaders who hadn't met before. Zhang Guilan didn't speak, and Luo Yongzhi said something very well when he came.

In the end, Zhang Guilan expressed Luo Yongzhi's meaning, "I was injured and my family members couldn't go. I just don't worry. I don't know what's wrong? It's been almost a month, and there should be news right?"

"The people over there are fine and are recovering. It is also Luo Ji's intention not to let the family members go there."

"What does he mean?" Zhang Guilan was taken aback for a moment, and then said clearly, "Understood, I'm really sorry to trouble you."

His heart was turbulent, it turned out that Luo Ji himself decided not to let his family members go.What does he mean?Was he afraid that his family would be worried, or was he afraid of disturbing him and Sun Mei?It wasn't Zhang Guilan's random guess, it was something like that that happened in her previous life.She couldn't stop thinking about it.

When he returned home, Luo Yongzhi was relieved knowing that his son was fine.Zhang Guilan was distracted, and Guo Ying cursed, "My man is fine, and he looks unhappy. I don't know what he's thinking."

"Mom, I still want to ask this question. I can't get up when I'm sick but I don't let my family take care of me. Is it possible that your son has a good friend?" Zhang Guilan has endured it for a long time, perhaps since returning to the countryside.Seeing her mother-in-law’s attitude, she has been enduring it all the time. When she was stimulated by the news today, she couldn’t bear it anymore, "What do you mean by your son? In the hospital, he likes to be taken care of by nurses and doctors? My heart is twisted, and you blame me for thinking too much. , Today I will put my words here, if there is any ambiguous affair between your son and someone in the hospital, I will divorce you. "

One slams the door.Zhang Guilan entered the study.

Blocking Guo Ying's yelling and scolding, "Look, you still say that this daughter-in-law is good, what's wrong? Now my son is injured. She's still talking about divorce here."

Turning around and shouting to the study, "Zhang Guilan, let me tell you, divorce is divorce. Who is afraid of whom? Do you think you are a sweet potato? If you leave you, there is a better one to marry my old heir. This time he has done a great job. Yes, you are illiterate. You deserve it too?"

"Okay, it's endless, isn't it?" Now that Zhang Guilan said this, Luo Yongzhi also felt that this matter was weird.

It stands to reason that it is inconvenient for a big man to be injured. It is most normal for a wife to take care of her by her side, and it is impossible for a man to take care of her. Is it true?Zhang Guilan is not someone who talks nonsense, and Luo Yongzhi's heart was raised again after putting it back in his stomach.

In the study, Zhang Guilan's face turned blue and red with anger, good Luo Ji, no wonder this matter has always been strange, maybe there is something inside him who is hurt?Otherwise, why have you been hiding it from your family?

Looking back on her previous life, plus what she said today, Zhang Guilan felt that something was wrong. In her previous life, she had quarreled with Mr. Luo Ji. She heard that he was sick and didn't go there, let alone asked more questions. Now that she thinks about it, she wants to go. There You won't let her go, will you?Just like in this life, he just didn't let her go, presumably he was covering up something.

And Yang Zongyi, who has always been trusted, did not tell her the truth, which made Zhang Guilan feel uncomfortable. She pretended to be strong these days, and she might be sympathetic to herself in the eyes of others.

It was really a big joke.

The more she thought about it, the more wronged she became. Zhang Guilan wiped away her tears and told her not to know. It would be best to keep it a secret for the rest of her life. Otherwise, this matter would never end. What did Luo Ji think of her?The big deal is divorce. The moment she just said the divorce, she was not impulsive. After she was reborn, she was worried all day long. She didn't intend to wrong herself anymore. There is no way.

That night, Zhang Guilan slept directly in the study, and was woken up by knocking on the door in the morning, "Guilan, are you awake?"

It is the father-in-law Luo Yongzhi.

Zhang Guilan didn't take off her clothes at all, she got up, combed her hair, opened the door, "Dad, what's the matter?"

"Guilan, Dad thought about it all night last night and thought it was weird. Let's ask that leader Yang again today." Yang Zongyi sent them back yesterday, and they lived downstairs again. Luo Yongzhi only remembered over him.

Zhang Guilan said with a cold face, "Dad, I live downstairs, you can just ask. I don't want to cook, so I won't go with you."

Luo Yongzhi thought that his daughter-in-law was still angry with his son, so he didn't say much, and went out by himself, but he didn't know that Zhang Guilan was also complaining about Yang Zongyi.

(End of this chapter)

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