Chapter 202
Xu Feng was very happy when Sun Mei returned home.

"Look, I told you to stay in the city, but you don't agree. You have to go to the factory or go to the countryside. You can only go home once a week. You've lost weight. Are you not used to the food in the cafeteria?" Xu Feng called After the daughter came in, she kept pulling her to look at her, and said unhappy, "I don't know who you look like, what's going on in your mind, but you must fall in love with the man who married a wife, who is as cold as ice, I really like men, I can't find anything in the forest area, that is, I will help you hide this matter, otherwise it will be heard by your father, and we are both finished."

Sun Mei showed her daughter's mentality when she saw her mother, "Mom, if you don't help me, no one will help me. Who made you my real mother."

Xu Feng was happy to hear this, and nodded her daughter's head, "It's just your sweet talk, forget it, but that Luo Ji is really good, I heard from your father that his indicators are all in the front, and the people who manage his subordinates are also very good." There is a future, otherwise, your father can transfer here if he wants to, and the forest area is not our family. Although your father has some power, but so many eyes are staring at him, how dare you use power for personal gain. You want to marry For this, your father really won't object, or don't say that I dote on you, even if you fancy me, I won't agree."

When Sun Mei heard that her parents liked Luo Ji, she also felt a little shy.

Xu Feng sighed, "Unfortunately, he is married. Only this point, your father will not agree, unless he divorces, but you can also see that he is very nervous. How can his rural wife get divorced?" , good girl, listen to my mother's persuasion, let's forget about it. There are a few good ones in your mother's factory, and mother will arrange for you to have a look first. If you don't like it, talk about it. Also, I remember that Fu Guo has been chasing How about you? How about you? Why don't you think about it. Zhou's family conditions are good, Zhou Fuguo's father seems to be going up again, and Zhou Fuguo's position in the marriage factory is also high. Just fine."

"Mom, can you stop talking about this, what about Zhou Fuguo and the Zhou family is his business, it has nothing to do with me. Besides, Zhou Fuguo and Zhang Guilan are getting closer now. I didn't like it at first, and now I don't want to have any contact with him." "Speaking of Zhou Fuguo, Sun Mei was furious, "From now on I will be me and he will be him, mother, please stop bringing me and him together."

"He used to get along well with Zhang Guilan?" Xu Feng became interested when he heard this, "You haven't heard yet, have you? Zhang Guilan recognized Zhou Fuguo's mother as a godmother. The two families are very close now, like a family." of."

Sun Mei was taken aback.Biting her lip, she said sneeringly, "I have a low family background, so recognizing a godmother can improve my background? If she likes to recognize her, she will recognize her as soon as she likes. She can't have more meat. She has a mother and yet recognizes someone else as her mother. It's really unfilial." .”

"That's right." Xu Feng was still uncomfortable at first.I am so happy to hear my daughter say that. "I have a mother, why call someone else's mother. It's unfilial to follow, and it's vanity."

"Mom, I asked Shang Hong's family and our family to have dinner tonight, and then I went to invite Luo Ji and his wife. They saved me, so I have to invite them to dinner anyway. They are talking about moving into the compound. It’s here, it’s not justified if you don’t invite me, but they saved me, right?”

"Okay, I don't know what you're thinking yet, I know, you go to Luo's house and tell someone, then come back and let's go shopping." Xu Feng arranged.

Sun Mei nodded again and again, went into her room, changed into a white skirt with pink short sleeves and came out, Xu Feng looked at it and nodded, "This is just like a girl, wearing that all day long The suit doesn't smell like a girl at all."

Sun Mei pursed her lips and took the bag out of the house with a smile. She lived in a community, and the house was found out by the family. Without asking, Sun Mei found the Luo family.

Zhang Guilan was drawing new clothes. Luo Ji opened the door. Seeing that it was Sun Mei, she didn't let anyone in, so she asked directly, "Is there something wrong?"

The smile on Sun Mei's face couldn't hold back, "Old Ji, my mother asked you and your sister-in-law to come to my house for dinner at night, and there are also Shang Hong and his wife. Come here at four o'clock, before it's too late."

Seeing Luo Ji's attitude, Sun Mei thought that he would refuse, so after she finished speaking, she turned around and left, not staying a step longer with Moben, and even fled in panic.

Back home, Xu Feng happily waited for her daughter to come back to buy vegetables with him. Seeing her daughter's face was not good, she put down the basket in her hand, "What's wrong? They don't come? If they don't come, they won't come. If they don't come, forget it. What are you doing?" We still have to cling to him, he is from a rural area, what arrogance there is."

Sun Mei shook her head with a pale face, "No, I can't say no, Mom, let's go shopping."

With her daughter like this, how can Xu Feng still think about shopping for vegetables, "Then tell mom what's going on?"

"Luo Ji didn't even let me in." Sun Mei threw herself into her mother's arms and cried.

Xu Feng frowned when he heard this, but immediately thought of something else, "You also know the rumors that are spreading between you, and now you live in a large courtyard, and he didn't let you in because he was afraid of what others would say, you Did you overthink it?"

Sun Mei, who was weeping sadly, paused, "Can you?"

"Why not? He's saying that his wife is still at home. How do you ask him to treat you? He is a serious and upright person. If he really has a wife and still flirts with you, such a person is not worth being with."

Only then did Sun Mei stop crying, and wiped the tears off her face in embarrassment, "That's what I was thinking too much, he is an upright person."

"Yes, an upright person is worthy of our daughter's efforts." Xu Feng didn't like Luo Ji in his heart, but there was no other way for his daughter.

Especially after going to Luo's house last time, Xu Feng had lost face. If Luo Ji could be made his son-in-law, then all the grievances he suffered that day would be recovered.

Sun Mei was happy now, and the mother and daughter went out to buy vegetables together.

At the Luo's house, Luo Ji and Ben didn't take Sun Mei's abnormality seriously, and went back to the house, "Sun Mei is here, her family invited Yang Zongyi and his wife to dinner at night, and asked us to come over too, saying that at four o'clock in the evening .”

"She left before I could speak." Seeing his wife looking at him, Luo Ji explained again.

Zhang Guilan knew that this day would come, "It's good, I don't have to cook at night, and I just don't want to do it."

"Just be happy." Luo Ji saw that his daughter-in-law was not unhappy, so he didn't say anything.

It wasn't until four o'clock in the evening that Zhang Guilan went out wearing cropped trousers and short sleeves, paired with white canvas shoes, which looked very casual and had a special taste. Seeing that his daughter-in-law was so young, Luo Ji felt uncomfortable, and only felt that he was This is an old cow eating young grass, no matter how I look at it, I am not worthy of a wife.

Zhang Guilan saw her man's complexion getting worse and worse, and felt strange, "What's wrong with you?"


"It's not good for me to wear this today?" Apart from these, Zhang Guilan really couldn't think of anything that would make him unhappy.

Zhang Guilan's innocent face, the dazed look made Luo Ji's body tense, and he felt that his daughter-in-law's cuteness made people unable to take his eyes off, so he froze in place.

"What's wrong? Did you forget something?" Zhang Guilan also stopped.

Luo Ji felt more and more that he was not good enough for his wife, and couldn't tell what it was like, "Wife, do you want a child?"

The child was mentioned again.

Zhang Guilan was slightly taken aback, suppressing the panic in her heart, "What's wrong? Why did you suddenly think of this?"

"Isn't it that you are alone every day? I think you are bored yourself, and you can accompany you even if you have a child." Luo Ji dared to say that he was afraid that his wife would dislike him.

Zhang Guilan breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, "It's okay, the child is not what you want, we want it if you have it, let's go, don't make people wait."

"You have taken these two bottles of wine. They are very precious. They were brought back by my elder brother when he went to other places for business." Zhang Guilan changed the subject with a smile.

"Understood." Seeing that the daughter-in-law didn't want to talk about the child, Luo Ji only thought that the daughter-in-law didn't want children yet, and was a little disappointed.

The two went to Sun's house with their concerns. At this time, the three members of the merchant came, and Yang Zongyi was also there. Originally, Yang Zongyi didn't plan to come, but when Shang Hong talked about his mother and Luo Jiye, he came to sit down.

After arriving at Sun's house, he also talked with Sun Hai, and finally heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Luo Jilai.

"Why did you come here?" Yang Zongyi pulled Luo Ji to Sun Hai, "Uncle Sun, this is Luo Ji."

Sun Hai laughed, "Lao Ji reported to the factory, we have met before. Come, Lao Ji, sit beside me."

Sun Hai loves to laugh, even if he laughs loudly.

Zhang Guilan, who was talking to Xu Feng and Shang's mother in the living room, took a extra look, wondering how such a person could do such a thing?
But when I think about Sun Mei again, it’s normal for Sun Hai to be like this on the surface, but the worst thing to say is the human being, one thing on the surface and another thing on the inside, the hardest thing to see through.

Shang Hong was particularly enthusiastic towards Zhang Guilan, "Look, last time at my mother-in-law's place, you drank too much and didn't say a word when I went there. This time I finally met someone, but today you can't Don't drink, it's hard for us to get together yesterday, Sun Mei and I are good friends, now you live in the same hospital, and we will take care of each other in the future."

Zhang Guilan's eyes moved slightly, she came prepared, and she came here for herself, but she said with a smile on her face, "Auntie is here, it's not good for us to drink as juniors, we'd better wait for the next chance, when we arrive Come drink at my house."

If you force me to drink, you are just ignorant and don't take your elders seriously. Zhang Guilan blocked Shang Hong's next words with one sentence, and she couldn't say much about the wine. He gritted his teeth in hatred.

Xu Feng smiled from the side, "It's all right, I'm here to mess with other people, it's my own house, there are not so many rules, you drink yours, don't be polite, otherwise I won't dare to ask you to come to eat at home next time gone."

Sun Mei also said, "No, it's okay, this is at my house, not someone else's.

 Hey, write while watching, slow writing, don't worry, there are still two more changes, today, I will continue to write

(End of this chapter)

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