Chapter 152 Explained
Chapter 141: Interpretation
Luo Yongzhi didn't dare to knock on the door, so he waited outside the door. When Yang Zongyi came out of the room, he saw a man squatting at the door. He was startled. After seeing that it was Luo Ji's father, he quickly welcomed him in. Room.

It was early in the morning, and it was not yet daylight. Yang Zongyi thought about something urgent and didn't have any politeness, so he asked directly, "Uncle, is something wrong?"

"No." Luo Yongzhi thought for a while, "What's going on at Laoji's place? Why don't you let your family take care of you when you're sick?"

Luo Yongzhi didn't dare to tell Zhang Guilan about the divorce. If it was his son's fault, Zhang Guilan must not be wronged. Zhang's son died to save his own son. It would be too heartless to let other girls be wronged.

Yang Zongyi was stunned, "Uncle, why are you asking that again?"

He added, "Did Guilan ask you?"

Luo Yongzhi nodded, then shook his head again, "I was thinking about this strangely, so I came here to ask you."

Looking at the unspeakable addiction, Yang Zongyi guessed that Zhang Guilan knew about it, "Uncle, it's nothing, Luo Ji was saving the leader's child who was injured, and the leader sent someone to take care of the old man." Ji, originally Lao Ji didn't let me tell you about his injury. It's not because he was afraid that the news would spread, and you would be more worried when you heard about it. That's why I told you. Don't worry, what can happen, It’s not that he injured his leg, it’s said that he’s been injured for a hundred days, and he’ll be back soon.”

Luo Yongdi breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, that's good. You see, I'm sorry to trouble you, come here early in the morning."

"It's all right. I'm going to the factory too. If you need anything in the future, just come and find me." Send Luo Yongzhi out.Seeing people go upstairs, Yang Zongyi strode downstairs.

go home.Luo Yongzhi was busy pulling his daughter-in-law, and told Zhang Guilan what he had heard from Yang Zongyi. Zhang Guilan just nodded slightly, the child of the leader?Thinking of Zhou Fuguo talking about Sun Mei, could it be that Sun Mei has a great background?
Zhang Guilan really didn't know about these things in her previous life, so now she's not sure if she saved Sun Mei, but said that the leader sent someone to take care of her, and the family didn't come. Zhang Guilan didn't believe such an excuse.Abnormality is a demon. Anyway, as long as there is something tricky, it will be revealed sooner or later, and there is no rush to know it right now.

Luo Yongzhi was relieved, Guo Ying was dissatisfied and wanted to say something, but he was stared at by his own man, but he didn't speak. Luo Yongzhi only said it when he was having breakfast. "I came here in a hurry, and the family didn't explain it properly. Your mother and I went back today, and we will come back when Laoji comes back."

"It's just here. Go back?" Guo Ying didn't stay long enough.

I eat well every day, and there are people serving me, and I don't have to work.Where to find this good thing.

"Then you stay here, I'll go back." Luo Yongzhi and Ben didn't look at her.

Guo Ying fell silent.Guan Jian was afraid that Luo Yongzhi would make a fuss about him, so he would go home and meet some woman, what would he have to do with her... Thinking about how this would happen in the past.After Zhang Guilan married in, the family has never been safe.

Holding her breath in her heart, Guo Ying had an idea, "Guilan, Milan is pregnant not long after she got married, why isn't your stomach moving at all?"

Luo Yongzhi stared at him, and asked these questions in front of his father-in-law, as if he didn't save face for his daughter-in-law.

Zhang Guilan asked back, "Mom, why do you think I gave birth alone?"

Guo English is over.

Zhang Guilan did not let her go, "Lao Ji is not at home, if I can get pregnant by myself, do you think this child belongs to the Luo family?"

"What are you talking about? Let me ask. Look, what are you talking about? Our Luo family has only one heir, so we can't stop with him. You have been married for almost a year, and you are not a big girl." , there is no movement in the stomach, why don't people ask a few questions? When did the girl from the Zhang family become so precious?"

"Can you talk well? It's right that Guilan bumped into you. Let's see what you're asking." Luo Yongzhi stopped eating, got up and walked out, "I'll wait for the car. If you don't come back home, I will Never come back."

"Why don't I return?" Guo Ying dropped his chopsticks and followed.

Zhang Guilan couldn't sit and eat, and chased her out until Xiaoqiao. Luo Yongzhi was angry, Guo Ying was also angry, and Zhang Guilan didn't bother to talk until the bus came. .

Although it was only a short day together, Zhang Guilan was exhausted. When she returned home, she looked at the messy house and sighed. She still cleaned it up, and Zhuo took the sheets to wash. Ring noon.

Zhuo's sheets were not easy to wash, Zhang Guilan missed the days when there was a washing machine, and when the weather was fine, she took the sheets and was taken downstairs by Zhuo to dry them in the sun, and when it cooled, she turned around and saw Yang Zongyi waiting for her, Zhang Guilan nodded politely to him without saying a word Take the basin and leave.

"Guilan, are you angry?"

"Why am I angry?" Zhang Guilan stopped and asked him back.

Yang Zongyi had a bitter look on his face, "You said that Lao Ji is my good brother. He begged me, can I not help him? You are so smart, you wouldn't think too much about it if you were another woman. Forget it, I persuaded you at the beginning. Lao Ji told you the truth, but he refused to give in, for fear that you would get angry if you misunderstood it, and now you see that it has backfired."

it is as expected.

Zhang Guilan didn't make things difficult for him either, "Since this is the case, then don't talk about it, just pretend that I don't know, anyway, I know what I know."

"Look at you talking angry again." Yang Zongyi shook his head, "Let me tell you the truth, don't be angry and don't think too much, you know Lao Ji's behavior, things are not as rumored outside .”

Zhang Guilan raised her eyebrows, and there were rumors that she didn't know about?It seems that I have become a joke behind my back.

"Lao Ji was transferred there this time with an important mission. During the mission, he was seriously injured in order to save a doctor. The doctor was a child of the leader's family. I heard that there was only such a child. Lao Ji was sent to the hospital to take care of him. His people were also sent by that family." Yang Zongyi briefly explained the matter halfway.

No wonder.

Zhang Guilan couldn't tell what was going on in her heart, "It was rumored that Lao Ji had a good relationship with that female doctor? It was said that he was hurt because of this? So Lao Ji won't let you tell us the truth?"

Yang Zongyi nodded, "Guilan, you have to trust Lao Ji, he is definitely not that kind of person."

"The female doctor's name is Sun Mei?"

Yang Zongyi was taken aback, "You know him?"

His heart was shocked, no wonder Lao Ji refused to tell Guilan the truth, could there be something in it that he didn't know before?If this is the case, won't he tell Guilan these things now that there will be a gap between their husband and wife?

Zhang Guilan didn't want to think about it anymore, "I've seen her a few times, she is a very sweet woman, she looks like eighteen at the age of 25."

The last sentence is obviously sticky.

Yang Zongyi looked at Zhang Guilan who was walking away, and stood there without moving for a long time. His heart was broken, so he should go talk to Lao Ji right away and see what to do about it?

In a hurry to return to his office, Yang Zongyi picked up the phone and called the number. It took a long time to answer the phone, but a woman answered, "Who is it?"

"Is Luo Ji there?" Yang Zongyi was taken aback, but his heart sank again.

Sun Mei said softly, "Laoji is asleep, what's the matter with you? Are you his friend? Do you want me to bring him a message?"

"Then please tell him that his wife is angry." Yang Zongyi said in a deep voice.

It was obvious that the person on the other end of the phone was stunned, and then he said, "Is that all?"

"Yes." Yang Zongyi hung up the phone after finishing speaking, cursing inwardly, "Okay, Luo Ji, let me help you spread the word, but you keep a woman by your side, what the hell are you trying to do? "

After the phone call, Yang Zongyi didn't move. He just waited for Luo Ji to call him, but he didn't wait until it was dark. Yang Zongyi sneered and called again.

This time it was Luo Ji who answered the phone, "Zongyi, is everything okay at home?"

Hearing Luo Ji's voice was very soothing, obviously he hadn't just woken up, Yang Zongyi smiled and said, "No matter how good it is, it's not as good as yours. I'll call you to tell you that your wife is angry, so you can hold your breath." , If I don’t call, will you not call back?”

Luo Ji was taken aback, "Did you call? When? What happened to Guilan?"

He does not mean that.

Sun Mei, who was sitting on the edge of the hospital bed peeling apples, paused her hand slightly, the knife almost cut her hand, lowered her head, and when she raised her head again, she felt guilty, "I'm sorry, Laoji, I answered the call. You were sleeping at that time, so I didn't wake you up, and just now there was another patient, so I was so busy that I forgot about it."

Luo Ji was busy answering the phone and didn't answer her. He only cared about his daughter-in-law, "What's wrong with Guilan? You mean it, you are anxious."

If it weren't for the fact that his legs couldn't move yet, Luo Ji would have jumped up.

Yang Zongyi on the other end of the phone smiled, "Now I know I'm in a hurry? I thought you enjoyed the beauty and forgot that you have a wife at home. That's fine, I won't say more. Guilan guessed what was going on and knew about that woman. It's called Sun Mei, I won't say much, you can figure it out yourself."

With a snap, Yang Zongyi hung up the phone.

No matter what, he also felt that Luo Ji had gone too far this time.

If it were any woman, there would be trouble already.

When he arrived, he was really calm.

The phone was hung up, and Luo Ji held the phone for a long time without moving anything. Sun Mei bit her lip and stepped forward to admit her mistake, "Old Ji, could it be that my sister-in-law misunderstood something? How about I call and explain to my sister-in-law."

"It's all my fault. There were a lot of patients before. I forgot about it as soon as I got busy. Otherwise, my sister-in-law wouldn't be angry with you. I'd better call her and explain to her." Sun Mei leaned forward, wanting to take Guo Luo Ji still held the phone in his hand.

 Happy Dragon Boat Festival, everyone have a good time.

(End of this chapter)

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