Chapter 184 Undercurrent
Chapter 173: Undercurrent
The big cafeteria was getting more and more full of people, and they were all sitting around, leaving a place in the middle for everyone to perform. Zhang Guilan and the others were sitting directly opposite the superior leaders. You could tell by the bars on their shoulders that they were at the leadership level. There, everyone around was restrained.

Sun Mei was sitting on the left of the leader, looking at each other from a distance, and was exactly face to face with Zhang Guilan. I don't know if it was arranged by someone deliberately, but it can be regarded as making the wish of the person who has the heart come true. After Zhang Guilan sat down, she felt Sun Mei's He looked at himself from time to time, and it was only natural that he could also see Luo Ji on the side.

The more Zhang Guilan thought about it, the more interesting it became. The host was a talkative accountant in the factory. A few words lifted the atmosphere of the scene. Zhang Guilan took advantage of this gap to pull Luo Ji to talk.

"Who do you think arranged this seat?"

"Still betting?"

Zhang Guilan gritted her teeth, "You man is stingy enough, but I owe you a bet, you still remember."

"But you talked about the bet first, and then you refused to accept it in the end." Luo Ji lowered his voice, "If you lower your debts, the two of us can continue to bet."

"I understand, you look like I'm sure to lose, don't you?" Zhang Guilan didn't really mean to bet at first, but now she heard him say that, and she really took a breath, "Okay, let's fight, I Gambling is righteousness."

Luo Ji raised his eyebrows.

Zhang Guilan spoke out her thoughts in a soft voice, "Before you couldn't say it, I will say it, and you have to be upright and upright. In this way, Zongyi arranged the position like this. No need for others to talk about it , people directly met. No one said anything."

Luo Ji nodded, "What you said makes sense. I said that Sun Mei took the initiative to ask people to arrange this."

Zhang Guilan froze for a moment and turned cold.

Luo Ji went on to say, "Your idea is correct, but Zong Yi would not do this, because it would protect Sun Mei, so Sun Mei must have proposed this on her own initiative and asked someone to help arrange it. Zong Yi also waited for someone I only found out after I sat down."

"You know her quite well." Zhang Guilan sarcastically said to him, then turned to watch the show.

When the daughter-in-law says to turn her back, she turns her back.Luo Ji smiled wryly, pulled her hand under the table, and said in a low voice, "We're making a bet, we can't turn our faces if we lose the bet."

"Who has turned his face, we don't know who will win." Zhang Guilan said to him angrily.

Luo Ji didn't let go, and narrowed his eyes slightly, with a smile in his eyes. After calling in, his calm mood finally improved.It's nothing more than my daughter-in-law is jealous.

The cafeteria was very lively, and the couple kept their voices low. Except for those who paid attention to them, they knew that they were talking, but those who were making noise could not hear anything.Zhou Fuguo, who was on the side, heard it. Although he had been watching the show above, he saw Zhang Guilan's temper in the corner of his eyes.The corners of the eyebrows were raised, and there was a flash of affection in the eyes.

Even Jiang Zhi originally planned to eavesdrop.But the child in his arms was disobedient, and he wanted to grab the fruits and snacks on the table in a while.After a while, I was so noisy that I was about to cry. After the child was coaxed, it was already quiet over there, so I couldn't hear anything.

Sun Mei, who was facing her, was also paying attention. When she saw Luo Ji and Zhang Guilan lower their heads to talk, and when they raised their heads with a smile flashing across their eyes, their chest became more and more dull. They also felt that this show was too annoying.

It was Li Xue, who was happiest while eating and watching, "Look, Captain Luo doesn't know what to say to his lover, but he can laugh. He thought he was just an iceberg."

"Eating can't stop your mouth, eat it quickly." Sun Mei stuffed a piece of snack into her mouth, making a joke.

Li Xue naturally followed the trend, but her mouth was relentless, "If you don't believe me, look at it, I'm not lying, our captain Luo also has a gentle side, and when he was in the forest area, he thought he was just pretending." Yes, looking at it now, I know that it is true. I heard people in the camp say that my sister-in-law cooks delicious food. She is famous in the courtyard. She is friendly and can read. I don’t know who passed it on. You can’t even read, and when people read the newspaper, you’re a nice broadcaster, do you think those nonsense people have the face to talk about it?”

"You've only heard about this in the day since you came here, and you haven't put your mind on work, are you all on these things?" Sun Mei smiled, "We don't live in this compound, so don't mess with this matter in the future. Mixing in, if you get involved, it will not be good for your reputation."

Although Sun Mei was laughing, Li Xue felt that this smile was uglier than crying, and these words sounded against her will. It was because she felt uncomfortable in her heart that she didn't let herself say more?

Once you know a person's true face, you will never be deceived again, and you can see through the other person's true thoughts at a glance.

"You're right, I don't have a partner right now, I have to be good and learn from you." Li Xue finally saluted mischievously.

However, Sun Mei's face turned green and red, forced a smile, and turned her head away quickly. She didn't know if it was her illusion, but she always felt that Li Xue's words had something in them, and she was even mocking herself.

But Li Xue is so stupid, with a straightforward temper and no discernment, how could she see that she has other thoughts about Luo Ji?It's something that no one else can see, and it's even more impossible for Li Xue to see it, so she must be thinking too much.

Sun Mei analyzed it herself and found it to be reasonable, and she would not feel guilty when facing Li Xue.

Li Xue has been paying attention to the changes in Sun Mei's expression, and has known her purpose for a long time. Looking at her affectation, she feels more and more hypocritical.

The following programs are all chorused by workers, or sung to each other, and the atmosphere is not bad. When it is the turn of the wives, the atmosphere is considered to be at its peak. Standing up represents a woman who is talking and smiling.

Zhang Guilan recognized that she was the one who always followed Shang Hong. She only knew that the man was not a big official and was a civil servant, but this woman also had a job and her parents were from the city. The faction of people was replaced by her to take the lead.

"Today is to welcome new doctors. We can't let our workers keep performing the show. We have to let the newcomers have a show, right?"

Someone immediately echoed a word, "That's right, come one, come one."

In the sound of shouting, Sun Mei stood up, saluted generously before speaking, "Thank you for your enthusiasm, as soon as we got here, we felt the warmth of home. Today, my comrades and I also prepared a small meal. The program, I hope you like it.”

The applause rang out, and Li Xue got up and followed Sun Mei and walked out. The two stood in the middle, starting with Li Xue, and they sang a heroic hymn together. With a different taste, Zhang Guilan admitted that Sun Mei is good at using resources in this regard, making Li Xue's voice stand out, and matching her sweet voice.

I don't know if Li Xue found out, and what kind of mood she felt after finding out.

This song naturally got a lot of enthusiasm, there were shows for the newcomers, and the wife couldn't escape it. The wife headed by the city was doing a fashion show. In fact, it was just those few people who went around there. The clothes on his body are either strapless or short skirts, which are a bit more advanced than those of this era, but they are not worn by everyone on weekdays.

There are few women in the forest area, and some of them are just a few wives. Unfortunately, a few of the wives are also married. If you go up like this, it will always change your taste, like pretending to be tender, flirting, making people say no How it feels to come out, no matter what kind.

But Zhang Guilan couldn't help but buried her head in a laugh, what kind of fashion show is it, her body is as hard as wood, not to mention Zhang Guilan, everyone around was stunned, followed by secret laughter, as for those few The wife's man's face turned green and red, and when he got down, his face turned black.

But in the end it was a man, and finally gave a round of applause.

The women seemed to have sensed that something was wrong, they were no longer aloof from before, and they were at ease now.

"Hey, is there still a show? There are still a few sister-in-laws who haven't come out yet." Someone asked.

All eyes fell on Zhang Guilan.

Zhang Guilan thought it was funny, it was too blatant to do this, besides, she was directly regarded as a representative of the rural faction, and the class division was too clear, right?
Wang Li's complexion went from being unsightly at the beginning, to finally cheering up to watch the excitement. She was looking for a discussion to make a show and said no, but now she is being watched by someone, and she wants to see who is embarrassing.

Zhang Guilan still didn't move, anyway, she didn't directly call her name, and she wasn't the only wife in the countryside, so what can I do?What can it represent?Perhaps the person who took the lead in speaking did not expect that Zhang Guilan would make such a move.

For a while, only the workers shouted, but no one stood up.

At this time, the women from the countryside were in a hurry, but if they had no ability to stand up, they could only be anxious, and finally they turned their attention to Zhang Guilan, who was considered capable among them.

With so much attention, Zhang Guilan could sit still and still not move. Zhou Fuguo couldn't stand being separated by someone, so he lowered his head and pretended to scratch his nose, "Guilan, you won't keep pretending to be stupid like this, will you?"

Luo Ji in the middle also laughed, but he remained silent.

He made his wife angry before, but now Luo Jike has learned how to be smart. From now on, as long as he has anything to do with Sun Mei, he will not speak up. As long as he speaks up, it will be wrong no matter what.

Zhang Guilan grinned, making it hard to see what was happening with her mouth, "I didn't name names, why should I stand up?"

"You are amazing." Zhou Fuguo laughed out loud.

When they met for the first time, he felt that Zhang Guilan was special, she was from the countryside but more like a city person than a city person, and the more he observed, the more he couldn't help but couldn't look away, just like at this time, ordinary women She couldn't even do it, but she did it, and no matter how you look at it, she thinks it's cute. It seems that every time I'm with her, I'm always so happy and relaxed.

 Greedy writing, I like to write this kind of rivalry, but I can't write well.

(End of this chapter)

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