Chapter 319
Xu Hu became more and more frightened as he read about the affairs of the Luo family.

He didn't know why after seeing this, he would suddenly think of his daughter-in-law to calm down his flustered mood. After Xu Hu finished his work in the morning, he asked for leave in the afternoon and went to the hospital at noon.

He suddenly appeared in the hospital, and Sun Mei was startled when she saw him, "What happened at home?"

"No, I have something to ask you." Xu Hu took out a cigarette, "Let's talk outside."

Turning around and walking sideways, it was lit, and people walked out of the hospital hall.

Sun Mei thought that Xu Hu talked to her like this last time, and her heart sank. The two walked to the bench, neither of them said anything, and just sat quietly until Xu Hu smoked a cigarette. Squeezed out the cigarette butt before speaking.

"Does the matter of the Luo family have anything to do with you?"

As soon as the words came out, Sun Mei's brain exploded with a bang, she stared at Xu Hu with wide eyes, told herself not to panic, and tried her best to make her voice sound calm, "What are you talking about? Can't understand?"

"An accident happened to the Luo family, and Zhang Guilan lives in your hospital. How dare you say that you don't know? Even if you don't know what happened to the Luo family, you should know that Zhang Guilan is hospitalized. You don't know that she is in your hospital?"

Facing Xu Hu's aggressiveness, Sun Mei insisted, "I should have known that Zhang Guilan was hospitalized. When it was delivered that day, I happened to see it and said a few words to Luo Jizhou Fuguo and the others. What's the matter?"

"Well, I won't ask any more questions. I just want to ask if the Luo family's affairs have anything to do with you?" Xu Hu stared at her without moving his eyes.

Facing such a direct question, Sun Mei almost jumped out of her heart, "What are you talking about? How could their family matter have something to do with me? Besides, what happened to his family? I have been busy with the hospital for a while. Things, I don’t have time to go back to my mother, how do I know what happened to Luo’s family, I only know that Zhang Guilan was hospitalized, and then I went to see it, and I thought about going to see it today, but you suddenly came to the hospital. Just ask me these things The inexplicable words, Xu Hu, what do you mean? If you listen to the comments outside, and what do you think of me? You can say it directly, or you can divorce, there is not even a little trust between the two It's meaningless to be together."

Looking at the daughter-in-law who was clamoring angrily, Xu Hu was not in a hurry, and said in a deep voice, "Sun Mei, since you are so angry, you are so sure that it has nothing to do with you, that's good. I believe you, but you have to remember, today After I asked you, if there is a relationship with you one day, it is impossible for you to ask me to forgive you at that time. You said that I don’t believe you. After the two of us got married, what did you do? I only ordered you One sentence, I didn't ask you, I think you should know how I feel about you, you have a bad relationship with my mother, and you also mediate between me, and most of them are on your side. How did I do? You should see the same, but you didn't ask for a divorce because I asked you, have you ever been responsible for our marriage?"

"Xu Hu, you said I was irresponsible, but look at what you just asked? What does the Luo family's accident have to do with me? You obviously don't believe me. Any woman would not be able to bear it."

Facing Sun Mei's strong argument, Xu Hu turned cold, "I don't know if the Luo family has anything to do with you this time, so I'm here to ask you, but it was with you last time. If I don't have a criminal record, I won't say much Question. What happened to the Luo family this time is not a trivial matter. It has already alarmed the higher-ups. This is an obvious frame-up incident. Do you know how big a crime it is to frame a man? If I don’t care about you, you think I will ask you We are husband and wife, I don't want you to have an accident, is there something wrong? Right now, the higher ups are cooperating with all their strength. When someone catches Ruan Chizhong, things will come to light. Since I was wrong, I apologize to you. "

When the words moved, Xu Hu stood up and wanted to leave.

Sun Mei bit her lip and called him back, "Xu Hu, don't be angry, I was also angry, and I got angry with you. I really don't want to have anything to do with the Luo family, so I will only ask you to ask me." So excited, if I hurt you, I apologize to you."

Seeing the person going away, she paused, and strode away without stopping. Sun Mei leaned back in the chair weakly. How could it be like this?It's all the fault of that trash in Ruan Chi, who clearly agreed to wait for Luo Ji to help others before picking out the matter, but he couldn't help but make money, and the scams everywhere revealed the matter early, so that people can see it at a glance It was not a frame-up, and now he still has the face to find himself a place to hide for him, it's really hateful.

If it wasn't for the fear that he would stab me out, I wouldn't care if he had a place to hide. In the past few days, I faintly felt that someone was following me, and Sun Mei didn't dare to visit Ruan Chizhong. She became anxious and didn't know if Ruan Chizhong would The dog jumped over the wall and ran out in a hurry. If he was caught that way, it would really be over.

The more she thought about it, the more Sun Mei couldn't calm down. The little nurse who was looking for her called her several times before Sun Mei came back to her senses and stared blankly at the little nurse.

"Sun Hospital, a patient is looking for you."

"Okay, I'll go right away." After hearing Sun Mei's answer, the little nurse left.

Sun Mei took a deep breath, and before she got up, she heard someone calling herself behind her, and she turned around to see a man she didn't know, looking at him strangely, "Who are you?"

"This is the note that Ruan Chizhong asked me to give you." Without further ado, the man handed the note to Sun Mei, turned around and left.

Sun Mei froze for a moment, then tightly held the note in her hand, looked around, and opened the note when there was no one around, and there was only one sentence on it: Come and see me soon.

Seeing this, Sun Mei rolled her eyes angrily, dizzy and sat back in the chair.

What a Ruan Chizhong, he dared to let himself go to see him quickly, and he didn't think about the situation now, with so much money in his hand, why would he want to see him?Not sure what to ask for.

Angrily tearing up the note, Sun Mei left.

Sun Mei's life is difficult, and Luo Haiying's life is even more difficult.

After living in Tong's house, she has to cook for her mother every day and pay for it herself. If this continues, the 500 yuan in her hand will not last long. Luo Haiying wants to find Ruan Chizhong again, so she goes out all over the street during the day It was only at this time that she realized that she knew too little about Ruan Chizhong. She had never met his friends, and only followed Ruan Chizhong back to the village. It was useless even if she went to that village now. Back to that village.

Now there is really nothing to do. After walking for a day, she doesn't want to move at all when she returns home. There is no hope for such a day. If she is not filled with hatred, she will not want to live long ago if she wants to find Ruan Chizhong.

"Mom, big brother doesn't want you, you are his mother after all, he can't drive you out even if you go, now Zhang Guilan is hospitalized, you go and care about it, no one can say anything, it's a good show, she can't drive you out It's not an option to let mother rely on herself like this, Luo Haiying has an idea.

"Hmph, why should I give them a face? If I don't go, he will have to support me. Is it possible that I still don't recognize my father?" Guo Ying thought about it for two days, and she thought about it, and she was not afraid at all.

Luo Haiying couldn't help but think of other ways.

In the hospital, Bai Song and his wife, the mute, Liu Xiaolan, and the widow Cheng, Zhang Guilan was quite surprised when she saw the widow Cheng, and asked them to sit down. It was almost noon when they arrived, and they couldn't To make people hungry, they asked the old couple of the Zhang family to take everyone out for dinner, and Luo Ji stayed with Zhang Guilan.

Widow Cheng was very embarrassed. She only took fifty eggs, and she still had to wait for a meal. She said, "There is only one employee in the store. I'd better go back and not eat with you."

"Sister-in-law is being polite, it's not too late for this meal, let's go." Zhu Lan pulled the widow and refused to let her go.

"Yeah, sister-in-law, don't be too polite. You come to see me, why don't you have a meal here." Zhang Guilan also spoke, but didn't dare to make a big move, "I can't eat, otherwise I will tell you Let's go together."

"Yeah, let's go." Liu Xiaolan didn't have a good face when she saw Widow Cheng. For the Luo family, she couldn't show her face to Widow Cheng. At this time.

Only then did Widow Cheng nod shyly, everyone in the house had left, and Zhang Guilan breathed a sigh of relief, "This person is gone, tell Mom and the others tomorrow, don't run here all day, come over at noon and night Just eat, otherwise the hospital won't be willing to make such a fuss."

"Didn't you just live here? Everyone found out and came to see you, which means that you are popular. Otherwise, there would be so many people coming to see you. Fu Guo and his wife have gone back, otherwise there would be no room in this room. "Luo Ji joked, "Fortunately, the country compound doesn't know, otherwise you will suffer."

Thinking of Wang Li's temper, Zhang Guilan twitched the corners of her mouth, looked behind her, and raised her chin, "Look, how careless it is."

Luo Ji turned his head in doubt, and smiled when he saw the people squeezing in from the door, "I just talked about you, and people came."

It was the Wang and Song families who came, but they didn't bring their children, and it was adults who came.

"Something happened to you, why don't we come and take a look." Zhao Chunmei held the eggs in her hand, "The situation at home is like that, we can only afford eggs, and my sister-in-law is not a picky person, so we dare to bring them .”

Wang Li and Wang Li carried a basket of eggs, and they arrived at the bedside.

Luo Ji went out to talk with Wang Wanwan and Song Weidong, leaving the house for the women.

The topic of the women revolved around the twins, so the atmosphere was naturally good. Under the bench outside the hospital, the atmosphere of the men was not so good. It can be said to be very strong. After the three of them sat down, none of them opened their mouths and smoked.

"Xuezhang went back and told us what happened to you, otherwise we would never know." Song Weidong spoke first, "Looking at him, he seems to have changed a lot."

 Continue to write, start writing after three o'clock in the afternoon, and sit until now, hey

(End of this chapter)

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