Chapter 188 Argument
Chapter 177: Argument
After sending him away, Yang Zongyi also left with him, and Zhang Guilan told him to come over for dinner.

Zhang Guilan put the things in the refrigerator, washed her hands before entering the room, "Zongyi is staying here for a day?"

Just look at the smoke and cigarette butts in the house.

"Well, I came here with the leader, and I came at noon, and asked me about my transfer, and I accepted." Luo Ji's expression was not good.

If Sun Mei hadn't been transferred, he would definitely not have accepted this matter, but now that Sun Mei is here, if he disagrees, what will become of the rumors, so now that he agrees to go there, he is more or less forced. of.

Zhang Guilan knew he was unhappy, but she was also uncomfortable, "The Sun family is not repaying a favor, it is simply forcing someone. It is really meaningless to be this person, otherwise don't be."

What Zhang Guilan said was also angry. It doesn't mean that you don't want to be inappropriate.

But if they really let their Sun family play around like this, they really can't swallow this breath.

The couple sat together and got angry.

Luo Ji said with a dark face, "Go, you have to work hard."

One day, if he surpasses the Sun family, he doesn't believe that he really can't be fooled. No matter what the Sun family wants to do, they won't make it too obvious. Luo Ji narrowed his eyes, so that he won't be manipulated by others , take advantage of the time to step up and climb up.

In the past, Luo Ji was single-minded in his university entrance exams. He didn't think too much about a career. He only wanted to be a lifetime student. Now, there have been some changes. It turned out that it was not so easy.

Seeing the firmness in his eyes, Zhang Guilan raised the corners of her mouth, "Yes. I have to work hard and try to be a leader or something. I will also be the leader's wife."

Luo Ji smiled and said, "Don't talk nonsense."

Zhang Guilan stuck out her tongue, thinking that this was not nonsense, and it would come true in the near future.But he also changed the subject, "Then shall we move?"

"Move." Luo Ji thought of the Sun family, and Sun Mei who was here now, no matter how reluctant he was to leave the compound, he didn't want to stay here anymore.Besides, there is another reason, "Your business is also in the city, so you can't travel between the two places like this. In the past, conditions did not allow it. Now that you have the opportunity, you can move to the city."

Zhang Guilan breathed a sigh of relief.Started to plan, "Brother and sister-in-law were talking about buying a house during the day today, and they are picking it up. Tomorrow, someone will send a message to the two of us. Let's pick a place to buy. If it is close, there will be someone to take care of you. Don't you spend all day Worried about not having a chance to meet Bai Song? I will live in a courtyard and let you meet every day."

For the new life, Zhang Guilan suddenly full of hope.

Everything is different from the previous life.Does it mean that Sun Mei has no chance?

However, Luo Ji was transferred to work beside Sun Hai, and Zhang Guilan was really uncomfortable.

"It must be arranged by the ministry when we go, and we live in a compound, and the money for the house is quite a lot, so it's better not to buy it yet." Luo Ji didn't want to spend his wife's money all the time.

This made him feel like he couldn't hold his head up. Besides, he didn't like men living off women.

"It's good to arrange a house in the forest area. But it's a public house. It's not our home after all. It doesn't look like a home after moving around like this. Why don't we just buy one." Zhang Guilan has selfish intentions.

No matter how Luo Ji transfers jobs in the future, at least her family won't always move, and she doesn't like living in the compound. There are not many things there, so it's better to stay far away, so that Sun Mei's tricks will be useless, and she can Live her own good life well, and Zhang Guilan has had enough of living in this compound for less than a year.

"It's not that we can live wherever we want. We live in the compound, and it's convenient for us to do anything in the factory. You don't have to worry about it. You can clean up everything at home right now. Let Zongyi tell the superiors tomorrow, and we just wait for the notification." Luo Ji made a decision.

Zhang Guilan was unwilling, "There may not necessarily be vacant houses in the compound. Instead of letting the factory figure out a solution for us, why not solve it ourselves? Isn't this the best of both worlds?"

"You don't like living in the compound?" Luo Ji finally saw it.

Zhang Guilan was annoyed, "I don't like it. You see, I've been with you for half a year, and I haven't been out of the house very much all day, and these things have happened. Now I'm afraid when I hear the word compound."

It's not that I'm afraid, it's that I feel annoying.

Naturally, Zhang Guilan couldn't tell her true feelings.

"In fact, not everyone is like this, and they misunderstood you at first, so they all looked at you with tentative eyes, but now it is different." Luo Ji knew that this would make his wife wronged, but he never wanted to make his wife spend money again. "Everything will be fine when you get to the new place. I know that I have wronged you by letting you marry me, and you don't have a permanent home with me."

Originally, Zhang Guilan wanted to gamble for herself, but when she saw him say that, her heart softened instantly. After all, she was still a little unhappy, "Since you have made your decision, just do as you said."

Seeing his daughter-in-law getting up and going out, Luo Ji moved his mouth, and swallowed the words of comfort. He hated himself for being incompetent at this time, and made his daughter-in-law feel wronged for his own integrity.

The atmosphere between the daughters-in-law had just gotten better, but because of this incident, there was a lot of silence. When Yang Zongyi came to eat at night, he heard Luo Ji's decision, and he seemed to have expected it long ago.

It was because we were going to separate, so he sighed, "It is said that there is no permanent banquet in the world, but if it is really going to be parted, I feel really uncomfortable, okay, you are doing well there, and you will also be a civil servant when you go. You are going to enjoy the blessings, and you don't need to go out to enjoy the wind and sun."

"It's okay if you like you." Luo Ji glanced at him, "Didn't you transfer you there before, didn't you never go? Now you're envious of me."

"Didn't I think it was boring to be alone? But now that you are gone, I can think about it. The mess in the factory is really disliked. Why do you think this person changes so quickly? Li Xuezhang used to What a good person, so simple and honest that people can't find any faults, and he just smiles when he suffers, but you can see that it has only been a few years now, and he has become like this." Yang Zongyi became more and more angry, "I am now I get annoyed when I see him, I used to think he was nice and could say a few words, but now I would rather talk to Wang Wanwan, who loves to curry favor with people, than talk to him."

"Don't make it too obvious. Besides, whoever doesn't think about themselves, we just need to know about this matter." Luo Ji tried to persuade Yang Zongyi, but he couldn't help himself.

"Hmph, I don't need to say more, he already knows that he can't do things that are sorry for his conscience, and he looks guilty when he sees me." Yang Zongyi added a bowl of rice, and suddenly said, "I always eat at your house, the factory I’ll take the rice that I gave me here, and I’ll bring it to your house, anyway, I don’t cook myself, I’ll let it sit there for a long time before attracting bugs.”

"If you can't eat it, bring it." Luo Ji was not polite either.

Yang Zongyi smiled, "From then on, I will have more time to eat, but I didn't expect the superior to talk to you today. It seems that you are leaving soon, and I won't be able to eat a few meals."

Yang Zongyi talked to Luo Ji, Zhang Guilan bowed her head and remained silent. She wondered why Luo Ji was transferred, but Sun Mei came here. This is not like what Sun Mei did, could it be another kind of thing? possible?
Sun Mei came here on purpose, and then transferred Luo Ji away, so that no one would say that she had ulterior motives. What's more, it was Sun Mei's father who transferred Luo Ji away. When everyone heard about it, they would feel This is because the Sun family was afraid of rumors, so they did this. Sun Mei did nothing, but just got transferred, and her reputation was reversed?
If this is the case, Zhang Guilan can really understand why Sun Mei knew that Luo Ji was going to be transferred, but she still wanted to be transferred here, and she sneered in her heart. All will count.

After the meal, Yang Zongyi seemed hesitant to speak, and Luo Ji also looked at him, "What else?"

I didn't say a single meal, and I had to say it until the end. It seems that this matter is quite urgent.

Zhang Guilan immediately thought of something to do with Sun Mei.

Sure enough, as soon as Yang Zongyi opened his mouth, she confirmed her guess, "There are men in the camp, and it is not suitable for Sun Mei and Zhao Xue to live here. Sun Mei and her superiors apply. When you move out, I will move to your house." Come here."

Zhang Guilan's expression sank on the spot, "She knew we would move out a long time ago, so there's no need to tell us about it. This is a house in the factory, and it's up to the ministry to live in it."

"Today, an assistant was assigned to the factory because of the party that night." Seeing that Zhang Guilan was angry, Yang Zongyi hurriedly told her some good news.

Originally, he didn't want to talk about it, but he thought that if he didn't say it now, it would reach her ears through other people's mouths, so he might as well tell her first, so that she would be prepared.

After sending Yang Zongyi off, Zhang Guilan became angry, "Sun Mei is looking at me as a bully, right?"

"What do you want her to do?" Luo Ji's face was also grim, "This is a house in the factory, and we don't have the final say on who will live in it."

"Although it is a house in the factory, I have lived here for more than half a year, and I have already made this place my home." Zhang Guilan's eyes turned red, "You are so wronged, it is better to be wrong."

She even helped her daughter rob someone else's man, is there any reason for that?

Zhang Guilan hates herself for being incompetent, allowing the Sun family to do whatever they want. This is because the Sun family did not take her as a woman from the countryside seriously. Thinking of this, Zhang Guilan felt a burst of hatred, and the hatred in her previous life made her wish After tearing up Sun Mei, he became more and more determined to take revenge on Sun Mei and make her miserable.

"It will be fine." Luo Ji pursed his lips tightly and pulled his wife into his arms.

He is really that kind of person, the more you are like this, the better I want to be, this is probably the kind of strength in the bones of all men, the next day, the news that the Luo family is going to move out spread, the first The two people who came to the Luo family were Jiang Zhi and his wife.

 Continue to write, there is another update before twelve o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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