Chapter 302
Although Liu Xiaolan stopped going to the clothing store, Dong Jianguo found out that she went to work as a manager in the factory. Every month Liu Xiaolan gave Dong's parents ten yuan for living expenses. However, when he first entered the factory, he was dragged out by the security guards in the factory. Dong Jianguo couldn't swallow his anger, so he asked Liu Xiaolan to pick up the child. The old lady looked after the child and did not bow to Dong Jianguo.

Now it is Dong Jianguo who has a headache, and the child has gone to Liu Xiaolan, and now he has no bargaining chips.

In the end, he had the cheek to ask Liu Xiaolan every day to see her son, and made such a fuss that even if Liu Xiaolan was divorced, no one dared to introduce someone to her. If there is such a mess here, who can be the director.

Zhu Lan couldn't see Liu Xiaolan paying Dong Jianguo's parents living expenses.

Zhang Guilan didn't understand either, "Xiao Lan, do you still plan to remarry? I understand that you want to live up to your conscience, but you have to think clearly, they know that you are a woman who wants to work outside, it is impossible Taking care of the child, but agreeing to Dong Jianguo to send the child to you, it can be seen that they are either towards the son, or they hope that you can return to that home. No matter which one it is, it is quite selfish. If this is the case, there is no need for you You gave them money, and you misunderstood them by doing this. You really want to go back. You don’t need us to tell you about these things. You don’t hurt yourself if you keep hesitating like this. The meaning of going back is to let the other party keep pestering me."

"Sister-in-law, I understand what you said. I just remembered that when I was married, his parents treated me like a daughter-in-law. Dong Jianguo had a woman outside. They would rather not have a son than me as a daughter-in-law. Every time I think of this .I just can't bear it."

"You are really confused." Zhu Lan put down the work in hand, "Think about it carefully, they said they don't want their son, then when Dong Jianguo came home. Are they still the same as before? When the son is doing things outside Happened? How could they be willing not to have a son, they knew that the son would always come back to them, you were married in, and if you are not coaxed, you will leave, why don't you understand this. "

Liu Xiaolan was stunned, "I've never thought about it that way before."

"Then think about it now, is this the reason?" Zhu Lan shook her head, her mind was quite shrewd when she was doing business, why did she become numb now?

Zhang Guilan pursed her lips and smiled, "Okay. Sister-in-law, let's not talk about those unpleasant things. I heard people say that Dong Jianguo is going to get married? With Su Miao, the younger sister of Widow Cheng. Really, I still listen to what Widow Cheng said."

In the past, she respected Widow Cheng and called her sister-in-law when talking about people. After those things happened, Zhang Guilan never called her sister-in-law again.

These subtle changes can be felt by everyone.

Zhu Lan sneered, "Both of them are not good people. We haven't been together for long, we just wait and see the excitement. Since we are going to get married, why is Dong Jianguo making such a fuss? Isn't he afraid of Su Miao's anger?"

"You don't understand this. Dong Jianguo is not doing all this for money. You need money to get married. Can he not be in a hurry?"

Zhang Guilan's voice has not yet finished.Zhu Lan was full of praise, "You're right, no wonder you keep changing the law and asking for more money. It's really shameless. I'm going to marry another woman. I don't have any money, and I'm going to blame my ex-wife. Why isn't this kind of person dead?"

The two of them were chatting with each other here, and the fire in Liu Xiaolan's chest also ignited. Earlier, she thought that Dong Jianguo was making trouble with her, and she meant to remarry. Only now did she realize that it turned out that it was to marry another woman, and she did not remarry. After hesitating, she made a decision that the Dong family's money could no longer be given.

Her heartfelt gratitude turned out to be for the sake of her son. If Dong Jianguo hadn't sent the child back later, she wouldn't have believed it would have happened. But when the child was sent back, they knew they couldn't take it with them to work. Son, you still support Dong Jianguo's approach, you are so naive.

Speaking of this, Zhu Lan thought about the little mute again, "It's a good guy, he has money, a house, and craftsmanship, but he can't speak, but why is it so difficult to find a partner? Dongzi and I A few of them said, let them go back to the countryside to find out if there is a poor family who doesn't care about being dumb and can live a good life to find him one."

"If there is such a good girl, she would not marry a dumb person. She would rather marry a poor one. Now it depends on what the little dumb person thinks. I think it would be good to find a divorced person. The other person has flaws. I won’t pick a dumb person who can’t speak, and I can live a long time.” Zhang Guilan is not in a hurry, “Don’t be in a hurry, it’s a fate that hasn’t arrived yet, and when the day comes, there’s nothing to stop it.”

"Yes, I can't even stop it." Zhu Lan nodded vigorously, and didn't think about it any more.

Only then did the two notice Liu Xiaolan who had been silent all this time, and they looked at each other, before Zhang Guilan asked, "Xiaolan, don't think about it if you don't understand it, just do what you want, as long as you feel comfortable in your heart."

"Sister-in-law, I just figured it out, and I realized that I was really stupid before. If you didn't understand me today, I would still be a cow and horse for the Dong family for the rest of my life. After I married into the Dong family, Although the Dong family has been taking care of my dad, it is mostly because of my efforts, and the money is considerable, but the Dong family still grows my family's land, and renting it to other people's family is more than this money. I don’t owe the Dong family. I couldn’t figure it out before. I always thought the Dong family was good and allowed me to take care of my father. Now that I think about it, I’m a fool.

"Thinking about it? Really thinking about it?"

Liu Xiaolan nodded to Zhu Lan, "I won't take the money anymore. I'm afraid Dong Jianguo will come to my place to make trouble again. I won't go back these days. Does sister-in-law know when he and Su Miao will get married? Wait until they get married I'm going home after that."

"If he's that kind of person, even if he's married, he might even bring Su Miao to make trouble. You can't hide like this. Just stay at home, don't give them money, and let them sue wherever they like. Sue." Zhu Lan gave her advice.

Zhang Guilan also felt that it was right to do so. If there is a problem, it must be solved. It cannot be hidden for a lifetime, and sooner or later it will come out to solve it.

"Okay, then I know."

Zhang Guilan and Zhu Lan didn't take this matter seriously. After the meal was ready, they called everyone out to eat. A bunch of people sat together and had a lot of fun. Even the little mute, the men drank a little too much. Zhu Lan and Bai Song wanted to Living in Zhang's house, Zhang Guilan had to go back to cook for her father-in-law, and she and Luo Ji left after dinner, and the table was cleared before they came.

After Liu Xiaolan and Zhu Lan cleaned up, she carried the child home, and the little mute also walked home together. The two families lived not far away, but they were separated by two streets in the same district.

Go to Liu Xiaolan's house first, and then go back to the little dumb's house.

I don’t want to be at the intersection, but I saw Dong Jianguo standing there before turning the corner. When I saw Dong Jianguo here in the first year of junior high school, Liu Xiaolan’s face sank. Thinking of what Zhang Guilan and Zhu Lan said, Liu Xiaolan didn’t hide, and hugged the child to greet him. go forward.

The little mute looked worried and followed.

"It's really a good relationship. I went out for a walk in the first year of junior high school." Seeing the two together, Dong Jianguo sarcastically said in a sour tone.

"Dong Jianguo, it's just in time for you to come. Today I will make my words clear, and you listen carefully. I will not increase the money. From now on, I will not take any money. Now there is no money. You will Don't come to me to pester you, let's go, don't appear in front of me from now on. I divorced you, I will raise the child, and I don't want anything from the house. You still come to pester me now I want money, you can go anywhere to find reason, I'm not afraid of you."

Dong Jianguo prepared a bunch of words before he could say anything, but was speechless when Liu Xiaolan said, and then he uttered, "Are you crazy? How dare you not take a cent?"

"Yes, you don't get a cent. Those are your parents. We are divorced. Why should I support them?" Liu Xiaolan said something even worse, but she didn't say it.

Ten yuan a month, but they saved it for their son to marry, even if it was not enough, they also tacitly agreed that their son came to make trouble with them. They did such a fickle thing, and when they took the money she gave, they would not feel hot ?

"This is what you agreed upon when you divorced. Now you want to go back on your word, Liu Xiaolan. I've never seen such a shameless woman like you, who is so rebellious."

Dong Jianguo didn't pay any attention to the fact that he didn't take any points.

It may be that before Liu Xiaolan just said that he had no money, but without these tough words, Dong Jianguo naturally pestered him with a stern face and was still very tough, but now hearing Liu Xiaolan's words, Dong Jianguo couldn't get tough anymore.

That sentence is very true.

Why should I raise them?
Divorced, there is no need for others to support her. Dong Jianguo always thought that Liu Xiaolan came from the countryside, and her brain is relatively stupid. Remarry by yourself.

In the end, everything I imagined was shattered. The Liu Xiaolan in front of me was no longer the Liu Xiaolan who could only laugh in the countryside. Her eyes were sharp and her temperament was different from before. The photo, compared with the current appearance, is completely two people.

"Shameless? Dong Jianguo, these three words should be used by you. You are the most shameless man I have ever seen. In order to marry other women, you even come to your ex-wife to make a fuss. Marry if you can afford it. Marry Don't marry if you can't afford it, but you are shameless asking your ex-wife for money, who is more shameless compared to the two of us?"

 I’m so sleepy, I’ve been tired for a day, and I’m writing until it’s almost twelve o’clock, girls, please give me some pink tickets, Baba is working hard
(End of this chapter)

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