Chapter 205
After eating a meal at Sun's house, Luo Ji went to work early, Zhang Guilan didn't get any good ones, and all the people in the original compound became familiar with her all of a sudden. He didn't get along well with his mother-in-law, believed outside rumors, quarreled with men, and even pointed out that Zhang Guilan went to Sun's house for dinner and filled the table with too many people, but she was not drunk at all.

A woman's capacity for alcohol is so good, it can be seen that she drinks a lot on weekdays and has no job. She stays at home all day and drinks at home every day. Once these rumors spread to Zhang Guilan's ears, she had to believe this woman's The mouth is poisonous, and the matter of chasing rumors can be immediately associated with other places.

Zhang Guilan naturally didn't want to show her displeasure in front of her godmother, and even tried to persuade the angry godmother who wanted to settle accounts with others, "Godmother, calm down, it seems that some people have bad intentions, Just wait for us to be fooled into arguing with others, and then offend everyone in the compound, and let us be independent. We can't be fooled by this, but a few words are neither painful nor itchy, they can do whatever they want Go for it, I don't care anyway."

"So what about being independent? Why can't we live without them? You have a good temper. If I had already slapped you, you would really think we are easy to bully. I think they know you think so, so Only then can we do whatever we want unscrupulously, no, I have to discuss this matter."

"Then who do you ask to argue?" Zhang Guilan held on to the person, "Could it be that you want to stand in the yard and yell at me? We're not shrews, so we can't do that, because of their petty thoughts. The reputation of the dog is even worse, and the dog bites us. We can't learn how the dog bites back."

Besides, if you want to be a bad person, you can't be so bad on the surface. Of course, Zhang Guilan can't say this.She guessed that this incident must have something to do with the Sun family, and she can no longer let others control her like before. Instead of confronting everyone in the compound, it is better to start from the root cause.

The old lady Zhou was so angry that her chest hurt, "Look at everyone, everyone knows that you are my goddaughter, and you dare to say that. You just don't give me face, and don't give our Zhou family face. Lao Ji just arrived in the compound. It’s not good to help you out. You call Fu Guo and ask him to come back immediately and settle this matter, we must not be bullied anymore.”

Zhang Guilan looked at the godmother's posture of getting married, and couldn't help laughing, "Looking at what the godmother said, those who didn't know thought it was going to be a war. I will solve this trivial matter by myself. If you watch it The effect is not good, and it will not be too late to ask the eldest brother to help."

"Do you have an idea?" Mrs. Zhou's eyes lit up when she heard that. "Tell me quickly."

"Godmother, just wait and see. I'll keep it a secret." Zhang Guilan made a fool of herself, and she didn't know what the effect would be.

She is also seeing, seeing a man will save face.

Don't tell her.Mrs. Zhou didn't ask any further questions, but she was obviously in a better mood, "Yes. That's the way it should be. We can't let them think we're afraid."

Zhang Guilan smiled lightly and remained silent.

Appease the godmother.After coming out of Zhou's house, Zhang Guilan wandered around the yard.They were not in a hurry to go home. Many people in the compound were sitting and chatting in twos and threes. When they saw Zhang Guilan whispering from a distance, they knew what they were talking about without even thinking about it.

Zhang Guilan was not in a hurry, she just sat by the flower bed facing the gate of the courtyard, and only when Xu Feng appeared did she stride forward, "Aunt Xu, have you gone shopping?"

Zhang Guilan's voice was loud, and immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the courtyard.

Xu Feng was also taken aback by Zhang Guilan's voice, "Yes."

At the same time, I don't know what Zhang Guilan means?She also heard the rumors in the courtyard, and she vaguely guessed that it might have something to do with her girl, but she didn't want to believe it was true, so she turned a blind eye and didn't ask any more questions. With such enthusiasm, Xu Feng was a little worried, abnormality is a demon.

"When I saw my aunt buying vegetables, I remembered the meal at my aunt's house that day. I agreed to cook a meal for my aunt next time. I was looking for an opportunity, but now I dare not." Zhang Guilan intentionally Tell the story in a big way, so that those who want to know what they are talking about can hear their conversation without paying special attention, or what Zhang Guilan said, "Auntie didn't hear it, right? It was rumored that I drank all the people at the table to the ground. You said that I didn’t drink alcohol that day, and it was still rumored like this. Let me be fair, otherwise I will carry the reputation of this alcoholic for the rest of my life."

Zhang Guilan's affectionate attitude towards Xu Feng, her voice was loud, and she also talked about things related to her own rumors, which made the listeners even more interested, and even looked at her without hesitation.

Xu Feng was stunned. She never expected that Zhang Guilan would use this trick. No wonder the rumors spread like this. She was not in a hurry at all. It turned out that she was waiting for her here, and she was acting like this now, which obviously made people think It was their Sun family who deliberately spread rumors that were not good for Zhang Guilan. Xu Feng was angry and annoyed, but she could only bear it and couldn't explode on the spot.

"Auntie, you said that I didn't drink when I had dinner that day. I don't know how it spread. Now except for Auntie who can explain it to me, I can't find anyone else." Zhang Guilan still pulled Xu Feng to act like a baby, Especially looking at Xu Feng's stiff smiling face, he was in a good mood.

Finally, Xu Feng came to his senses and said with a smile, "Look at you kid, why didn't I hear about the rumors when it spread outside? Don't worry, Auntie will explain this to you."

"I know that Auntie is a warm-hearted person. Although my family's Laoji saved Sun Mei, that's what he should do. Auntie has always taken care of us, especially when we moved to this courtyard. She didn't care about the rumors outside and asked us to go home for dinner. , that is to say, Auntie has a good heart and is a qualified person, otherwise she would have been separated from us a long time ago if she were in someone else’s house, how dare she get involved with her.” Zhang Guilan let go of her hand with a smile, “Auntie still has to cook, Then I won't delay Auntie."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Guilan waved her hand at Xu Feng. Xu Feng couldn't say anything more, so Zhang Guilan forced her to walk away.

When I got home, Xu Feng threw the vegetable basket on the ground angrily, "What, a girl from the countryside is plotting against me, it's really shameless."

Anger turned to anger, but Xu Feng had no other choice, so he cooked the meal in a fit of anger, and when he saw his man came back, he wanted to complain about his grievances, but before he could open his mouth, Sun Hai lost his temper first .

"What's going on? What's going on with the rumors outside?"

Startled by her man's roar, Xu Feng was stunned, "What's wrong?"

"What's the matter?" Sun Hai narrowed his eyes, "Don't tell me you haven't heard of it, I can really hear the words outside, why did people come to our house for a meal, and it was rumored that The reputation of a drunkard has come? In the future, if such a bad reputation spreads, who else would dare to come to our house for dinner?"

Thinking of this, Sun Hai became very angry. As soon as he got out of the car and entered the compound, he heard others talking about his home, and said that his home was scary. Sun Hai had never done anything to offend his conscience in his life, let alone I haven't done anything shameful in secret, how can I feel comfortable now that my home is said to be a dragon's pond and a tiger's den.

Over the years, Xu Feng has never seen her man lose his temper with him, but now he suddenly lost his temper with him, and it was so big, and he was frightened for a while. As soon as he recovered, he heard about The matter of the rumors in the courtyard came to mind again.

"You never only ask about family affairs, why do you suddenly ask this now? Where did you hear about it?" Xu Feng pretended to be stupid.

Sun Hai put his hands behind his back and looked sharply, "Comrade Xu Feng, don't pretend you don't understand here. I don't often ask about family affairs. That's because I trust you, but look at what's going on? That's good." Why do people who don’t drink drink become drunkards? If people really drink alcohol, it’s okay to be misrepresented as such. However, this is talking nonsense with open eyes, so how can outsiders see me? I’ve never seen Sun Hai in my life. I’m sorry. As a matter of conscience, I don't care how this matter spread like this, you will explain it to me immediately."

Xu Feng looked aggrieved, "How did I know it was passed on? I only heard about it when Zhang Guilan came to see me today, and I still feel uncomfortable. You said you would invite them to dinner, but now it's still a good idea." the wicked."

"Look, people are coming to your door, and you are still wronged here. I don't care how I spread the word, and I don't care how you explain it. If you don't understand it, you explain it one by one until everyone knows the truth. Do you understand? You must complete this task." Sun Hai picked up the suit on the sofa, "I'm going down to the forest area, and you should settle the matter before I come back."

"It's late at night, and you don't eat at home, why do you suddenly go to the forest area?" Xu Feng looked anxious.

"The house is like this, why should I stay?" Sun Hai stared, opened the door and left.

Xu Fengdian sat back on the sofa, "What did I do wrong? Everyone blames me."

I was not reconciled, but on the second day, Chufeng explained the matter clearly when he went to various houses to visit, and gave Zhang Guilan a good reputation, but the Sun family was looked down upon by others. Discussing, talking more about Sun's family affairs not doing well, Sun Hai naturally lost his temper after returning home.

It wasn't until Xu Feng cried and promised again and again that Sun Hai's anger subsided, but he took the initiative to apologize to Luo Ji. Hearing that Luo Ji said that Zhang Guilan didn't care at all, he felt more and more uncomfortable. I liked my temperament a little more.

 I will continue to write, and I will stay up late at night to save the manuscript, so I may update it during the day tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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