Chapter 203 Replacement
Does this have to embarrass yourself?
Not an outsider's family, what kind of family is not an outsider's family?She didn't know when she would become a family, and Sun Mei had always wanted to become a family, so she had to see if she could pass this test.

Zhang Guilan said with a smile, "That's all I said, if I evade it to the point of being polite, then I won't bother you today."

"You see you are always so polite." With outsiders around, Xu Feng has been pulling Zhang Guilan to sit next to him and talking enthusiastically. It's not as embarrassing as it happened before, "Lao Ji saved my family Sun Mei, This is something everyone knows, and now the two families live in the same compound, and they need to communicate more, you don’t go to work now, you can come to play at home when you have time, I am also alone, it’s better for you to come and accompany me.”

"Okay." Zhang Guilan replied with a smile and didn't say much.

Mama Shang also thought that Zhang Guilan was pretty good, "Shang Hong, you should learn from Guilan, and see how he lives. Now that you are remarried to Zongyi, you can't be like before, understand?"

"Mom, I got it." Shang Hong was upset when she heard the exaggeration of Guilan, and turned her head to joke with Zhang Guilan, "I heard that your cooking is delicious, but we only cooked the rice, and the dishes haven't been prepared yet. Now, I'm just waiting for you to show off your skills."

"Ah, look at me so late, you should have come earlier." Zhang Guilan didn't move.

She cooks delicious food, but it doesn't mean she is a slave. Let a lot of them treat her as a fool, talk to them for not going to university, and she has to serve them. The more she thinks about Zhang Guilan, the more unhappy she is, but there is a smile on her face sweeter.

After seeing what she said, Zhang Guilan was still sitting still, Shang Hong looked at it with some doubts.Zhang Guilan was not like this before, she could just go and ask someone to cook.Shang Hong couldn't open her mouth either, especially since Yang Zongyi was still sitting beside her.Although people didn't look this way, who knows if they paid attention to this side.

Shang Hong had reached the point where Zhang Guilan hadn't moved, and none of the people present dared to directly ask Zhang Guilan to cook. After all, today is the Sun family's treat, so there is no one who asks guests to cook. If you want to say it directly, then Isn't it bullying and looking down on people?

The scene reached a stalemate.But to get this matter over like this, Xu Feng didn't care, so if Xu Feng, who was the most qualified to speak up to save the situation, didn't speak up, then no one would be able to speak up.

At this time, Sun Hai over there turned his head and shouted at them, "What's the matter? You still don't cook? The guests at home are here, you won't wait for the guests to make a move, will you?"

Sun Hai joked with his wife.

Xu Feng glanced at Zhang Guilan, and stood up, "Didn't I hear that Guilan's cooking is delicious? I said that the chefs in the restaurant can't compare to it. Waiting for her to show her skills."

"Okay, okay, there are no guests who come and ask them to cook. Now I live in a hospital, and there will be more opportunities in the future. Let their children talk, and you women go in and cook." Sun Hai waved his wife directly to cook.

Xu Feng was blocked by her man, her face turned green and red.He also responded with a smile, and Mama Shang took a look.Followed, "Let's go. Let them talk, let's cook."

The man in his family was watching, and Shang's mother couldn't help but think about it.

When Xu Feng and Shang's mother entered, Zhang Guilan smiled embarrassedly, "I'll wait for the next opportunity."

Shang Hong's stomach was full of anger, but she couldn't say a word.

Sun Mei didn't look unhappy at all, and smiled, "Yes, let my mother do it, let's sit and talk."

"Look, staying with you, I almost forgot that you call me sister-in-law on weekdays, and I feel like a girl when I was unmarried again." Zhang Guilan smiled happily.

At this time, Shang Hong said less, until Yang Zongyi glanced back over there, Shang Hong was shocked, compared with dealing with Zhang Guilan, it was more important for her family to win back Yang Zongyi's heart.

"Sister-in-law, I'll be next to you for dinner, I don't know much about drinking, and you have to take care of me then." Shang Hong leaned over.

Zhang Guilan pursed her lips and smiled, "Sister-in-law, look at you. You haven't drunk it yet, so you're confused. You call me brother and sister. Zongyi is older than my family. Before I said that, I just called you sister-in-law." ?”

Embarrassment flashed across Shang Hong's face, "I... I heard Sun Mei call you sister-in-law, so I just let it go, we are the same age."

"Anyway, I'm not an outsider, so I'll just call her by name from now on." Zhang Guilan resolved Shang Hong's embarrassment.

"That's right, let's just call her by her first name in the future, it will look kinder." Sun Mei is more considerate.

As a result, Shang Hong was grateful to Sun Mei, but felt that Zhang Guilan did it on purpose.

It’s like you give someone a dollar every day, but one day you suddenly don’t give it, and he will blame you. On the other hand, if you beat someone every day, and one day you suddenly don’t hit him, he will kneel down gratefully and thank you for thinking of you. Well, it's all the same thing.

No matter what Zhang Guilan did, Shang Hong seemed to have ulterior motives to intentionally hurt people. On the contrary, Sun Mei didn't do anything, and even watched the fun from the sidelines. She didn't notice this, and she was grateful for her words, and Ben didn't notice. Sun Mei's hard work.

Luo Ji has been paying attention to the women's affairs. When he saw his daughter-in-law smiling so happily, the corners of her lips curled up. He also heard Sun Mei's mother say that she asked his daughter-in-law to cook. Seeing her, he resolutely She didn't move, and even quietly hid away, thinking of her cleverness, she couldn't help but feel good.

It was Yang Zongyi who was being dragged to talk all the time, and Ben didn't have time to distract himself from looking at other things, and he was relieved until he had dinner. This was also the reason why he didn't want to come to Sun's house, especially Yang Zongyi didn't like it when his father-in-law was still there. Come, if he didn't know that Luo Ji and his wife were there, he would never have come.

At the dinner table, Sun Hai, as the host, sat with Dad Shang on one side, Yang Zongyi on the other side, and Luo Ji next to him. Naturally, Zhang Guilan was next to Luo Ji. After the previous incident, Shang Hong was afraid that she would talk too much. They hid Zhang Guilan far away, so it was replaced by Xu Feng next to Zhang Guilan, who said he wanted to drink before eating, and Xu Feng naturally would not forget it.

"Guilan, try Auntie's cooking first, and try yours some other day." Xu Feng gave Zhang Guilan two dishes with chopsticks.

Zhang Guilan thanked her, but didn't mention the cooking. Sun Mei handed over the glass, but it was Luo Jixian who took the glass away.

"She doesn't know how to drink. She got drunk all night after taking a sip at Zongyi's house last time. If you want to drink, I'll accompany you to drink for her." Luo Ji was also unambiguous, and raised his head to dry up the wine in the glass He showed the empty glass to Sun Mei without changing his face.

Sun Mei looked at it, feeling a little embarrassed, "Look, since Guilan doesn't know how to drink, forget it, we won't drink."

What is it called to drink with the help of a man.

Sun Mei found a step for herself and still felt her face burning hot, "Pick up the wine I poured, Lao Ji, thank you for saving me, I will toast you."

Looking up, Sun Mei drank all the white wine in the glass, and regained her aura. Luo Ji didn't hesitate, and directly drank his own glass of wine. Before even moving chopsticks, both of them did it .

The atmosphere at the table was a bit strange, Sun Hai also glanced at his daughter and Luo Ji, and then took Dad Shang to drink, "Let them young people make trouble, let's drink ours."

Father Shang naturally wouldn't talk too much. He drank and talked with Sun Hai, and Yang Zongyi also helped Luo Ji carry the wine. At the beginning, he drank it with a cup, and then drank it all in one sip. Xu Feng thought about it at first. Zhang Guilan was embarrassing, and now she saw her daughter couldn't stop her mouthful, and she was toasting with legitimate excuses. Although there was nothing wrong with it on the surface, but if you looked deeper, you could see that there was something wrong here.

Fearing that the man in his own family would find out, Xu Feng pulled Shang Hong beside him and said, "Quick, you drink too, and it's not at someone else's house."

Shang Hong was still guessing what happened to Sun Mei at first, but when she saw Xu Feng winking at her, she didn't have time to think about it, even though she didn't want to, she persuaded Sun Mei beside her.

"I'm happy today. Let's drink enough, but don't drink too much."

"It's okay, I'm happy today, it's rare to have dinner with my parents, and you are all here, don't worry, didn't you see my dad said it? Let us drink ours." Sun Mei drank too much, and she was not as soft as before. Yes, to be bold.

Xu Feng was even more worried when she saw it, "Xiaomei, just have a drink, we'll get together someday, it's not that we won't have time to get together in the future."

"Mom, I'm fine." Sun Mei coquettishly poured herself another glass.

Sun Hai felt that there was nothing wrong, "Let the children drink when they are happy. They all stay in the forest area, and there are many rules on weekdays. Now I don't care about them at home, let them drink."

Yang Zongyi also became dizzy from drinking cup after cup, and it was Zhang Guilan who kept serving food to Luo Ji besides eating by himself, while asking Luo Ji to serve Yang Zongyi. They all drank too much.

And when Xu Feng was supporting her daughter, Sun Mei vomited all over the floor. Xu Feng looked at her daughter who was tossing and hurting, and her heart ached. Seeing Zhang Guilan kill her, her heart was full. Since childhood, when did her daughter be so embarrassed? Pass?She could tell that her daughter was sad because she drank so much wine.

However, Zhang Guilan had already left with her help. The family was in a mess, the living room was in chaos, her daughter was drunk and unconscious, and the man went back to the house to rest, leaving her alone to clean up the mess.

Although Yang Zongyi drank too much, he still helped Zhang Guilan to send Luo Ji back home, and then went back to his mother's house with Shang Hong. When he got home, Yang Zongyi passed out drunk on the bed. Although Shang Hong drank a little, After all, he didn't drink too much. After explaining to Mrs. Yang, he followed him back into the house. Looking at Yang Zongyi lying on the bed, he raised the corners of his lips and unbuttoned his clothes.

After this night, did Yang Zongyi really remarry him?

 Continue to write, I really want to go out for a drink, hehe, it’s a hot day, drink some draft beer
(End of this chapter)

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