Chapter 187 Counterattack
Chapter 176: Counterattack
Zhao Xue didn't look at Sun Mei at all, and said to herself, "Sister-in-law, you don't know, don't look at Sun Mei who looks gentle and gentle, but only those who have been in contact with her for a long time will know that she is very manly, and men do it She can do what she can't do, she is strong, everyone in our hospital admires her, saying that if she gets married in the future, she must be the master of the house."

Zhang Guilan raised her eyebrows, "I really didn't see it."

In his heart, he already knew Sun Mei's personality. In his previous life, he could calmly ask Shang Hong to help him and snatch other people's men away. This kind of plan is not something ordinary people can do, especially After the two got married, Zhang Guilan also vaguely knew about Luo Ji's affairs. Sun Mei was in charge of the family affairs. Then push in the direction she expected little by little.

I don't know whether Luo Ji and Sun Mei were happy together in the previous life, but in the eyes of outsiders, the two people's lives are good, and they are a good match. The only shortcoming is that they gave birth to a girl. He said that for family planning, a family can only have one, especially a man's family, let alone violate discipline, and what every family needs is a boy who has passed on the family line. This is the only reason why Sun Mei can't stand upright in the Luo family.

While Zhang Guilan was in a daze, Sun Mei had already teased Zhao Xue on the table, and complained a little, "Okay, those who came here to eat, what are you talking about?"

Zhao Xue blinked her eyes, pure and innocent, "Are you angry? I didn't say anything, besides, my sister-in-law wouldn't laugh at you. See why you're nervous. My sister-in-law thought you hated her."

Sun Mei's face froze.

"Yeah, I really like to hear these things. You don't know. I live in this compound, and I don't often move around. There are not many people I know well, and few people can talk to each other. Today is the first time you are here. When I came to my house, Zhao Xue said these things again, I am very glad that you can treat me as your own. Besides, you will be in the factory from now on, and you will often come to sit at home when you are free." Of course Zhang Guilan wanted to help Zhao Xue speak.

Even if she knew that Zhao Xue exposed Sun Mei's shortcomings like this, she still had to pretend it wasn't the case.

Zhao Xue pursed her lips, "You see, my sister-in-law said it's all right, and she still likes to hear what I say, just because you made yourself so outspoken. When we were in the mountains, Captain Luo was our leader, and now we are in a It’s in the factory. You’re not an outsider, so what can’t you say? Are you shy?”

As she spoke, Zhao Xue touched Sun Mei with her shoulder.

Sun Mei smiled stiffly, "You're talking about my embarrassing things. I'm going to talk about yours."

I was joking.

But Zhang Guilan and Zhao Xue who were present knew in their hearts that Sun Mei was holding back.

Thinking of being treated as a fool all these years and being used all these years, Zhao Xue only felt happy at this moment, how could she let the opportunity go so easily, not for Zhang Guilan, but for herself.

"Sun Mei. In fact, I think it's good for us to get closer to my sister-in-law. Look at the rumors outside, saying how about you running away from Captain Luo. It's not good. As long as we get closer to my sister-in-law, we won't be afraid of rumors from outside. After that, no one will believe it anymore, don’t you think so?” Zhao Xue pretended to be annoyed, “Although we and my sister-in-law don’t care about these things, we can’t make those villains proud, we have to let them see, You and sister-in-law are doing well, like sisters, how can you have anything else with Captain Luo."

"Zhao Xue, don't talk about it." Sun Mei said with a cold face, "That story was originally rumored, I didn't believe it with Ben, and neither did my sister-in-law. Let's do our own thing and let them talk nonsense. , pay attention to what they do, and say that this matter is over, if the factory is really afraid of this, it will not transfer me to the infirmary here, so don’t mention this matter again in the future.”

Sun Mei would not let Zhao Xue's idea succeed, and she wanted to speak in a reasonable manner, so she naturally had to act like she had done nothing wrong.

Zhao Xue hugged her arm with a smile, "You are right, but I think the best way is to get married as soon as possible, those rumors will be self-defeating."

Sun Mei lowered her head shyly, "I'm full, so I'll go first, if you're not full, you can continue eating."

Stand up, say goodbye to Zhang Guilan again, and leave.

Seeing the person leave, the innocence on Zhao Xue's face receded, and her expression turned indifferent.

Without Sun Mei, there is no need to pretend.

Zhang Guilan looked at her amusedly, "Aren't you afraid of being noticed by her if you do this?"

"No way, I have always been a fool in her eyes, how can I have such a scheming." Zhao Xue picked up the chopsticks mockingly, "She can't eat, I must be full."

Then slowly return to her what Sun Mei has done to her over the years.

"Actually, you can live happily." Zhang Guilan advised her.

Zhao Xue picked up the noodles, "Yeah, I'm very happy now."

Hearing what she said, Zhang Guilan didn't say much. After sending Zhao Xue away, Zhang Guilan was called by Luo Ji after clearing the table.

"What's going on with you and Zhao Xue?"

"It's nothing." Zhang Guilan didn't want to tell Luo Ji about Zhao Xue*.

Luo Ji shook his head, "I'm fine now, you can go to the city later, send a telegram to see if your mother is home, and you can't keep showing up for business, don't be delayed because of me."

"It's fine, let Zongyi cook for you from the cafeteria at noon." Zhang Guilan also thought it was time to go and see.

Zhang Guilan changed into the black dress she wore last night, and left with the small cloth bag she made. Before leaving, she went to find Yang Zongyi, said hello to him, and then went to wait for the car.

When they arrived in the city, Zhu Lan was selling goods. Zhang Guilan said hello and went to the factory. Although it was not big, the workers inside had a clear division of labor and were busy in an orderly manner. Now that he's out for business, and the other three people who came with Dongzi have also gone out for business, Zhang Guilan knows that the factory is doing well.

At noon, I went back to the shop with Bai Song, and Zhu Lan cooked all the meals.

"The profit of the factory is very good now, but someone will imitate us soon. Although the production is not as good as ours, but because the selling price is cheap, it has also grabbed some customers." Bai Song has been worried about this for the past few days.

"Brother, don't worry, we are regular, and the quality and hygiene are guaranteed. They don't have to be, and there is no chance of regretting when something happens." Zhang Guilan's eyes are far away after living a hard life. , "And I also want to study some other business."

When they heard that there was a new business, the eyes of Bai Song and his wife lit up, "Tell me quickly."

"I want to make something for women, do you really want to hear it?" Zhang Guilan blinked.

Bai Song looked embarrassed, and Zhu Lan smiled, "Go, go, get busy with your factory, this is my sister's business, so don't meddle in it."

After being told by his daughter-in-law, Bai Song also let go, "It's for business, not something else, look at this lingerie shop, I also accept it, what else?"

"Well, since my eldest brother thinks this way, I think it's not bad. After all, the business will grow bigger and bigger, and my sister-in-law is pregnant again. We can't do it alone." Zhang Guilan said about making sanitary napkins, "... ...So I came up with this idea. I have to find someone with knowledge in this field to study together. So brother, can you go to the Academy of Science and Technology to find some people in this field to study it? If you really want to figure it out Yes, we will give him the shares of the factory."

From the embarrassment after hearing this, Bai Song gradually fell into deep thought, "Well, that's a good idea. I'll inquire about it tomorrow, and I'll call you when I get the letter."

As soon as I mentioned this, I felt inconvenient to contact, "When will you move to the city?"

"I'm afraid it will take a while." Zhang Guilan didn't directly say that he might die.

Sun Mei has already gone to the forest area, how could Luo Ji move away?With Sun Mei's intelligence, it is impossible to do such a thing. Just like in his previous life, although Luo Ji was promoted, he has always lived in the compound and never moved to the city.

"It's better to move here earlier. If the forest area doesn't divide households, when the dividends are paid at the end of this year, I think the money will be enough to buy a house, so I can buy a house in the city." The factory is now profitable, Bai Song spoke confidently.

"I also plan in the same way, brother, my sister-in-law is getting bigger every day, and she can't always live in a small house. Now I have saved some money in this clothing store, and the factory doesn't need to be expanded. You can choose a house first and buy it. , and my sister-in-law settled down first, it’s business.” Zhang Guilan didn’t wait for him to speak and said again, “Don’t talk about saving more money, there is still half a year before the end of the year, and when the dividends are paid at the end of the year, you will repay the money you have taken. Just return it, and Zhou Fuguo won’t say anything, so I’ll tell him when the time comes.”

"Guilan, you don't need to use the money in the factory, even the money in the clothing store is enough." Zhu Lan explained with a smile, "I said to buy it a long time ago, but your elder brother said that you can't take advantage of you, and you have to divide it every month according to the time for you."

While complaining about her own man, "I advised you to tell Guilan first, but you didn't listen. It's all right now, and I have to ask my sister to worry about it."

Bai Song scratched his head in embarrassment, "I originally came here to rely on my sister, so I don't have the nerve to make further progress."

"Brother, I'm your sister." Zhang Guilan shook her head, "Sister-in-law, I'm not in a hurry to use the money here. You don't need to give me the money you earn in the past few months. You can save it to buy a house and let the elder brother go there when he is free." Let's see the house."

"Okay." Zhu Lan readily agreed, and Bai Song didn't say any more.

When I went back in the afternoon, Zhang Guilan went to the market to buy vegetables and meat and brought them home, but when she entered the house, she saw a leader waiting for her at her home, and she was still asking about Luo Ji's work, so she asked if she should move to the city.

This is completely different from her previous life. Zhang Guilan was naturally willing to go to the city, but she didn't respond directly, saying that she wanted to discuss it with Luo Ji. just left.

 Today is not on time at [-] o'clock, let's understand. I was going to Russia, but because I couldn't stop updating, I gave up the opportunity. I am afraid that I will never have the opportunity to go again. I will continue to write, three updates a day, regardless of whether I reward , scold or not, haha, it’s all three o’clock

(End of this chapter)

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