Chapter 303 Confession
Dong Jianguo was punctured, his face was dull, and he refused to admit it.

"Don't listen to nonsense, why do I want money to marry other women, I spend all my own money, and all your money is spent on my parents, if you don't believe me, you can ask them."

"Of course your parents are towards you, and it's because it's beneficial to you. Dong Jianguo, you asked me to find out my lover at the beginning, so you stopped quarreling with me. Now I have found out the person, but you broke your promise, you Haven't you always been a person who cares about face? Why don't you lose face now? Su Miao knows what you are like, so she doesn't know what to think of you." Liu Xiaolan pursed her lips and smiled, and even handed the child into the little mute's arms, "Look at it , the child never likes to be hugged by strangers, but Xu De hugs him and does it. Have you tried it as a father? The children don’t want to look for you. Look at you as a father. Are you still qualified? But yes, divorced , the child is mine, and you can let the woman you find give birth to you again. But there is a saying that is good, a dog can't change eating shit, I think you are born again, and you have the same virtue."

"Liu Xiaolan, don't talk nonsense. I earn money to support my family all day long. How can I spend time with my child? It's normal for my child to be a stranger to me. The child wants to hug him. It's not because you have been with him all day. Otherwise, why would the child look for him, and Liu Xiaolan, if you really look for a good match, I can't control you, but if you look for a dumb man, don't you look for a disabled person?" Speaking of this, Dong Jianguo insisted "You don't know that people in the village asked me what kind of man you're looking for. shame."

At the beginning, he found out the color of a good friend in Liu Xiaolan, Dong Jianguo couldn't change it under the public opinion, and divorced in anger, and regretted it afterwards, and then found various reasons to bother Liu Xiaolan again and again, until he knew that the good friend was dumb back.Moreover, after knowing that Liu Xiaolan had nothing to do with him and Ben, Dong Jianguo felt at ease. He knew that Liu Xiaolan couldn't do without him, and that the divorce was just a temporary fit.

But half a year has passed.From being elated at the beginning to becoming impatient in the end, could it be that he guessed wrong?However, Su Miao squinted his eyes. After Su Miao accepted him, Dong Jianguo didn't care that Liu Xiaolan didn't plan to remarry him. He was only planning to marry Su Miao.

At this time, the money was insufficient, and all the money earned on weekdays was used to buy delicious food for Su Miao. The family had no savings and owed foreign debts. The only income was the ten yuan Liu Xiaolan gave every month.Only then did Dong Jianguo put his mind on this.

Knowing that the relationship between Liu Xiaolan and the little mute is fake, Dong Jianguo used this to speak out and stab Liu Xiaolan, showing his sense of superiority, with a contemptuous look.Liu Xiaolan wished she could go up and slap him.

"What's wrong with being dumb? At least you don't lie, you live a real life, you don't do or say shameless things."

"That's great, you won't just live like this, will you? I'll come over to accompany the wedding whenever there is a wedding." Dong Jianguo really wanted to see what Liu Xiaolan would do.

The expression on Liu Xiaolan's face paused, and she didn't think of how to return it for a moment.

The little mute stood aside, originally looked down upon by Dong Jianguo.He just kept his head down, and when he heard such words, he raised his head in shock, bit his lower lip tightly, and stared at Dong Jianguo fiercely, with unspeakable anger.

Dong Jianguo stopped asking Liu Xiaolan.Not complacent, "Why? You guys just want to live like this, right? It's not nice to say it."

"Dong Jianguo, has your reputation improved? What happens to us is our business. You don't need to worry about it. You should take care of your own affairs." Liu Xiaolan saw the corner of Dong Jianguo's mouth.Just a moment of nausea, "I've finished what I want to say, don't bother me again, if you still want face."

He pulled the little mute back and was about to leave, but the little mute looked away and followed Liu Xiaolan.

Dong Jianguo sneered, "I'm not worried about your affairs, but let my son be judged by your reputation, then I want to take my son back and raise him."

It was only at this time that Dong Jianguo realized what was important to Liu Xiaolan.

He naturally doesn't care about his son, but he has other plans.

Liu Xiaolan stopped, looked back at him, and smiled coldly, "Dong Jianguo, if you are willing to take your son back, then I am more than happy. When you want to pick up your son, remember to say hello to me in advance so that I can pack my things."

It's too young to threaten yourself with this.

Dong Jianguo was stunned, and then his face darkened instantly, "Liu Xiaolan, you are so cruel, you don't even care about your son, I really misjudged you."

"Dong Jianguo, compared to you, I'm already very good." Without talking to him, Liu Xiaolan walked home with the little mute.

Dong Jianguo could only swear at the back, until he could no longer see anyone, then he stopped, spit, turned and left.

With this incident in mind, when she got home, Liu Xiaolan asked the little mute to sit in the room, poured him a glass of water, and then said, "I'm sorry, but I made you take the blame again."

The little mute shook his head, put down the water glass, and made gestures with his mouth with both hands. Liu Xiaolan smiled and nodded, "You don't care about your own reputation, and you can't always help me take the blame. You are not small anymore. I'm alone again, and it's time to find a daughter-in-law to live a good life. You can't ruin your reputation because of my affairs. When this matter comes, find an opportunity, and I will explain the matter clearly so that everyone will not misunderstand you. "

The little mute waved his hands again and again, pointed at the child, and then pointed outside.

"Don't worry, Dong Jianguo is just like that. If he speaks clearly today, he won't bother me anymore. Although he is thick-skinned, he still needs some face, especially if I say so today, he won't Then do something out of the ordinary." Liu Xiaolan can be sure of this.

The little mute stopped talking, and just when Liu Xiaolan thought he had listened to her opinion, he raised his head again, stared straight at her, and didn't speak, but that look made Liu Xiaolan panic and avoid in a panic.

"It's getting late, and I have to go to Aunt Zhang's for dinner tonight, so you should go home and clean up first." Liu Xiaolan didn't dare to raise her head.

After waiting for a long time without hearing any movement from the other side, she raised her head and saw that the little mute was still staring at her, and finally stretched out her hand to gesture, halfway through seeing it, Liu Xiaolan turned her head away.

"Xu De, stop kidding, I know you want to help me, but no, I can't make you pay for me anymore, I already owe you a lot. When Dong Jianguo sent the child back, I was in a hurry to work , and I couldn’t find anyone to take care of the child, and you helped me take care of the child. I felt very sorry for letting your neighbors point at you. It's even more unfair. Let Dong Jianguo believe it now and let you marry me, how can this work."

Without even thinking about it, Liu Xiaolan directly refused.

This is only one aspect, what makes Liu Xiaolan flustered is the little mute's eyes, such fiery and enthusiastic eyes, which are not looking at her lover at all, Liu Xiaolan panics when she finds out like this.

Although she and the little mute are the same age, they have been married for several years and even have children, and she is a divorced woman, so she is not worthy of him, even if the little mute is disabled, she is not good enough.

Besides, if she was really with the little mute, she would be drowned by the spittle stars outside, and the old clam Hanzhu didn't know what to say.

The little mute got up and walked in front of Liu Xiaolan, turned around her body, looked at each other, the little mute didn't speak, just looked straight at Liu Xiaolan, Liu Xiaolan bit her lower lip, obviously the little mute could see that she was running away, Even he just pretended to be stupid and saw it.

Putting myself against him like this now, the meaning couldn't be more obvious, it's not letting myself escape.

"Xu De, don't be like this. I don't know why you like me. Maybe it's because you have been in contact with other women so much that you will feel that way. After you get in touch with other women, you will find that I am actually very ordinary. It's not worthy of your liking. There will be better people worthy of your liking. I am a divorced woman. I never thought about finding someone to marry again on the day of divorce. You are a young man. We are not suitable for each other. Let's go. "Liu Xiaolan expressed her true thoughts.

The little mute only looked at Liu Xiaolan, his face was full of loss and pain, and finally left dejectedly.

Liu Xiaolan let out a sigh of relief, and sat on the bed in a daze. She never thought that things would turn out like this. She only hoped that after this time, she and the little mute could still be normal friends like before.

When I went to Zhang's house for dinner in the evening, the little mute arrived early. Seeing that it was no different from usual, Liu Xiaolan breathed a sigh of relief, and followed Zhang Guilan and Zhu Lan to learn the afternoon's affairs.

Zhang Guilan is becoming more and more optimistic about Liu Xiaolan, and she also understands in her heart that sometimes this is how a strong woman comes out step by step. Being tough is not because she wants to be strong, but because she is forced.

Zhu Lan also yelled, pulling Liu Xiaolan to say what to do if Dong Jianguo came back in the future, and gave her ideas, but Zhang Guilan saw that Liu Xiaolan was absent-minded, and she only thought it was because she had made a decision, and didn't think much about it.

In the evening, old man Luo also came to Zhang's house for dinner.

Looking at the Zhang family's house and the things inside, I felt envious. If I hadn't divorced, Xu would have moved to the city in the same way. Now it's me, and I feel embarrassed to open my mouth if I have such thoughts. Fortunately, my uncle asked me to give him Keep an eye on the factory, so that you can come to the city.

In the evening, the Zhang family had a big table again, even Zhou Fuguo and Tian Xiaoyue came, and Yang Zongyi also came, but seeing Yang Zongyi's face was not very good, after the meal Luo Ji, Zhou Fuguo, and Yang Zongyi came After going out, the three of them went to find a place to talk.

The Zhang family is so lively, and the Tong family is also very lively. There is Ruan Chizhong who will come to something, so no one should feel embarrassed.

 Woke up early in the morning and wrote a chapter, I hope I have time to write it during the day, my baby is watching animation

(End of this chapter)

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