Chapter 318 Alertness
Sun Mei's abnormality and absent-mindedness caught Xu Hu's attention.

After lying down at night, Xu Hu tentatively asked, "Did something happen in the hospital? Or something happened at your mother's house?"

After Zhao Xue's incident was revealed, Sun Mei's life has not been easy. First, she was instructed by colleagues around her and pressured by the hospital, then accused by her mother-in-law and questioned by Xu Hu. She lived in dire straits every day.

Fortunately, Xu Hu is still looking towards her to make her life easier. Unexpectedly, this matter has not survived, and something happened. When facing Xu Hu's concern, Sun Mei only felt guilty.

"'s nothing, it's just that there are too many things these days, and I'm a little troubled thinking about it."

Seeing her needs, Xu Hu didn't believe this even more, "If there is anything you can't solve, just tell me, we are husband and wife, do you understand? You can tell me about any difficulties you encounter, and I can do my best I don’t want you to treat me as a stranger like you are now, and keep everything in your heart. If you told Shang Hong about Zhao Xue, learn from me, at least I will help you If you come up with an idea, it won't cause today's situation. I don't mean to blame you, but I just hope to help you share the burden."

After finishing speaking, Xu Hu looked at her very seriously, hoping that his words would make her understand her good intentions, but Xu Hu was disappointed when he saw the silent daughter-in-law who bowed her head.

Without asking any more questions, he turned over and went to sleep.

However, Sun Mei suffered from insomnia, and did not dare to move until she heard snoring behind her. No matter how she lay down, she felt uncomfortable, and finally sat up. A large part of the reason why she was able to marry Xu Hu so quickly in the first place was to prove to Luo Ji Look, I can find someone with a good family background and a high position, but doing this has brought about negative effects. She doesn't love Xu Hu, even though Xu Hu treats her very well.He is a good husband again, and he defends himself in front of his family. It has been nearly a year, and his stomach has not moved.Facing her mother-in-law's accusation, Xu Hu's kindness was worthless to Sun Mei.

So in the face of Xu Hu's tenderness and consideration, Sun Mei didn't react at all. In addition to this kind of incident, her body and mind had no time to think about the relationship between husband and wife with Xu Hu.

Sun Mei bit her lip, thinking about the intuition of the past two days, it must not be her overthinking, and there must be someone staring at her from behind.Who sent it?Thinking of Luo Jihan's cold eyes in the hospital, could it really be him?
Such speculation made Sun Mei's heart more and more agitated, why should she treat her like this?Does he not know how many years he has secretly loved him?How could he be so cruel to her?What's so good about that Zhang Guilan?

It is useless to hate the teeth so much that they can't be crushed.

By the moonlight, I have adapted to the darkness in the light.Xu Hu could clearly see the ferocious expression on his daughter-in-law's face, and slowly closed his eyes. Although he didn't know what happened, but the woman who had always been gentle in his impression had such a vicious expression, he was so disappointed that he couldn't tell from the bottom of his heart. .

Sun Mei didn't know that Xu Hu wasn't asleep, and even had a panoramic view of the cruelty she had unconsciously revealed.When I woke up the next morning, I was a little surprised to find that I was the only one in the room. After being married for so long, Sun Mei couldn't get up early together, so it was Xu Hu who called her when he came together. This was the first time he didn't call her.

When I folded the quilt and left the house.The three members of the Xu family are eating breakfast.

When Xu's mother saw Sun Mei come out, she didn't show any smile on her face.

It was Father Xu who asked Sun Mei to wash her face and eat.

When Sun Mei washed her face and came out to sit down, she couldn't help but take another look at Xu Hu, wondering if she was angry because she didn't say anything last night?It's not like that either.It was the same before, and I didn't see him getting angry.

Sun Mei didn't care if she was angry or not, she picked up the steamed bun and ate it.

Mother Xu cleared her throat, "Sun Mei, you haven't moved yet, I think it's better to take a leave of absence and you two go to Beijing to check it out, it's the capital after all."

The moment she heard her mother-in-law clear her throat, Sun Mei knew that nothing good was going to happen, so she came here again.

The steamed buns in his mouth turned into pancakes, and when he swallowed, he choked in his throat, and his chest was filled with panic, so he said unhurriedly, "Mom, the hospital is busy right now. Bar."

What happened to Zhao Xue, she is already excluded now, and she must be unhappy at the hospital for leave, and she might not be able to keep her job by then.

"If you want me to say that our family is not short of your salary at work, you and Xu Hu have been married for so long and there is no movement, so you simply stopped working and devoted yourself to conceiving at home. Our Xu family has a small population, and you are not young. I can't wait any longer."

Seeing that Sun Mei didn't speak.

Mrs. Xu looked at her son, "Xu Hu, what do you think?"

The son has always protected this daughter-in-law, and Mrs. Xu didn't say anything, but the Zhou family who got married later has all, and there is no movement in her own house, so Mrs. Xu can't stand it anymore.

"Mom, it's better to let nature take its course." As soon as Xu Hu's words came out, everyone at the table was stunned.

Not to mention, before Xu Hu was the most anxious to have a child, as long as Xu's mother mentioned something about the child, he would definitely agree, but today he suddenly said let it be, Xu's mother could not believe what she heard.

After glancing at her son and then at Sun Mei, Mother Xu didn't say any more.

After the meal, Sun Mei was asked to clean up the table before Mother Xu dragged her son into her bedroom to talk.

"Did you quarrel?" The son suddenly became abnormal, and Xu's mother could only think of this, "Why? Although Mom doesn't like Sun Mei on weekdays, she also hopes that you will live a good life, so if you can't move forward in anything, don't move forward Hurry up, you have to live a better life, if there is any conflict, you have to talk about it, but you can't hold it in your heart, otherwise the conflict will become bigger and bigger, and the husband and wife will become more and more distant, you know? "

Before her son could open her mouth, Mother Xu said a lot, "I don't like Sun Mei's usual behavior, but now she is married to our family. I tell her at home, but she still has to protect her outside. Our family can't do that." Like the old Yang family, they ended up getting divorced and remarried in a fake way, making both families look ugly, do you understand?"

The Yang family that Mrs. Xu was talking about was referring to Yang Zongyi and Shang Hong. The two were divorced and then cheated by Shang Hong into a fake remarriage. She said it by herself, causing herself to be blamed by everyone. In order to retaliate, Sun Mei also played a trick against Shang Hong, which made Shang Hong feel ashamed to face others in the compound.

Shang Hong and Sun Mei also tore their faces apart, they were like enemies.

Just waiting for the opportunity to bite each other hard again.

"Mom, don't worry, we didn't quarrel. I just heard other people talk about the child. It's because you are more anxious and you don't have it. When you are not in a hurry, it will come instead. So I think it's better to let this matter go. I don't know. I'll be pregnant someday." Xu Hu Suibian took a word that others usually persuaded him as an excuse.

How could he tell his mother that it might be better not to have children because of his disappointment with Sun Mei, and if they separated someday, there would be no involvement.

After listening to her son's words, Xu's mother was relieved, "Okay, it's fine if you don't quarrel. Since you think so, mom won't persuade you much. You are right. The more anxious the child is, the less likely he will come. You guys are also seeing that other people are pregnant with grandchildren. Aren’t you anxious? I heard that the Luo family is pregnant with twins. Although people have to raise their fetuses in the hospital until they are born, that is also a blessing. If there is no accumulated blessing, how can you Pregnant with two children, now family planning, you are men, you can't violate the principle, the family is very good, and having two does not violate the principle."

Xu Hu asked suspiciously, "Is Zhang Guilan hospitalized?"

"That's right, isn't it the forest district hospital where your daughter-in-law and the others live? You should know about Luo Ji's being reported. There was a lot of discussion in the compound, and he was released, saying that he was framed. But now that he is suspended for observation, his daughter-in-law was brought in for questioning, and the childbirth happened."

Xu Hu couldn't listen to the other words, and his mind was spinning quickly. The abnormality of his wife finally knew where the problem was, and it was related to the Luo family again. find.

"Son, what's the matter?" Seeing the cruel look on his son's face, Mother Xu worriedly pulled him and asked.

Xu Hu's body froze, and he said stiffly, "Mom, it's okay, I'm going to the forest area."

People turn around and stride away.

Xu's mother yelled twice but didn't respond, she chased to the living room, she had already left the house, and seeing her man came over, Xu's mother didn't chase and shout.

"What's wrong?" Father Xu never cared about family affairs.

It was about his son, so he had to ask.

"It's okay, I'm in a hurry to go to the forest area." Mama Xu explained carelessly.

The son's anomaly was all related to Sun Mei, and the excitement just now was due to the Luo family. Thinking about the rumors heard before, the matter between Sun Mei and Luo Ji, could it be this?

Xu's mother glanced suspiciously at Sun Mei in the kitchen, and went back to the bedroom. She had better think about it by herself, otherwise, wouldn't the Xu family really become a laughing stock?
Xu's mother was worried at home. After Xu Hu went out, he walked in big strides, and slowly calmed down. Thinking of his daughter-in-law's appearance, she was obviously thinking about it. There are also things I don't know.

After arriving in the forest area, Xu Hu began to investigate Luo Ji's matter. When he heard that Luo Ji had an accident, Xu Hu didn't think about it at all, but after investigating, he found that there were too many loopholes in it. They went to Luo Ji, saying that he was using power for personal gain, but Luo Ji had nothing to gain power except for training newcomers, but someone just gave him a gift and then reported it, so obvious, I believe everyone can see it , and his family, his father was also deceived, and it can be seen that the man just wanted to make something happen to the Luo family, so that Luo Jiwu would not have a chance to stand up.

 I want a ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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