Chapter 204
Zhang Guilan from the Luo family looked at the man sleeping like a dead pig on the bed, and the corners of her lips curled up involuntarily. In front of the leader of the Sun family, Luo Ji came out to help her drink, which Zhang Guilan really didn't expect.

It would be a lie to say that he wasn't moved. This man didn't talk much, but he used his actions to tell everyone in the Sun family that he cared about his daughter-in-law, even regardless of gender, as long as he bullied his daughter-in-law, he would take action.

He fetched water, wrung out a towel, wiped Luo Ji's face, hands and feet, pulled off the clothes on his body, covered him with a blanket, and looked at everything at home, Zhang Guilan was full of heart. Although there are not many things, she carefully picked them out one by one. She doesn't know what will happen in the future, but she knows that in her previous life, after Luo Ji and Sun Mei got married, they lived with Sun Mei's parents all the time. a yard.

So if there are no changes, maybe this will be their home in the future, the real home, and they will never move again.

Looking at the drunk man on the bed, Zhang Guilan thought about what he said today, and Zhang Guilan made up her mind to go to the city to see a doctor tomorrow and take a rest early in the evening.

The next day, when Yang Zongyi woke up, he saw Shang Hong who was undressed and scattered clothes all over the place, so he frowned. Then he got up, picked up his clothes and put them on without looking at Shang Hong on the bed. With one glance, he opened the door and went out.

But Shang Hong on the bed couldn't lie down anymore. She woke up a long time ago, or she didn't sleep all night, waiting for Yang Zongyi to wake up. She had thought about how Yang Zongyi would react after waking up, but she didn't expect it. Yang Zongyi didn't say anything, but what she was afraid of was Yang Zongyi not saying anything.I didn't mention this matter, and then the design I designed last night was useless.

Sit up and pick up the clothes one by one and put them on.After folding the quilt again, Shang Hong came out of the room.Seeing Yang Zongyi eating with her mother-in-law, Shang Hong went to the bathroom to wash her face first, and sat down embarrassedly when she came out.

"I drank too much last night, I didn't wake up this morning, Mom, I'm sorry." Shang Hong looked cautious.

Mrs. Yang handed her the porridge, "I'm sorry, why should the whole family be polite?"

Shang Hong looked at Yang Zongyi shyly, seeing that he didn't look at her at all.Biting his lip and lowering his head, he ate slowly. After the meal, Yang Zongyi said he would go back to the factory. Mrs. Yang packed the prepared pickles for Shang Hong to hold, watched the two of them get into the car, and then turned and went home.

In the car, neither of them opened their mouths to speak, and Shang Hong didn't even dare to move. Although he didn't say anything, he clearly felt that Yang Zongyi was angry.Feeling guilty, Shang Hong became more and more impatient.

"I drank too much last night, and I don't know what happened when I got home." Shang Hong laughed.

Yang Zongyi did not speak.

After waiting for a long time, it seemed that the other party did not hear him speak.Shang Hong became more and more uncertain, "I will treat what happened last night as if nothing happened, so don't think too much about it. I won't make me responsible either. Look at how much you have helped me. I am already very grateful. "

"My mother was very happy when she found out that I was remarried. She looked more energetic. Without your help, I still don't know what to do to make my mother happy."

"I used to let my family take care of me, but I never did anything for my parents. Especially now that my mother is sick again, I realize that I am very unfilial. This time, it is thanks to you."

Shang Hong talked on her own, and kept rambling all the way home, but Yang Zongyi didn't say anything. After arriving at the compound, Yang Zongyi said, "You go home first, I have to go to the camp."

"Okay, are you coming back for lunch then?" Shang Hong hurriedly asked before getting out of the car.

"Eat in the cafeteria." Yang Zongyi drove away without even looking at Shang Hong.

Seeing the car entered the camp, and couldn't see it anymore, Shang Hong walked home, but she couldn't relax at all. It's not that she couldn't see what Yang Zongyi meant, it was because she didn't want to remarry with her sincerity, otherwise she would After talking so much, he would not say nothing, Shang Hong bit her lip, hating herself for not having a child early, otherwise today would not be so difficult.

After returning home, looking at the empty house, Shang Hong has never felt so afraid of being alone, and even the place where she could do whatever she wanted before is only a temporary residence now.

In the city, after Zhang Guilan got up in the morning, she made breakfast and put it in the pot, then went out with her bag, and went to find a Chinese medicine doctor by herself early in the morning. According to the places she had visited in her previous life, she searched for nearly an hour before she found it. place.

She was still the old lady she had met in her previous life, but she was much younger than in memory.

After feeling the pulse, the old Chinese doctor shook his head, "The palace is very cold, so you should get married, right? Don't you have any children yet?"

Zhang Guilan nodded, as expected.

But still couldn't help being disappointed.

"Prescribe a few medicines and take them first, adjust them, come back after taking them, and check the situation before refilling the medicines." The old Chinese doctor took the medicines directly and wrote the prescription, "Go home and boil ten bowls of water into one bowl, and boil it every morning. Come out, boil the three times in the morning, noon and evening and drink together."

Zhang Guilan had never taken medicine in her previous life, and now she listened to what she was told. After taking the medicine, she went to Zhu Lan's place to have a look. It was still fashionable in the countryside, and there were people buying goods in the store, and Zhang Guilan didn't have time to talk to her, so she gave Zhu Lan the picture of the painting, and planned to go back.

When Zhu Lan sent Zhang Guilan out, she pulled her with a hesitant look, "I don't know if I'm overthinking something, Mrs. Cheng seems to dislike Liu Xiaolan very much, and after beating Liu Xiaolan into the store, she didn't say anything. Let me tell you, but fortunately Xiaolan has a good temper and doesn't care about it. She laughs every day. You think Mrs. Cheng is older than Xiaolan, and if there is anything she doesn't like, you have to live with it. Everyone spends the whole day You can’t look up and look down, and Xiaolan’s work will not affect her, do you think she is afraid that Xiaolan will take her job? Or think Xiaolan’s job is better than hers?”

"Then sister-in-law should pay more attention." Zhang Guilan could understand.

Especially at work, Sister-in-law Cheng has to count her money by the amount of things she makes every day, but Liu Xiaolan has a fixed salary, regardless of whether she sells clothes or not.

Zhu Lan nodded. Compared with Zhu Lan's worries, Zhang Guilan didn't take it to heart.

"Is this medicine for you? Are you sick?" Only then did Zhu Lan see what she was carrying.

"Take care of yourself, isn't this planning to have a baby?"

"That's business." Zhu Lan was relieved after hearing this, "I discussed with your elder brother about the matter of going to live with you, so let's forget it. We have been looking for a house in the past few days, and we have met someone, let's see Let’s see if we can reduce the price a bit and settle it.”

"Then this is a good thing, how much is it?" Zhang Guilan was also happy for them.

"Twenty-eight thousand." Zhu Lan thought it was a sky-high price when she heard it.

"How much do you want? How big is it?" Although ten thousand yuan households are very common in the city now, it is impossible for anyone to spend so much money at once. There are still more than 5000 bungalows in the city, and most of the buildings are demolished. Those who came back were not likely to have a few who could afford to live in a building.

"It's more than 90 square meters." Zhu Lan resolutely said, "I thought about it, don't people have to have a family and a man in this life? If we do business like this, your elder brother and I can save a house in a few years." The money for the house, besides buying a house is a serious matter, and now I have children, in the future we must not allow the children to be wronged like us."

"Yes, that's right. You can't hurt the child. If the sister-in-law likes it, just buy it."

After saying a few more words, Zhang Guilan left, and looked back at the underwear on the other side of the street, it was just a fake. Seeing that there were not many people there, it could be seen that the business was not very good. I don't know how long Milan can last.

When Zhang Guilan returned home, Luo Ji had eaten breakfast and washed all the dishes and chopsticks. Seeing his wife carrying the medicine, he immediately asked worriedly, "What's going on? What's the disease? Why is it Chinese medicine? There is no Western medicine?"

"It's nothing, it's not for recuperating the body." Zhang Guilan put the medicine into the kitchen, "By the way, I have something to discuss with my brother about the factory, and I will go to my brother's place tomorrow. Are you coming with me or staying at home?"

"I have to go to work tomorrow, and I won't be able to go home until evening." Luo Ji also received a temporary notice when he was having dinner at Sun's house yesterday.

Zhang Guilan was surprised, "Why so fast? Don't you have to rest for a few days?"

"It was also a temporary notification yesterday."

Having said that, Zhang Guilan understands that it is better not to go to the emotional meal, and to drink up the holidays. This is a change of direction to stand out for her girl?
Seeing his daughter-in-law's complexion was bad, Luo Ji hurriedly advised her, "Don't worry, it's just that you have to go to work a few days earlier, and besides, I just transferred here, so I have to get used to it at first."

"That's right." Zhang Guilan had a half-smile, but she hated the Sun family a little bit in her heart.

She hated the members of the Sun family here, and Xu Feng from the Sun family gritted her teeth with hatred when she saw her daughter who was suffering from a splitting headache.

"What do you think you are a girl fighting for wine with a man? Can you compete with others? Fortunately, your father didn't think too much about it, otherwise you will suffer from this." Xu Feng poked her daughter's head, "Look at you, how can you still fight?" You look okay, but you scared me half to death yesterday, you little heartless."

"Mom, my headache is killing me." Sun Mei was in a bad mood and turned her back, "I was fighting with myself, not with others. I blame myself for not being ambitious. Just like Mom said, I Why did Ping wrong himself for Luo Ji? You see, I have done so much, he doesn't even look at me, he only has Zhang Guilan in his eyes, what's so good about that Zhang Guilan? He's so big and round, he looks like a man. But I'm not reconciled, I'm better than her everywhere, so how can she get Luo Ji's attention? It's not fair."

"Unfair? That's someone else's daughter-in-law, what's so unfair?" Xu Feng felt that her daughter changed when she met Luo Ji, "Forget it, I can't persuade you about your matter, you Think about it for yourself."

After saying that, Xu Feng got up and left. It was useless for her to look anxious.

 It's finally complete, I'm dizzy

(End of this chapter)

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