Chapter 183 Welcome Party

Chapter 172: Welcome Party

Needless to say, Zhang Guilan's attire, as soon as she arrived at the big cafeteria, it immediately became a beautiful landscape. Zhang Guilan naturally understood that even those who planned to pay more attention because of the rumors outside, immediately vetoed it after seeing Zhang Guilan.

Such a good-looking daughter-in-law, who would have the mind to go out and do things that are notorious with other women? She was looking at Sun Mei in a suit and a simple black dress. She didn't need too much decoration, even her face was a little makeup It didn't melt, but it looked as fresh as a flower.

Luo Ji felt that all eyes were on his daughter-in-law, and his complexion became darker. After sitting down, he pursed his lips tightly and did not speak. Several people came forward to say hello, but they all avoided Luo Ji's face. .

Zhang Guilan was sitting beside Luo Ji, accepting the attention from all around with a smile, seeing Luo Ji's face, slightly biting the corners of her lips, thinking that jealousy is not good, right?

After Sun Mei beat Zhang Guilan in, the smile on her face faded a little. When Li Xue saw Zhang Guilan, she was surprised and pulled Sun Mei to bite her ear, "Look, it's really fashionable. These are not for sale, I heard that there is a lingerie store in the city that sells different dresses, she probably bought it from there, let's go and have a look when we have time."

"Staying in the forest all day, there is no chance of wearing that."

"Why is there no chance? Besides, we also have vacations." Li Xue's eyes flashed brightly, "Look at Captain Luo's lover, she is young and stylishly dressed. Captain Luo is really blessed, so what kind of marriage is she going to marry?" Men still mainly look at women. I used to think that Captain Luo’s lover came from the countryside and looked down on her. Now look at her. She is more like a city person than us city people. How about less money, look at others, a woman is still from the countryside, it’s really not easy.”

"Hearing what you said, do you admire her?" Sun Mei asked with a light smile.

Li Xue stared at her, and then smiled, "Yeah, I admire her, if I can be half as good as her, I can find a good man."

"Look at you. You can't leave a man when you talk three times. It seems that you really want to marry someone."

"Sun Mei, I'm different from you. My family's conditions are not good. Unlike you, you still have parents to help you. You still have to pick and choose someone, but I don't agree. I'm just a nurse and I'm in my twenties now. I won't look for any more. People are not easy to marry."

Sun Mei turned cold, "I got everything by myself, and it has nothing to do with my parents. You can talk about them later. I'm really angry."

"I've noticed that you've been cute and angry for a while. Did something go wrong?" Li Xue asked half-jokingly, but there was no smile in her eyes.He sneered in his heart, but there was no expression on his face. "I see that your temper has been fluctuating a lot these days. Which one of us is with the other. What else do you have to tell me? Seeing that you are being tortured there, I am really curious about what it is."

"As long as you are very curious, what can I do." Sun Meisheng was afraid that her thoughts would be found out, and when she saw the person coming in at the door, she explained, "It's not Zhou Fuguo, who chased you here again."

Li Xue didn't believe her excuse, she was just using Zhou Fuguo as a target, but when she saw Zhou Fuguo approaching, she didn't say much. After learning from Zhang Guilan that Sun Mei was eavesdropping on her affairs from behind the wall, Li Xue She secretly observed Sun Mei, and the more she observed, the more chilling she felt. This was not at all the same as the Sun Mei she knew. She was too scary. Thinking about how stupid she was before, she was being used by Sun Mei.

After seeing these things clearly, Li Xue hid her mind and covered herself up, and used a superficial deception to get along with Sun Mei. When she saw her innocent and changed direction to let herself be the target of the gun, she felt more and more. She is hypocritical.

"Zhou Fuguo, why are you here?" Li Xue 'helped' Sun Mei out as before.

Sun Mei sat quietly on the side, with a sweet smile on her face, it was not at all obvious that she hated Zhou Fuguo.

Zhou Fuguo nodded to Sun Mei before speaking to Li Xue, "Come here to see my friends, I didn't expect you to be transferred here."

"Ah, what a coincidence, so you didn't know we were transferred here? I thought you were running away"

"Li Xue." Afraid that she would speak out, Sun Mei hurriedly interrupted her and stood up, "Fu Guo, what a coincidence, long time no see."

Zhou Fuguo looked at her quietly before he smiled, "Yes, what a coincidence. Could the welcome here be prepared for you?"

"Yeah, I also think it's too troublesome." Sun Mei looked very virtuous.

Zhou Fuguo nodded and agreed, "It's really troublesome."

When he said this, Sun Mei was taken aback for a moment, but immediately laughed again and didn't say much.

"I still have something to do over there, you are busy." Zhou Fuguo greeted, turned and left.

As soon as the person left, Li Xue said in confusion, "Strange, how did Fu Guo change this week? He never said bad things when he saw you before. Even if the earth is round, if you say it is square, he will say it is square." Yes, what's going on now?"

"Li Xue, if you talk nonsense like this again, I really ignore you. I asked the leader to put the two of us together because we are good friends, but if you talk nonsense like this, I will Let the superior transfer me back, Zhou Fuguo and I are just ordinary friends, what happens to him has nothing to do with me, don't associate me with anyone again."

"Okay, okay, I was wrong, and I will never dare again." Li Xue admitted his mistake with a smiley face.

Only then did Sun Mei laugh.

When she was not seen, Li Xue curled her lips, really didn't care?Why do those eyes keep staring at others?People are really strange. When people regarded you as a treasure, you didn't take it seriously. Now they ignore you, and you feel uncomfortable. It's not the sun, who will always revolve around you?Besides, Zhou Fuguo is not bad in the country. If Zhou Fuguo didn't like you, the Zhou family would still look down on you.

Zhou Fuguo first went to Yang Zongyi's side, said a few words, and then arrived at Luo Ji's place. When he saw Zhang Guilan, his eyes lit up and the corners of his mouth cracked.

Seeing that, Luo Ji was upset, "Are you talking about the factory?"

Zhang Guilan hurriedly motioned him to shut up, "That matter is a secret, why did I bring it up here?"

Zhou Fuguo also explained, "I also came here for a stroll. I didn't expect to catch up with your welcome party here, so I came to join in the fun."

"Is there a place to sit?" Zhang Guilan asked politely.

"I wonder if there is anyone in the chair next to Team Luo?" Zhou Fuguo looked at Luo Ji with a smile.

"No one." Although he was upset, Luo Ji stubbornly did not show it.

Zhou Fuguo walked around the table with a smile and sat down, "Is Guilan preparing for the show?"

"I don't know how to do it, let's watch it." Luo Ji said through the two people.

"Who will be here? It's just that everyone is lively and lively, but your factory is also good. There is a welcome party for the new doctor. I think we should hold a welcome party for you wives."

"Everyone wants to have fun too." Zhang Guilan replied casually.

I don't know if she was thinking too much, how could it be like avenging her injustice after listening to Zhou Fuguo's words?
But thinking of Zhou Fuguo's feelings for Sun Mei, Zhang Guilan immediately denied it, thinking that maybe Zhou Fuguo was jealous because of those rumors, so he said these words, but he didn't take it to heart.

She didn't take it to heart, but it didn't mean Luo Ji didn't take it to heart. He was born as a scout and immediately smelled something different. When his eyes met Zhou Fuguo's, neither of them moved away.

"I remember that you are the same age as me, and there is no blind date for you at home?"

"It's already old, so don't worry, what? Do you have something good to introduce to me?" Zhou Fuguo smiled.

"When you're old, you should look for it. How do you see Dr. Sun?" Luo Ji laughed back at him.

Both places were full of gunpowder smoke, Zhang Guilan and Ben didn't notice, the attention was drawn to Jiang Zhi by the side, Zhang Guilan didn't expect so many people, her seat would be next to Jiang Zhi.

"Sister-in-law, your aunt has gone back? Why didn't you stay a few more days?"

"Well, the family is also worried, seeing that Lao Luo is fine and left." Zhang Guilan replied politely.

I thought there would be nothing to say, but Jiang Zhi still had something to say, "Sister-in-law, the other day, the sister-in-law of the Wang family showed us the underwear you brought back from the city. It was so beautiful. No wonder everyone in the compound bought it. It's a pity." It's just too expensive."

Is this what you want?

Zhang Guilan pretended not to understand, "As long as it looks good, I'm afraid she won't be dressed properly."

Seeing that Jiang Zhi spoke so clearly, the other party didn't intend to answer the conversation, so he didn't mention it anymore, and besides, his man was sitting beside him, so if he was overheard, he wouldn't know what to say about him.

This episode is over, but who said Li Xuezhang didn't hear it.

It’s just that he pretended not to hear the conversation with Wang Wanwan next to him. Li Xuezhang has also been upset for a while. When he reacted to his superiors, he kept careful not to be known. Could it be that he was just overthinking and always felt that Luo Ji The look in his eyes is weird, even when he talks on weekdays, Yang Zongyi's words are also weird. Could it be that he has a guilty conscience and feels that there is something in his words?
He also kept a private meeting when he was seated, and wanted to see the attitude of the Luo family. After hearing what his wife said and Zhang Guilan's reply, Li Xuezhang felt his face burn and panicked, wondering if his wife was like this on weekdays, so he let the Luo family Don't like being in contact with yourself.

Before the welcome party even started, the atmosphere became different. Sun Mei saw Zhou Fuguo talking with Zhang Guilan, and even sitting next to Luo Ji, and her heart ached. Among all the news she got, there was no Luo Ji. Following this article with Zhou Fuguo, and even why Zhou Fuguo and Zhang Guilan are so familiar with each other, judging by the way the two of them are joking, they are not new acquaintances at all.

Will they talk about themselves?
The more Sun Mei thought about it, the more uneasy she became. Li Xue, who was at the side, had a panoramic view of her reaction, and secretly sneered. It turned out that she also had something to fear. Sure enough, people can't do things with a guilty conscience.

 Eighty-eight is about to go out. These days, I haven’t waited for the update on time at night. I wrote it out and updated it in advance. In case the update is past ten o’clock in the evening, please bear with me, but it will never be less than three times. Of course, for the sake of Don’t be scolded, try to update [-] on time, because you know that you can only write at night when you are on the road during the day, so I’m afraid it will be later, so let’s say hello in advance

(End of this chapter)

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