Chapter 186 Making Friends
Chapter 175: Making friends
In the forest area, Li Xue didn't run to look for Sun Mei early in the morning, and dragged her to the compound, but Sun Mei refused to go, and grabbed her, "What the hell are you doing?"

"Yesterday Captain Luo's daughter-in-law sang a nice song. I didn't sleep all night thinking about it. Look at my eye circles are still dark. Let's ask about the lyrics, and I probably don't remember it. I want to listen to it again. I have learned this song." Li Xue's face was full of joy.

"It's not good to go there early in the morning, let's talk about it later." Sun Mei hesitated and didn't want to go.

"Anyway, Captain Luo is injured now. We need to check the wound for him. It just happened to pass. What's wrong? It's not like the rumors spread. What do you think about Captain Luo? What are you afraid of? Don't tell me those things The rumors are true, otherwise the more you act like this, the more it seems true to me."

Sun Mei gave her a displeased look, "What nonsense are you talking about? I'm really angry that you said that to me."

Li Xue smiled and said, "Look, since it's not true, let's go there."

Holding the medicine box in one hand, he dragged Sun Mei out of the infirmary.

On the way, Li Xue asked Sun Mei incomprehensibly, "Isn't it good for us to stay in the hospital? Why did you think of going to these forest district hospitals? And with your medical skills, it's really delayed here." , there is no need for a doctor like you here, if there is any serious illness, you will go to the hospital."

"I happened to have this opportunity to exercise, so I came here without thinking too much. Sometimes the smaller these places are, the more they need real doctors."

Seeing her righteous words, Li Xue didn't take it seriously, "Maybe you're right. But sometimes I really don't understand what you're thinking, not at all."

"There's something I don't understand. I'm not the same as you." Sun Mei secretly smug, the person who can really understand herself hasn't been born yet.

Li Xue pulled Sun Mei out of the room with a smile on her face.They didn't say much, but they didn't take it seriously. When the two of them arrived at the compound, they saw that it was quiet and there was no one there.

When the two went upstairs, they met Yang Zongyi who was going downstairs.

Yang Zongyi raised his eyebrows, "You two came early."

Sun Mei shyly called out to Leader Yang.Li Xue stepped forward with a smile, "Leader Yang, your family also lives in this building."

"Yes, Xiao Li, it's too early for you, but it's good to be so dedicated to your career, keep it up." Yang Zongyi said earnestly.

Li Xue giggled, "Boss Yang, we came here so early for an inspection, but to learn how to sing that song from Captain Luo's wife."

"That's right." Yang Zongyi looked at Sun Mei.

Li Xue jumped forward with her mouth pouted, "Boss Yang, does Sun Mei look good?"

Yang Zongyi looked at her, not understanding what she meant by her sudden question.

Li Xue then pouted. "Otherwise, why does Leader Yang keep looking at her?"

Sun Mei was taken aback.

This time it was Yang Zongyi who blushed and coughed twice, "You guys go. I'm just going to the factory."

"Leader Yang, it's going to be a holiday on Saturday. Are you going to the city? Can I take a ride back to the city together?" Leaving Sun Mei behind, Li Xue chased after her.

"I'm not going to the city." Yang Zongyi said the same to everyone.He replied with a polite smile.

Li Xue was not reconciled, "Leader Yang, am I very bad? I don't even see you smiling at me."

Yang Zongyi stopped, "I've been laughing, it's like this to everyone, don't you see?"

Li Xue shook her head.

Yang Zongyi sighed, "Xiao Li, you can't joke with the leader like this."

Li Xue stuck out her tongue, turned and ran away.

Seeing Li Xue like this, Yang Zongyi couldn't hate him either. Previously, because of Sun Mei's relationship, Yang Zongyi really didn't have a good impression of Li Xue, but now that she looks like a child, that kind of disgust is much less.

When Li Xue ran back to the corridor, Sun Mei was still waiting for her, with an unhappy expression on her face, "Why do you talk so much to Leader Yang?" Do you like him?
Li Xue admitted generously, "Yeah, isn't Leader Yang divorced? I think he's good, and I don't care about his divorce."

"Li Xue, I told you that I have a good friend named Shang Hong, right? He is Leader Yang's ex-wife. She still wants to remarry. You are all my good friends. I don't want any trouble between you. Misunderstanding." Sun Mei said seriously.

Li Xue walked upstairs, not caring at all, "They are all divorced, there will be some misunderstanding, and if Leader Yang really wants to remarry, then I will not do anything, if I don't have that kind of thought, of course I can pursue him .”

Sun Mei followed behind, raised her head and looked up at Li Xue who was climbing the stairs, wondering how true her words were, and if it was true, how confident was Li Xue in pursuing Yang Zongyi as an unmarried woman?What kind of benefits will you have if things happen?How much is it in your own interest?
If it was true, at least invisibly, Yang Zongyi was on his side. As long as he grasped Li Xue, he would be considered to have grasped Yang Zongyi, and he would have an extra chance of winning on Luo Ji's side.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that this matter would benefit her a lot, and Sun Mei no longer cared about it. Compared with her own interests and that of her friend Shang Hong, her own affairs naturally came first.

The third floor will arrive soon. After knocking on the door, I heard someone come to open the door before I waited. Please come in.

"Look, we're just making breakfast, come in quickly." Zhang Guilan was dressed casually at home, with a big fat vest and a pair of big trousers that she made herself.

The big vest just covered half of the trousers. It looks very casual, and the hair is combed into a ponytail. It looks a few years younger. Zhang Guilan is not very fat now. She is already young. She looked like an unmarried girl, with a little more aura.

"Sister-in-law, you really know how to dress up. Did you make these clothes yourself?" Li Xue asked with a smile.

In the past, Li Xue was cold to her, but now seeing her suddenly so warm, Zhang Guilan was not used to it.After thinking through the reasons inside, I was relieved.He smiled, "Yes. I made it myself. If you like it, I can make it for you too."

"Really? That's great, sister-in-law. I'll get the cloth myself, so you can make me a suit." Li Xue was really happy this time, "Sister-in-law just make a suit that is the same as the one you are wearing I also wear them at home on weekdays."

"Okay, I happen to have cloth here." As long as it is Sun Mei's enemy.It is my friend.

Zhang Guilan naturally wanted to befriend Li Xue, especially after she had made up her mind to reveal Sun Mei's true colors, Zhang Guilan would not let go of any chance to pull Li Xue down, especially the people around Sun Mei. Well, there's no harm in doing yourself any good.

As for Li Xue, although Zhang Guilan didn't have much contact with her, she still knew her a little bit. She was straightforward and simple-minded.Otherwise, she wouldn't be used by Sun Mei. Now that she knows Sun Mei's true face, she can still be with Sun Mei as before, it's not that she can't understand.Do you have other plans?Wouldn't that be the same as my own thoughts?
The two looked at each other tacitly, and quickly looked away without anyone noticing.Sun Mei, who hadn't been looking at the two of them carefully, didn't notice that her mind was first attracted by Zhang Guilan's attire.Then Luo's everything in the house, although there are not many things in the house.But everything is expensive, and there are even home appliances. What I said to Shang Hong is unnecessary. Could it be that Zhang Guilan added it later after earning money?
In this spare time, Zhang Guilan and Li Xue had already looked away, and Sun Mei finally realized, "You can't do well if you don't ask sister-in-law for clothes."

"It's okay, and I'm not an outsider." Zhang Guilan smiled, "Go check it out. I've only made half of breakfast. Let's cook first. You haven't eaten yet, have you? Why don't you eat here."

"Okay." Li Xue felt nothing at all, and she had always heard that Zhang Guilan's cooking was delicious, so she wanted to try it too.

Sun Mei had her first experience, and this time she didn't dare to eat here again, "I don't want it anymore, let's go back to the factory to eat, how can we stay here to eat, it's against the rules."

"The rules are not made by people. If they say we eat here, the factory won't say us." As soon as Sun Mei objected, Li Xue wanted to stay even more.

Zhang Guilan pursed her lips and smiled, "Li Xue is right, you guys are busy first, I will cook."

Of course she knew what Sun Mei was worried about. Zhang Guilan sneered when she thought of making Sun Mei suffer so much last time.

Li Xue dragged Sun Mei in to check, and it was difficult to say anything in front of Luo Ji. In the kitchen, Zhang Guilan made another bowl of noodles, the noodles rolled in the morning, the stewed meat sauce, and more cucumbers The cold dish mixed with vinegar is good to eat with noodles.

By the time Zhang Guilan put the food on the table, the room had also been checked. Seeing that Li Xue really wanted to eat here, Sun Mei hesitated to speak, and only put her worry back when she saw that there were boiled noodles on the table.

"Sister-in-law, Captain Luo's wound is fine, just take care of it for a few days." Li Xue sat down at the table, "It smells good, sister-in-law, then I'm welcome, eat first."

"Eat, I'll bring in the captain's meal." Zhang Guilan brought in the noodles and cold dishes she had picked out, and saw Luo Ji looking at her with a smile, pretending not to know, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Luo Ji didn't say anything, just smiled lightly, took the noodles and ate them.

Zhang Guilan knew that he guessed what she was thinking, so she didn't say much, "I'll eat with them."

got up and went out.

Li Xue has already started to eat the second bowl, "Sister-in-law, the food you cook is really delicious. The taste is different from the ones made by others. You don't know it. When I was in the forest area , Sun Mei also cooked the noodles, and they were all mushy, and we were both hungry in the end."

When Sun Mei heard that she couldn't cook, she frowned and looked at Li Xue.

 I really don’t like to say those words. I read the pirated version outside, and then commented confidently under the article saying that it doesn’t cost money to read. That's right, no matter how rubbish the writing is, you, who read the pirated version, didn't feel confident enough to bully others like this?Is it because I don't write well and people will be jealous and do such superb things after reading it?

(End of this chapter)

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